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Adventures in Travel Nursing

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Travel Adventures

We are in HOUSTON!

I was blessed with a great wildflower season in Texas this year, the road to Houston from Austin in loaded with wildflowers. Bluebonnets, Indian paintbrush and pink things that look like poppies (don’t know if they are or not. You can’t walk through the state owned wildflowers, you might break a bluebonnet) I took pictures and when I get them downloaded I will post them!

We are in Houston! We arrived on Saturday the 3rd, spent the night: the “kids” are getting better about staying in motels! and went to church @ Huffman Church on Sunday. After church we drove to the apartment and attempted to move in. The First hurdle was convincing the dogs to stay! We are on the second floor! They were NOT impressed, Smokey voted for going back to the car. Bear just dug in his heels and plopped down. Imagine the scene, me in heels and a dress trying to coax two very unhappy dogs up the stairs, I bet it was a real side splitter! A week later they are much better, I have convinced them looking between the stairs is a BAD idea! And not we just go slowly up. As long as everyone keeps moving it’s ok. The second was coordinating the moving in of the stuff, which took more doing I wound up not getting all in until Tuesday, I am still living among boxes. But the weekend is coming and I will prevail!

I am working at Lyndon B Johnson Medical center; it is a part of the Harris County Hospital system. It is so true I have come full circle; I am working for a county hospital again. There are medical students, nursing students, interns and residents. I am adjusting ok; it is kind of weird but not totally foreign. I am looking forward to the weekend off though. I forgot how hard we worked at LAC-USC. I know most of you find that funny, but we do. The patients mostly speak Spanish (surprise) so it does come in handy, we do the IV’s and blood draws. The rest is the same. It will be fun, she says with mock confidence. The security is really good! Almost like working at a government facility post 911… oh yeah it is! LOL. That explains it.

The beat goes on, keep the faith and keep tuned for more adventure. Never a dull moment!
