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Letter of Intent

Furthering my education is very important, as well as choosing the right profession and the right school for me. I take my education very seriously, and have chosen the field of massage therapy after careful consideration.

I know that learning the skill of massage is very important in my personal plans for the future, which were developed far in advance of actual enrollment in Sister Rosalind Gefre’s School of Professional Message.

My desire has long been to be of service to others, and providing therapeutic benefit in this unique way suits me. There is no doubt in my mind that massage therapy is a very beneficial tool in the health profession. The unique way massage brings the body into balance, the muscle, skeletal, and nervous system all working together in harmony, is amazing. I want to use this method to benefit the emotional, physical, and emotional aspect of people’s lives. I know balance is very important for living healthy and positive, and, with training, I can help people achieve this balance.

I have been exposed to the field of massage therapy by a close friend who had both managed her own clientele, as well as worked in an established sports medicine center. She discovered my natural ability and interest, and taught me a few basics when I asked. I felt very comfortable and natural learning all she could teach me, and decided that I wanted to do the same healing work.

Being able to learn professional massage has had my attention for many years. Being friends with a massage therapist, I have seen how effective massage really can be. I learned a bit about massage from my friend, as well as thru a Swedish massage course. After completing the Swedish course, I continued to practice by doing massage on strangers, friends, and family. I also have the anatomy coloring book and a medical terminology book to continue learning in-between the schooling. While getting massages, I ask questions and observe what the therapist is doing.

I know the foundation for my own success has to be an intense education which would enhance my natural talents. Learning about anatomy and the way the human body works has always been a marvelous wonder to me. So, I searched for the best school available and found Sister Rosalind’s.

I am ready and anxious to attend this particular school for professional massage because the curriculum is complete and training will go much deeper than surface relaxing massage. In my limited education thus far, I have found massage therapy very interesting and challenging. And I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this school offers the education I am seeking.

By enrolling in Sister Rosalind Gefre’s school, I will be possible to pass the state exam, and continue on into the field of professional massage.

My intent is to enroll in this school, work my way through with good grades, learn as much as I can, and remember what I learn. After completion of Sister Rosalind Gefre’s School of Professional Massage, I intend to pass my state exam and go directly into the field of massage without procrastination. This choice will, I feel, will make the transition from school to work more smooth and productive.

My intent is also to begin by working for a chiropractor or the school itself. I will be very interested in working for the school, because, no matter where I work, I want it to be a learning experience. To be able to pass the art of massage on to others will be very rewarding and satisfying in many ways.

Building my clientele will also be one of my reachable goals. It would be convenient be able to run my own business out of my home. I would be able to continually update my education and skills by attending refresher courses, learning new techniques, etc. I would also have time to home school my children and be a great mom and wife, as well as retain the right to choose my own clients and hours. This is definitely part of my intended use of my education.

Over all, my intent for beginning my massage career is to work side by side with a chiropractor for a couple days a week, and to spend the other days working at the school, passing the art of massage to others. Then within time I hope to build up clientele so I may work on my own. Traveling to clients’ homes and working out of my own home is what I want to eventually accomplish.

I am entirely ready for my journey down this road to reach my goals. Thank you so much for spreading this knowledge to others like myself. I will do the very best I can, learn all that is taught, and further my education in every way possible.

I am determined to learn the techniques of this profession to the best of my ability.

Darby Lee Schlomer


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Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals

Sister Rosalind's School of Therapeutic Massage

Who Inspires Me

Why I Chose To Learn Massage

Aging Vocal Cords

Depression in the Elderly

Those Annoying Tension Headaches

Massage Can Help Abused People

Diseases Like Lou Gerig's (ALS)

Massage in the Community 


About My Grandpa!

The Business Plan

Business Cards Sure Are Handy!

Everybody Needs a Resume

Your LINKS and mine

About YoYo Dieting

From Student to Therapist

The Ameritech Scam

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Darby Lee Schlomer