The Experience Felt Around The World

Few have witnessed the glory that is the RFHC Experience, are you ready to take part in their joy and sadness, their love and their hate, the emotional voyage that is the RFHC Experience has been waiting for you.

They were once just two normal guys, going to college and harassing the pre-fresh, barely surviving in the harsh urban jungle known as RVA. Then came AT&T, a wise yet simple jewish boy, and he said, “CD, Justin, you mother fuckers better watch what you say to me!”

That’s when the revelation happened.


“Yes CD?”

“Why do we jealously hoard all of our experience making power and only dole it out in small quantities to AT&T? Shouldn’t the world get the RFHC Experience? Think of the possibilities! We could end world hunger, combat social inequality, and spread class consciousness throughout the land!”

“Uh, what if we just play comedy rock and sing about things that’ll make your average person cry before they leave our show?”

“Doesn’t that seem a bit limited?”

“Hey, I’m not a singer and you’re not really what I’d call a guitar player.”

“Comedy Rock it is then, screw communism!”

And thus the experience was started and stoners everywhere began to enjoy such hits as: Grandpa's Body(Bones In The Yard When It Rains), Old McDonald’s Nevada Ranch, A RFHC Lullaby, Covered and Gagged (Aaron’s Dignity), The Gay Couple and the Death Metal Kid, Human Dick Sleeve, and The Four Horsemen (Enter The Townhouse).

Plans are underway to release their first album, The RFHC Experience Presents: Songs To Gently and Lovingly Skull Fuck Your Foster Children To, in the spring of 2003. As the RFHCE is always looking out for their listeners every where, no matter what race, age, or sex, this album will not only be packaged with a smear of mystery lipstick (guaranteed to have come from someone locked in the RFHCE’s special slave cage) but is also slated to include a warning sticker much like the following:

WARNING PARENTAL ADVISORY: the hello sailor recording company would like to remind you to gag and handcuff to a radiator your foster children before engaging in activities associated to listening to this record lest there screams and violent thrashing about keep you from fully appreciating the delicate melodies and song stylings the RFHC experience has long been famous for.

By including this sticker the RFHCE not only hopes to increase the listener’s pleasure but avoid any costly lawsuits that might be filed against them once the album goes platinum, for as P. Diddy (then known as Puff Daddy) once said, “The more money we come across, the more problems we see.”

The RFHCE would like to take this time to wish you and your family a good day and we hope your enjoy your experience.

RFHC Experiences

Holy Lawsuits Batman, UPDATES GALORE!!!
Album Lyrics

Suggested Reading For Experiencers

The Old Offical RFHC Experience Site
Our Number One Fan
Now This Guy Knows How To Raise A Child

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