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Welcome to my home page. You are here either because I forced you to visit my page:) or some Internet search engine got you here by mistake. Now that you are here anyway, I hope you have a nice time browsing through the content I have on my site.

Iam Regunath, my friends call me Regu(pronounced Ragu, like some ketchup/pasta brand in the West).I was born 16th Oct 1974 in a small town by name Pollachi in the Southern state of TamilNadu, India. Dad worked for the Ministry of Defence and hence was transferred a couple of times. We had to go along too and thus I spent part of my childhood in the beautiful Nilgiris("Blue Mountains" - people around here know the popular tourist spot Ooty) and later on in the port city of Madras. Did most of my schooling in Ooty and Madras. Always wanted to be a Doctor - very noble and working for the poor e.t.c.But I guess the collective prayers of the patients and my inability to secure a seat ensured that I didnot become a qualified quack! Graduated from CIT, Coimbatore, with a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering and landed a job in Software. I have been in the industry since. I have no regrets now; the work is challenging and I get to indulge in something that I love - travelling.

I sincerely feel that childhood is the most exciting period in many a person's life. Mine was no exception. I was really a Calvin incarnate minus Hobbes - we have gone grass-boarding on the slopes, built miniature huts in the undergrowth, gone digging for worms and birds nests and eggs. I was also a constant cause for concern to my mom; hurting myself often - sutures around eye, ear and head, broken arm and burns. All this without even getting into a fight!! My Mom must have had a difficult time to tide me through those years, poor thing! Holidays, while studying in the Nilgiris, meant 40 plus days of fun with my maternal cousins at my grandparents' farm in the countryside. My grandma used to have a pantry full of goodies to eat when we landed at her place for the holidays, not to mention the farm produce of mangoes and bananas. Add to this the berries that we picked, cricket on the courtyard and the friendly village people. I cannot forget the village barber who used to come home to give me a haircut - what a perfect mushroom top!!

Ours is a small one of four - Dad, Mom, Sis and Me. Mom is like any other mother - caring, sensitive, constantly worrying about her dear ones being healthy and protected. Sis is quite an opposite to me. She is pretty quiet and minds her own business. She is also the very contented type and very good at heart. She also happens to be my worst art critic and the one who remembers all my friends. We used to have pretty violent fights during childhood but hit it off really well nowadays because both of us have a no-nonsense outlook, courtesy dad. Dad is an exceptional person. Has an amazing positive attitude towards life. He is a tee-totaler, a kind and very naive human being.

I love this part the best - where I can do things that requires almost nil responsibility :) I am an outdoors person. I get my highs from doing things that requires lots of energy. Trekking, swimming, any outdoor game that can catch my attention to name a few. I am not all-moron-and-no-human. I have a softer side too. I paint(water colors), indulge in amateur photography and write verses and prose but rarely. Also not to forget I admire beauty - the living ones from the fairer sex, please :) I also enjoy dancing and listening to all kinds of music. Being a male and not liking one of the speed machines is a sin - I am mad about race motor bikes. Its close to a passion. I own a modified CBZ. It is just a prelude to what is yet to come - I dream of owning a Yamaha R1 or a Ducati someday. My friends are my mainstay means for entertainment. I have had the good fortune of making friends from different communities and countries. It has been an invaluable experience knowing each of them. Btw I also talk a lot - someone's got to right? to keep conversations going!!