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MNN. Aug. 19, 2006. Suddenly the corporate media is interested in the Women Title Holders. We carried out our duties to protect the land for our future unborn generations by seizing 50 windmills that were illegally built on the Haldimand Tract. After months of a mainstream media “blackout”, we are now under media siege. Last November 2005 when we first heard of Canadian Hydro Developers’ plans, we told them the land and natural resources are ours. They went ahead anyway. The scheme is so profitable there are now five other windmill companies wanting to build on our land.

We informed the stock exchanges around the world that we objected to Canadian Hydro Developers putting up our land as collateral to raise millions of dollars on the world money market. This is fraud. Now they are collecting money off our wind and turbines. This is theft.

The area they’ve targeted is the source of the Grand River because it’s on the highest ground in Ontario. The windmills are 13-storey high monsters, taking up 2,500 acres. No proper studies have been done on the long term effects of the droning hum and vibrations they create in this once peaceful countryside.

Noise pollution and the vibratory pollution are soon going to be joined by the risk of gas pollution. Grant Kilpatrick told us that his company, Enbridge Gas, one of the biggest companies in Canada, [1-800-461-4480 (5236)] is planning to start building a gas pipeline underneath the Pine River which is on the Haldimand Tract. What we have here is a veritable corporate feeding frenzy.

Only the alternative press, the local newspaper and A Channel News - Barrie covered this story. This suddenly changed. This past week we were called by several corporate newspaper reporters from Kitchener and Waterloo, cities on the Haldimand Tract. They mentioned their concern over having to come to Six Nations for permission to carry out any development on our land. “Aren’t you worried this might spread all over Canada to the other Indigenous people?” they asked us.

“You finally get it!” we replied.

Then Canadian Press put out a story quoting us without speaking to us. This was followed by a call from Alex Dobrota of the Toronto Globe and Mail. He had gone up to the Six Nations reclamation site and turned everybody off with his negative attitude. They made him leave.

We did talk to Dobrota and advised him to read some background articles we had posted on the MNN website. We also sent along the “Mohawk Manifesto”. Dobrota wanted to know if we were going to the meeting at the end of August of the corporate mafia - Canadian Hydro Developers, the Ministry of the Environment, Indian Affairs and the Six Nations band council. They are trying to do an end around us, the Six Nations People, through their Gestapo, “Indian Affairs”.

We said, “No! We aren’t going.” We women did what we’re supposed to do. Got the land. Now it’s up to the People to decide the next step. None of these ‘corporates’ has spoken to the People.

Dobrota asked, “The company is pocketing the revenue from the turbines. Aren’t you going to go to court to stop them?”

We said, “No. Canadian Hydro Developers is committing fraud and theft according to Canadian laws, natural laws and international law! They should be in jail. We will never take them into the colonial court of Canada. That’s against our law, under Wampum 58. Everybody knows the windmills are ours – they know, you know, the government knows, the world knows”.

Then we got a call from Dick Saunders of the government of Ontario who has been sitting in on the talks at Six Nations. We told him that these are not “negotiations”. We have nothing to negotiate. They are “talks” about how Canada and Ontario are going to obey their own legitimate laws. [The Indian Act is ultra vires].

Saunders informed me that the federal government has its own “war room” which is manned by Barbara McDougall, former Director at Steel Company of Canada and Minister of Foreign Affairs in the former Conservative federal government. She’s going to kick our behinds with the sharp spurs on her boots. Her job is to deliver us to the genocide machine.

Saunders admitted that Canada was being seen as a human rights and colonial sleaze bucket worldwide over their mishandling of the Six Nations land theft issue. He said, “This Six Nations issue is going to have serious repercussions for Canada”. What he meant was that all Indigenous people around the world are seeing the hoax of colonialism which has been enforced on us at gunpoint. He also said that band councils are losing ground all over Canada [because they’re illegal].

Then Danielle Grogan of CBC in Toronto called and asked a few questions like, “What made you do it?” [Seize the windmills]. “Are you concerned that Canadian Hydro Developers is not paying attention to you?” She also asked what sounded like, “Did you know that Dave “Colonial” General, the Grand Chief of the band council at Six Nations is sitting at the table with Canadian Hydro, the Ontario government and all the corporate thugs who are working on a deal to do the Indians in?”

We received word from one of the Confederacy Chiefs that he was following our constitution, the Kaianereh’ko:wa, and continues to consult with the People for direction. At the same time, the band council seems to be trying to rescind that agreement for the Confederacy to deal with land issues. They are suggesting they want to deal with the windmills themselves. They cannot because they are no longer Mohawk or Six Nations since they have violated Wampum 58 which provides that:

“If anytime any of the confederate chiefs chooses to submit to the laws of a foreign people, he is no longer in but out of the Confederacy. Persons of this class shall be called “they have alienated themselves”. Likewise persons who submit to laws of foreign nations shall forfeit all birthrights and claims on the Five Nations Confederacy and territory”.

This means they are Canadian citizens pretending to be Mohawks. They are in a conflict of interest because Canada pays them to exterminate us.

Barb, Dick, CBC, Indian Affairs, Ontario, Canada and the world, this is the beginning of the emergence of all Indigenous people all over the world. We have said “no” to the continuation of the oppression by corporate government, who have been trying to eliminate and destroy us as the original owners of the lands everywhere.

It can’t be stopped because everyone knows that this is only just and proper. They know deep down that the land belongs to the Indigenous people. The safety of the world depends on this continuing. If you remove the true owners, all of mankind will become totally dysfunctional. Even nature already is affected. Why do you think Indigenous peoples were placed on these lands anyways? It was to maintain unity and balance in all of the natural world. By our removal everything will go out of balance. The foundation of all societies is girded by the fact that the land is held by the Indigenous peoples on behalf of everyone else. Greed and avarice by the corporate-military-industrial complex wants to destroy this. All of nature is a delicate balance that must be maintained. The preservation of the land being held by the Indigenous people will maintain this balance.

Canada, you have to sit down and talk with us nation-to-nation. So call up the Governor General of Canada and set up an appointment to meet with us according to well-established protocol.

Kahentinetha Horn
MNN Mohawk Nation News
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