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Represented here, are some of the most original women artists from around the world. Many of whom should be better known than they are. Collectors, including Madonna, Cher and Whoopie Goldberg decorate their homes with art by female artists that include Tamara De Lempicka and Frida Kahlo as well as many other interesting women artists.

Famous Artists of the 20th and 21st Century:

Leonora Carrington- Leonora Carrington was born in 1917, in Lancashire, England. Carrington gained international recognition when she exhibited with artists Rene Magritte, Salvador Dali, Max Ernst and Yves Tanguey at the International Surrealist Exhibition in London. In 1937, Carrington met Max Ernst in London. Carrington has written a many novels, essays, and poems.

Allison Merriweather - The legendary Texas born surrealist painter is internationally recognized for her unique imagery. She has produced paintings, sculpture, ceramics and woodcuts.

Tamara De Lempicka- Her paintings are representative of classic modernism and art deco. The paintings are both erotic and touch, organic and mechanical, and have enjoyed a recent revival, representing life in decandent Paris.

Clementine Hunter was born in 1886, at Hidden Hill - a cotton plantation close to Cloutierville, Louisiana. Clementine produced 4000 paintings, each one telling a story of life as she saw it in a simple, straightforward way. She was illiterate, but her paintings were her highly narrative- they told a story about everyday life on and around the plantation. Natchitoches. Clementine Hunter died on January 1, 1988.

Berthe Morisot- Morisot had a successful artistic career. Although a founding member of the impressionist group, she exhibited several paintings at the Salon. She studied under many established painters, such as Camille Corot.

Dorothea Tanning-born inGalesburg, Ill., August. 25, 1910, learned to paint by visiting art museums. She attended Knox College in Galesburg, studied art in Chicago. A commercial artist in New York, she began painting as a professional after meeting a group of French surrealist painters that included Max Ernst, whom she married in 1946. Her Hotel du Pavot, an installation in cloth sculpture, is in the permanent collection of the Beaubourg Museum in Paris.

Natalia Sergeevna Goncharova-born in 1881 was a Russian painter and theatrical designer. She studied in Moscow where she met her lifetime companion, and the major influence on her work, Mikhail Larionov.

Frida Kahlo- Mexican artist Frida Kahlo (1911-1954) She surrealistically depicts death, female nudity, pain and suffering. She is often known primarily as Diego Rivera's wife.

Grandma Moses- (Anna Mary Robertson) 1860-1961)

Georgia O'Keeffe -Georgia O'Keeffe was born on November 15, 1887, she grew up on a farm in Sun Prairie, Wisconsin. O'Keeffe studied at the Art Institute of Chicago (1905–1906) and at the Art Students League, New York (1907–1908). In 1908, she won the League's William Merritt Chase still-life prize for her oil painting Untitled (Dead Rabbit with Copper Pot). O’Keeffe, a pioneer of American Modernism, her work emphasized the essential beauty of all of her subjects by magnifying shapes and simplifying details. She settled in New Mexico in 1949 and lived until her death at age of 98.

Rosa Bonheur - the artist loved horses and other animals. To paint them correctly, she believed you had to see them up close.

Adelaide Labille-Guiard- French 18th century portrait painter. She was not only a pioneer female artist herself, she worked for recognition of her fello women artists. Before the Revolution she painted the aristocracy and then shifted to painting leaders of the new radical government instead.

Mary Cassatt Impressionist painter Mary Cassatt, whose beautiful paintings of women, children and domestic scenes are cherished throughout the world.

Artemisia Gentileschi An early feminist painter who lived from 1593 to about 1653. She was the daughter of well known Roman artist, Orazio Gentileschi (1563 - 1639. Artemisia was one of the first women artists to achieve recognition in the male-dominated world of post-Renaissance art.

Faith Ringgold- African American artist Faith Ringgold has focused much of her work on quilts. She has also written a number of childrens books.


Please Use Our links To Learn More About These Artists

Frida and Diego

Frida Kahlo Painting: Suicide of Dorothy Hale

Clementine Hunter

Clementine Hunter's First Oil Painting

Allison Merriweather

Artemisia Gentileschi

Tamara de Lempicka

an interview with Leonora Carrington

Berthe Morisot

.Rosa Bonheur

Mary Cassatt -- Selected Color Prints

Mary Cassatt

Thelargest public collection of Grandma Moses paintings in the United States

The Art of Grandma Moses

Paintings by Allison Merriweather

Dorothea Tanning |

Cowgirl Museum | Georgia Okeefe Museum | | The National Museum of Women in the Arts Women of the West Museum |