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Southern Comfort


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Nonnie & Grandpa Buck! Just letting you guys know that I updated your site design so that it's simpler and easier to use. E-Mail me if you want me to add something to it at some point.

About Nonnie and Grandpa Buck...

Nonnie and Grandpa Buck are my Grandparents, on my dad's side. Why am I making them a webpage? Because I can. Call it Inverse Vandalism, if you will.

What's Inverse Vandalism? Well, when a person destroys something for no real reason, it's called Vandalism. So...when a person creates something for no real reason, it should be called Inverse Vandalism. I guess Reciprical Vandalism would work as well, but it doesn't sound as cool.

Nonnie and Grandpa Buck live in North Carolina, about 15 minutes or so from the South Carolina Border. They live within walking distance of Nonnie's sister Jenny, and her (Jenny's) Grand-daughter Lori and her son Garret. They also live fairly close by to Jenny's daughter Anne, and her husband Jim. It's not really a suprise to see any of them at any time on any given day, so get used to visits. They (Nonnie and Grandpa Buck) grow their own food from their produce garden, and currently are bothered by the amount of chickens in thier backyard. Be warned that if you happen to wish to drop by, you will be put to work! Either with the house hold chores, or helping out in the field...

They have three dogs, Two-Bucks, Brown Girl, And Sheeba. Two-Bucks is probably the most spoiled of them; He is allowed in the house with astonishing regularity. Both Grandpa Buck and Two-Bucks are recovering remarkably well from thier own seperate health problems, so don't be suprised to hear grumbling from either Buck while you are visiting.

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