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Women Title Holders file objection to Ontario 407 ETR highway

In the 1980's Ontario Premier Bob Rae started to build this highway from Oshawa to Oakville with government funds. Then he got kicked out of office. Mike Harris became the Premier. He campaigned on the "common sense revolution". He finished the highway using billions of dollars more. It'snow worth $10 billion. He sold the highway for $3 billion to someone's billionaire buddies who have offices and bank accounts all over the world. Then it became a toll highway. Mike became the toll collector for the first two years. People could not renew their driver's licence or plates until they paid their 407 ETR toll bill. This was stopped because the governmeent can't be a bill collector for a private entity. Now it's started again. It's on Kanion'ke:haka Territory. They did not ask us Women Title Holders for our permission. They have plans for expansion but have not consulted us. They now have a private company "Canadian Bonded Credit" who have electronic robots that call their victims day in and day out to harass them until they drive them out of their skull. We sent them the following objection.

DATE: JULY 29, 2006.
FROM: Women Title Holders of the Kanion’ke:haka Nation

According to Wampum 44 of our law, the Kaianereh’ko:wa, the Women Title Holders are the “progenitors of the soil” of the Kanion’ke:haka/Mohawk Nation. We are the Caretakers of the land, water and air of Turtle Island. We have the duty to safeguard our land for the coming generations. Self-determination is recognized as a universal human right.

Re: Non-native Ontario Highway 407 ETR developed on Kaianereh’ko:wa Territory usurped by multinational corporation, Macquarie Infrastructure, 125 West 55th St., New York City 10019.

TO: Antonio de Santiago, 407 International Inc., 6300 Steeles Ave., W., Woodbridge, Ontario Canada L4H 1J1 905-264-5315 ; Macquarie Infrastructure; Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, Province of Ontario, Government of Canada, President of United States; Government of Republic of Germany; Council of the European Union; Ministry of Natural Resources, Department of Justice Canada; Department of Finance Canada; Attorney General of Canada, Attorney General of Ontario; Department of Indian Affairs; Mohawks of Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory, Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe Inc.; Mohawk Council of Akwesasne; Iroquois Caucus; Mohawk Council of Kanehsatake; Six Nations Council, Toronto Stock Exchange, Montreal Stock Exchange, New York Stock Exchange; Tokyo Stock Exchange; London Stock Exchange; Hong kong Stock Exchange; Zurich Stock Exchange; (Addresses at end of Public Notice).

OBJECTION TO: The building on our constitutional jurisdiction of a super highway by the non-Indigenous government of Ontario and then sold to a multinational, 407 Intrnational, for pennies on the dollar. This electronic toll highway from Oshawa to Burlington was built by the Ontario government and sold to a private company which then sold it to the Europeans. 407 ETR now collects tolls from Indigenous and other drivers. We demand that you cease and desist immediately your illegal business on our unsurrendered jurisdiction.

This highway by 407 ETR and their business partners on our territory is a violation of our jurisdiction as respected by the conjunction of our constitution, Kaianereh’ko:wa, the Canadian Constitution and the U.S. Constitution. According to Section 109 of the British North America Act 1867, Indigenous people’s “prior interests” supersede that of Canada and its provinces. According to Section 132 the only way to surrender Indian title is through a treaty made with the sovereign constitutional people of the nation with a clear question and a clear majority. According to our constitution we cannot sell any land. This land remains Kaianereh’ko:wa land. You are trespassing.

Our relationship is based on the Guswentha/Two Row Wampum Agreement. The Kaianereh’ko:wa and the Constitution of Canada must respect nation-to-nation protocol.

407 ETR, the Canadian and Ontario governments never gained our consent to build this highway on our land. This entity cannot legally enter the international territory of the Kanion’ke:haka for any reason whatsoever. Our people have always and will forever dispute your invasion onto our territory.

This invasion by 407 ETR and its affiliates violates international law. It is a criminal attempt by a large multinational corporation to override the rights of a smaller nation. You do not have our permission to use our land for your gains and interests. So back off immediately!

The Canadian constitution does not allow foreign federal, provincial and local laws on unsurrendered Indigenous land, as set out in Section 132 of the Canadian constitution.

Any foreigner wishing to enter our territory, for any reason whatsoever, must get permission from the Governor General of Canada. She must then inform us. Then our nations will decide to respond. No one individual or foreign entity can invite outsiders onto our territory to oppress a Kanion’ke:haka or misuse our sovereignty.

We are registering our objection to this illegal assumption of jurisdiction by 407 International Inc., MacquarieInfrastructure Inc. and their agents. In Canada we took an action in the Supreme Court of Canada – Kanion’ke:haka Kaianereh’ko:wa Kanon’ses:neh v. Attorney General of Canada and Her Maj4sty the Queen in Right of Ontario, Court File: 05-CV-030785.

