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Hit CounterGetting and keeping the elementary school in Charleston

We've been working on this since we were incorporated.  We have found out that there are numerous road blocks in place.  It will be worth it when the children are back at the school.  (refer to our schedule).  Anyone that has been a part of this to date can attest to!  We still need your support to get this completed and make sure that our children have not only adequate education, but better than what is provided by the State/SAD ideas on how to cut cost?  After all it has been shown that when the school was here that our students ... when tested achieved higher scores than the children that had to attend the schools in Dover.

What's  New

Here is a link to a recent article that was in the BDN.

  • Meetings were held last year with both members of the Withdrawal Committee as well as Town Selectmen.
  • The counter has been reset, since over 500 hits were made to the site since the article was featured in the BDN last Thursday on page B5!  In part it was due to the inspection that was conducted by "Buzz" in representing the State
  • Budget as well as curriculum submitted to Withdrawal Committee.
  • Michael Clark has provided his services to the withdrawal committee on a "pro bono" status as a consultant.  He is working for free for our cause.
  • Ongoing communication from all involved (published or not) that we are continuing to get the school and children back in (our Town).
  • Gill Reynolds is providing his assistance as a consultant with the credentials being a Superintendent for the Town of Harmony. As of late, Gil has gotten the job of Town Manager of Etna, so congrates should be sent to him on that.
  • One can't forget to also thank Bob Ronco for all that he has been able to do since he too has the credentials of being a retired Superintendent.
  • Key Milestones

    • Submit Private School Application to the State.  Sent Apr. 04 ... resubmitted May 04 with requested revisions!
    • That State has replied via email to Mike Clark that they have reviewed the application and would like to visit the site this month. 
    • Provide withdrawal Committee with budget info/etc (done)
    • Discussions have arisen concerning the formation of various committees to allow the Corp. to make sure that the Towns wishes are on what is known as the "fast track".
    • We, as concerned people, would like to express our thoughts and concerns regarding a loss of a home for the one of the Towns Selectmen (Richard Goodwin), a member of this community!  The new construction should be something that should bring joy to he and Annie.
    • The article can be viewed at recalling the vote
    • A newsletter will also be posted shortly before Old Home days, by the way thank you for the continued support!  (hope to see you there).
    • Meeting Dec. 20th in Augusta with the Commissioner of Education.  This was a meeting that was called on a moments noticed by the State for the Town in which Terri Hall, Mike Clark, and Gill Reynolds were asked to meet with Sue Gendron, Patrick Phillips, and Sara Forester (yes SAD68 reps John D. and Jenny C were there).  The meeting went well all in all.

