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Monday, 13 June 2005
Mendacious Verity
Mendacious verax

When we talk about events in former Yugoslavia and the crisis which awfully struck that country in the last decade of the last century we must realize that it was followed, as never before in human history, with the enormous specter of magic tricks and most deceptive propagandist machinery. First time it happened that one side in a battle won the war using the PR activities and visual media's giant influence in the modeling of the universal public opinion . It proved the Goebbels' genius-genial or genital idea "that a lie repeated millions of time becomes later the undeniable truth for ever." One side in the conflict had been depicted for many years with the most frightful and most ill-famed colors – the Serbian! - the nation capable of doing nothing else but evil-deeds! In the same time the other, Moslem-Croatian side, has been represented as it was the mere reincarnation of the pure goodness and innocence.

Any kind of mendacity against Serbs had been tacitly accepted among those circles we conventionally name – the intellectual elite, regardless of their origin, race or nation. Even the great number of Serbian "sages" and "wise men" zealously supported the main stream and odd fashion of lies and denunciations, seeing that it can be very "redeeming" and, additionally, it can bring them "respect" in society and a full purse of complacency, including the numberless hours of an idle enjoyment and infertile hedonistic delight. One could say, the most horrible disease of prevaricated and contaminated brains seized those who were supposed to be superego (conscience) of the mankind or, at least, of their own nation. Is it possible at all to find the reason for a such, ostrich-sand quid pro quo behavior to which many cerebrocortical "machines" indulged without the slightest resistance? What is the promiscuous "denominator" of all kind of falsehoods and misapprehensions. Obviously it is not a sentiment of any sort neither impulse of honesty nor a rational sensing for justice and truth.

It seems, there are no other driving force and motivation which would be able to channelize the activities of the modern human being except money. Juno Moneta turns the world go round or money turns everything to crap? The selection in the world of politics, thanks to greed and selfishness, appears to be so ill-omened that we hardly can expect anything else but a doomsday and permeative apocalypse. Persons who believe the calamity will have outflanked them probably have learned nothing from the human latest history and have forgotten how the World War 1 and 2 started. If you have caused someone else's wretchedness, you cannot expect that destiny is going to be merciful against you.

According to historical events almost one hundred years ago, Serbia was the site where different kind of mishap could have happened. Germany declared war to Serbia in 1914 and one of their erstwhile most used saying buzzed: Serbia muss sterben! /Serbia must die! /. Naturally, it is hard to say are those circumstances in Serbia the same or similar to those times, but it is impossible not to spot some astonishing traces of resemblance. This time Kinkel did not repeat above-mentioned killing sentence, but he could not be silent and said that he "wants to see Serbia on her knees". The words were different but the sense in all probability could not deviate much of the prior inapprehensible German hatred against Serbs …

(To be continued)

Dusan Vukotic

Posted by folk/srpstvo at 6:36 PM EADT
Updated: Monday, 13 June 2005 6:53 PM EADT
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