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Welcome to Toria's This n That

Glad you could stop by. Make yourself comfortable.
My name is Toria and I like to play around in psp and make things for
others. I am just getting this page up so please bear with me. Everything I bring
to this site will be free and for your own use however you wish to use my things.
I am planning on making desktop calendars, blinkies and stationery. Al my stationrey will
be in eml format.
Most of my graphics will be things I have purchased on the internet on some of the most neatest
sites ever. There will be links at the bottom of this page so that you can go visit these sites and
check out all their goodies they offer.
The graphics I am using on this page come from Graphic Garden, a beautiful site I go to allot.

So now on to the goodies.

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