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House Of Tamweth

I will praise you, O LORD , among the nations; I will sing praises to your name.
-2 Samuel 22:50-

Hey Little Dudes!! Hope you all enjoy my music.

For some reason, angelfire seems to be dumb and doenst let you listen to the file thru the link. Just rightclick on it and choose the 'save link as' option.

Click here to see a list of my recordings


March 10th 2003

Alright. That was a little bit of a long break, but im still writing, and still alive. I have written a few lighter tunes, some more in the engineering spirit, such as "your boolean expression equals two" and "we are mutually exclusive". I recently wrote another tune called "life under glass", but i forget how parts of the tune went to it. I do have the lyrics written down however. I am sure that it will come back to me. i think i have various other penscratchings laying about that i have not recorded yet, so it is possible that the essence will be gone forever.... i attempted to clean up my room, but it is still a veritable pigsty and locating even simple things has become a chore. well, enjoy, and hopefully i'll pop some new tunes up here in the notsodistant future.

January 15th 2003

The other day i came up with some lyrics for a neat little chord progression i had been throwing around. I think i may call it 'the branch' or 'helping hand'. For those of you who are wondering if im ever really going to write a happy song, dont wait up nights for 'the branch'!! Its not happy. im also playing around with some lyrical changes for 'she', and also the possibility of adding some harmonica. We'll have to see how that works out.
If you ever have any comments or questions about things here, feel free to send me an email at I enjoy people's quotations!

January 9th 2003

I made a rough recording of 'She', and it is now up. Just a reminder, a lot of the newer links arent clickable, as they are stored on another website as i very quickly ran out of webspace. However, if you right-click on a link that doesnt appear to work and choose the 'save file as' option, all should be hunky dory :)

January 7 2003

This might be kind of hard to believe, but i think im going to try to keep this up-to-date in a chronological fashion. Yeppers... This means that i will add information about new stuff here.. at the top of the page.
First of all, i now have Casual Christian up, so check it out!
I was fumbling around with a song last night, tentatively entitled 'She'. At least nowadays we have acknowledged that females are human, and are in fact really cool and fun people!! Sometimes us guys have a hard time realizing that there is in fact more to a girl than her appearance, and that there are more important things than how good someone looks in a swimsuit. This song addresses my huge respect for females and just how great they are.

My Songs

baptism (3.73 Mb)
I wrote this song for my baptism which took place on March 11, 2001. I keep adding to it as God continues to work in my life.

thy word (3.5 Mb)
This is a song that i learned at Southern Alberta Bible Camp in the summer of 2002. It has since become one of my favourite songs. It features me trying to sing 4 part harmony with myself.

come home(4.33Mb) lyrics
This is a song that i recorded saturday, November 23rd, 2002 in my bedroom, using just two acoustic guitars and a microphone.

spooky come home (6.57 Mb)
Another version of Come Home i recorded... i was feeling a little tired, so i just turned the mic on and started going. Heres what came out... its a little spooky.

I AM (3.8 Mb) lyrics
The words were the product of a 6am icantsleepanymore morning. Works best that way. This isn't the greatest recording, i messed it up, so tried to patch it. see if you can tell where. ;)

Casual Christian (3.9 Mb)
Well, Casual Christian is finally up here, so i guess i cant say that it is coming soon anymore. Enjoy this one... you might be looking in a mirror.

She (3.6 Mb)
Here 'She' is, up and roughly recorded. Its still being written and modified however.

Look for more songs to appear soon, i always have ideas spinning around in my head. You'll just have to wait and see what comes out.

Check out, where there's no winners, only losers. A great place to hang out, once it gets upandrunning.