We brought this constitutional jurisdiction issue before the U.S. Supreme Court. See No. 05-165: 2005. In The Supreme Court of the United States In re Kanion’ke:haka Kaianereh’ko:wa Kanon’ses:neh, Non-party, Petitioner/Movant/Appellant, The Canadian St. Regis Band of Mohawk Indians, Plaintiffs, Respondents, v. The State of New York, Defendants, Respondents. Petition for Writs of Certiorari and Quo Warranto with Prohibition and Mandamus in Aid to Prevent Genocide. Rules 17.1 and 20.1.

1. Constitutional jurisdiction over our ter ritory now called “Southern On tario” and beyond, belongs to the Rotinonshonni/Iroquois Confed eracy;
2. The Canadian and U.S. Constitutions respect that relations with us shall be con ducted on a nation-to-nation basis. 407 ETR, federal and provincial governments do not supersede this constitution-to-constitution relationship between our nations.
3. Contact with the constitutional Indigenous people must be made only through the Governor General of Canada.
4. The denial of a nation’s exis tence constitutes genocide, according to the many international covenants that Canada has pledged to uphold;
5. We demand that 407 International Inc. and their associates immediately cease and desist their illegal presence in any way, shape or form on our territory.
6. We demand that the Governor General immediately abide by our constitution-to-constitution relationship and forbid this invasion.
7. Finally, we demand to know how international, federal and provincial entities can violate international law and the rule of law by superseding our jurisdiction over land that we never surrendered through a treaty or any means whatsoever.

By Kanion’ke:haka Women Title Holders
Katenies /s/_____________________
Kahentinetha, /s/_________________________
Contact: Thahoketoteh, 17A Mill St., Hornings Mills, Ontario Canada L0N 1J0 519-925-9695

Attached: 05-165 Mohawk Manifesto Sent to: All Media; Enrique Diaz-Rato, 407 ETR, 6300 Steeles Ave., W., Woodbridge, Ontario Canada L4H 1J1 905-264-5315; Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, Buckingham Palace, Dalton McGuinty, Premier. Legislative Building, Queen's Park, Toronto ON M7A 1A1; Hon. Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada, Ottawa Canada; Mr. George Bush, President of United States, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., Washington DC 20500; Minister of Natural Resources; Department of Justice Canada; U.S. Department of Justice; Finance Canada; Attorney General of Canada, Attorney General of Ontario; Department of Indian Affairs; Government of Republic of Germany; Council of European Union; Mohawks of Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory; Iroquois Caucus; Mohawk Council of Kanehsatake; Six Nations Council; Toronto Stock Exchange; Montreal Stock Exchange; Tokyo Stock Exchange; Hong Kong Stock Exchange;

World Intellectual Property Organization, 34 Chemin de Colombettes, Geneva; World Trade Organization, Mike Moore, 154 rue de Lausanne 1211, Geneva 21 Switzerland; UN Office of High Commission for Human Rights, UN Plaza, S. 294, New York, 10017; Rudolpho Stavenhagen, International Commission for Human Rights, P.O. Box 16, CH-1211, Geneva 20, Switzerland; Kanion’ke:haka Kaianereh’ko:wa Kanon’ses:ne, P.O. Box 1016, Akwesasne (NYS) 13655; Coalition for the International Criminal Court, %WFM, 708 3rd Ave., 24th Floor, New York (NYS) 10017; The Hague, Anna Paulownastraat 103, 251 BBC, The Netherlands t: +31-70-363-4484 F: +31-70-364-0259; Pope Benedictum XVI, Joseph Ratzinger, St. Peter’s Square, Vatican City, Rome, Italy; Shiva Vanadana; Seneca Nation of Indians Inc., P.O. Box 11, Versailles, NY 14168 F 716-532-5417; Seneca Nation of Indians, Allegany Reservation, P.O. Box 231, Salamanca, NY 14779 F 716-945-1790; Cattaraugus Reservation, 1490 Route 438, Irving NY 14081 F 716-532-9132; Oneida Indian Nation of New York Inc., 223 Genesee St., Oneida NY 13421 F 315-361-6333; Onondaga Nation, Rte. 11A, Box 229, Nedrow, NY 13120, T 315-492-3041; Tonawanda Band of Senecas (Tonawanda Seneca Nation), 7027 Meadville Rd., Basom NY 14013 T 716-542-4244; Tuscarora Indian Nation, 2006 Mt. Hope Rd., Lewiston NY 14092 T 716-297-4990; Mohawk Nation Council of Chiefs, Box 366, Rooseveltown, NY F 518-358-3488; Kanatsiohareke, 4934 State Hwy. 5, Fonda NY 12068; Oneida Nation, RR 2, Southwold, Ont. N0L 2G0 T 518-652-5414.