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Why Rich is Annoyed

I think this is turning into a blog

December 9, 2004

Rip Dimebag Darrell?
I was never really much of a Pantera fan and did not know that some of the members formed this new band Damageplan. That does not change the fact that I find this incident appauling. What will be just as appauling is how the liberal gun control lobbiests will use this tragety to further their agenda. We'll keep and eye on this in the coming days.
Not sure if this relates or not, but this is the anniversary of the assination of John Lennon.

November 30, 2004

Funny picture isn't it?
Well, the holidays are coming. Of course, I dare not say the name Christmas. Oh no, here come the PC police! I said the C word. Perhaps this Holiday would make them happy.

Click here to order enough RAMAHANUKWANZMAS cards to send to all you diverse friends. This makes it so much easier. Now you don't have to think, "Well, Tammy's a Christian, let me send her this Christmas card, Jordan is Jewish, let me send him this Chanukah card, and Raheem's a muslim".... You get the point. When did it come to this? Political correctness has gone too far. I don't know about you, but I am celebrating Christmas, not generic holiday. Lets have fun this Holiday season. Be sure to wish everyone a Merry Christmas.

November 23, 2004
Well, the election has passed, but there are people who are demanding a recount. What's up with that? It's pretty clear the George W. Bush was re-elected., it's time to move on! Take a look at the county by county map!

Arlen Specter is going to chair the Senate Judiciary Committee. How unfortunate. I am a republican who lives in PA and I did everything in my power to prevent the re-election of the republican senator. Really though, the whole party is going down the toilet. Perhaps I need to sever my ties.
Why am I the only person who can drive? I mean I have 20 minute commute to work. Don't people realize that the left lane is for passing, not for cruising at 55, parallel to the person next to you.
***Please bare with me, this is a new experience for me and I am slowly making some progress.
Conspiracy theory!

Teresa "Heinz" Kerry is only a Heinz by marriage. Here late husband, Senator John Heinz was a republican from Pennsylvania. He was killed in a plane crash.

After speaking at a news conference in Williamsport, Pennsylvania on April 4, 1991, Heinz was headed to Philadelphia to conduct the first in a series of investigative hearings to examine the telemarketing of medical equipment to Medicare beneficiaries, "Bleeding Medicare Dry: The Great Sales Scam." When the twin-engine plane carrying him and four other adults developed landing-gear trouble, a helicopter was dispatched to examine the problem. Consequently, the helicopter's blades accidentally hit the bottom of the plane, sending both aircraft to the ground and killing everyone on board. Two children, who were playing outside at noon recess at the Merion Elementary School in Montgomery County, were also killed when the wreckage fell on the school ground.

That plane crash just seems a little fishy to me. Now, here are some other things that seem to further support the fishy-ness of it. Teresa Heinz and John Kerry already knew each other at the time of Sen Heinz death.

Their mutual interest in environmental issues brought Teresa and John together. She was first introduced to John Kerry by Senator Heinz at an Earth Day rally in 1990. In 1992, she ran into Kerry at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, where she was representing U.S. non-governmental organizations. In 1993 they began dating, and were married in the presence of her three sons and his two daughters on Memorial Day weekend in 1995.

What would be a reason for somebody causing this plane crash?

How about this?
John Kerry, after more than 10 years in the Senate, was nearly broke in May 1995, facing a daunting 1996 election test against popular Republican Gov. William Weld when he married the widow of the richest U.S. senator.

The late Republican Sen. John Heinz of Pennsylvania left his wife, Teresa, $600 million. Kerry's net worth, according to his official disclosure submitted in 1995, ranged from a plus-$34,995 down to a minus-$130,000.

Now, I know you are thinking that there are four years between that plane crash and their marriage, but perhaps it was a bit of planning ahead. Senator Kerry was probably smart enough to realize that his money was running out. He has most likely had presidential aspirations from the beginning of his political career, and it is pretty safe to say:
Without backing from Heinz ketchup money, it is fair to say John Kerry would not be his party's presidential standard-bearer and probably would not even be a U.S. senator today. Thus, refusal to release his wife's tax returns inevitably raises suspicions, however ill-founded, that the Kerrys have something to hide.


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