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The Gnome

Bio (in Hungarian 'gnome' is 'mano')
Music (gnomes are not tone deaf)

6.20:show on the 27th. jansen park. we play at like 8:30 or some shit...3rd or 2nd last. i dunno. show up. do the rock lobster dance and i will sex you - jim
3.16: new song: "my rights obviously stop where your naked body starts." oh and jim'll be back in town soon. maybe some actuall playing and putting together of music.
3/7: updated everything beeeotches. bye
2/29: uhmm more lyrics. uhh ciao.
2/15: i was gonna update last night. but rather i played much poker. Uhmm there is a link to lyrics on the music page. sign the guestbook. ive just decided to make this the "news" section (as if anyone comes here). Maybe i'll get pictures up or something. Keep an eye out for new lyrics from new songs as of late. ciao.(also check Drago site cause ya know rock and roll).

Stay Tuned for a site that is worth visiting and all sorts of updates.

(gnomespeak for goodbye)

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