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The Movement for a Political Renewal of Australia

The SCG seeks a change in society in Australia, and pursues a strategy to empower the citizen without conforming to the present establishment. The aim is to achieve the ideas of fundamental rights and of liberty by liberating the citizen from the vested interests of the political parties.

The Establishment parties branch out through the whole country and especially aim to keep Citizens stultified into believing they have a real say in present day political/economic/cultural affairs. Party hacks stride forth but are all just frauds in the service of the money changers, and themselves.

The SCG challenge the rule of the system parties who talk a lot about democracy but in truth strive to hinder the free citizen for there own ends.

Our aim is a free democratic society in the sense of a community of solidarity. The creation of an open society with the courage to allow values which combine achievement with a sense of responsibility for mankind and nature. This occupies the centre of our political interests.


Liberty needs to be protected from oppression by the prevailing political system. There is therefore no liberty without order. However, liberty also means responsibility. Responsibility for oneself is the best protection from outside domination. Private property is the best guarantee of this. The greater the sense of responsibility the less necessity there is for regulatory intervention. Decency, honour and morality should determine the use of liberty.


There is no liberty without law and there can be no law without justice. This does not only mean equality before the law, in legislation, in jurisdiction and administration, but also social justice: not in the sense of redistribution but rather as the duty of the community to help the needy, the right of the individual to more remuneration for more work and better performance, the recognition of unjustified inequalities.


The avowal of Australia as our Motherland is the basis of our political action. We want to preserve and maintain the natural environment and cultural heritage inherited from our pioneering forefathers in order to hand them on to our descendants in a worthwhile condition. If the family is our smallest communal good, our home Australia with its natural, cultural, and European civilisation is the largest communal good. Love of ones own Motherland corresponds to respect for the home countries of other peoples. This positive form of patriotism is the answer to the utopian fraud of a multicultural society on the other.


We stand for a direct democratic republic on the basis of general human and civil rights. Democracy guarantees the highest degree of liberty and justice. 



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