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The Unity of Spirituality and Massage

In my opinion, massage therapy - and any other kind of work in healing - is very closely entwined with spirituality. Although people have different concepts of spirituality, my belief is that doing what's right for God is the number one reason I am here, and I want to help God in whatever way He permits me.

The ultimate goal in my life is to love all unconditionally. I feel that when I work on people, I do my work with Love, for I know I am doing God's work for Him...or He is doing His work through me. When massaging, I always pray that I may help this person that came to me for help in whatever way they need through God's love and my knowledge.

Sometimes I feel that this approach is quite easy, like the times when I'm praying to God throughout my work on His children and can strongly feel Him almost moving my hands. At other times, I find it quite hard to feel the love and strength that God wants me to feel, although I don't let that stop me because I know it is my failure to hear, not His failure to guide. I know it takes time and continuing practice to feel God's presence on a daily basis while working or at rest. I do know that He is with us all, and that there is good in everyone, as we all are a part of Him and His love. When I massage, I know that I am doing God's "work" on a person He created and loves.

I am here on this earth, willing to be guided in whatever path God finds suitable for me; to live my life for Him. I can't really put my finger on why I chose massage as a way to help people for God. I just know that He is my primary concern in life. To please God and do what is right makes me feel good and fills me with His love.

I really work on hearing or feeling what God wants me to accomplish. I know that praying before a massage and throughout the work will help tremendously in making changes for the person I am working with, whether that be physical, mental, or both. It is not for me to know really what this person deeply needs, but I crave to help.

I know that God wants me doing this work, and to put my knowledge to work. I feel that God gave me this opportunity to learn massage, and for that reason I know that I am working for Him.

I pray for God to help the people I lay my hands on in whatever way they need, through this moment in their time with me, while I do the work that He calls me to do. Some people might not quite know what God wants of them, and there are times that I feel this very human doubt in my mind too, but emotionally, in my heart, I always know He will lead me. I do feel that there is a place for us all, and that if we ask and really believe, God will guide us, we can all do good for God.

I know that if I can bring relief to someone, then I am doing what's right. God is my guide. If it wasn’t for my faith in Him, I would not know what path is needed from me. Yes, we all have freedom of choice, but I believe that if what we aim for is not going smoothly, then maybe God wants us doing something else. Of course you have to give it all you have, and keep asking for God's guidance.

In my eyes, this schooling in massage is not an accident. I was ready and prayed much to know what God wanted me to do. If it isn't the path that God really needed me to be on, then I feel that it would have been very hard and almost impossible for me to come this far.

I know that God wants His people to help others, and above all love one another unconditionally, even ourselves. Massage is one way of helping God to heal those that come to us. He is my guide, my strength, and my knowledge. I know that God helps us all if we help ourselves.

Just like studying: I can pray for God to give me the understanding and knowledge to help me learn what I am needed to learn. He gives me guidance in all that I need to know for doing his work, helping others. But beyond that, I am aware of his immediate help: He lets me know that He cannot help me if I do not pick up the book and study.

The saying, God helps those who help themselves, has a very powerful meaning and is true for me. Yes, massage and spirituality work hand in hand. I wouldn’t know what to do without God's help. He guides me through every massage I do for him.

God is my life; massage is my work.... for Him.

Darby lee Schlomer Feb, 2001


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Sister Rosalind's School of Therapeutic Massage

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