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Copyright 2005
Lesta Vladilen
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Scott Bourne in new skateboard video!!!
2005 March 5

I have read on internet that Scott Bourne is in new skateboard video. It is named something with Strange or something. I read on transwurld internet site that it was gonna be new and really good! I know it is gonna be good because Scott Bourne is in it. I hope it will come to Russia or at least to the black market in Moscow. You can buy lot's of skateboard movies there. Sometimes they are cheap!!!
Scott Bourne in Europe!!!
2004 september 21

A friend told my that Scott Bourne is living in Europe! That's rouls! I hope he get the time to come to Russia! If he ever visit this website I will like to tell him: Mr Bourne, you should come to Krasnoarmeisk. We have good skatepark with quarterpipe and miniramp. There is also a handrail.
New skatepark in Gus-Krustalnyi
2004 may 14

Skateboarders in Gus-Krustalnyi, my friends Lobo, Vladi and Michi have built a new small skatepark. It is not a very big one but they have a curd, manual sidewalk, bank and a rail. We will skate it soon!
I found Unbelivers internet site!!!
2004 april 27

It was hard but I did it! They don't have normal adress, almost like me! The adress is
Cool boards!!!

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