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Just thought that I'd give an update on performances, contacts, and everything else that's going on--in case you're wondering. The performances at Rural Oaks in Ottawa are now over. I guess that it went well, we'll have to see what comes of it. I really enjoyed the acoustics of the room there and would love to have recorded the performances so that we would have more live material to present. Oh, well. Make sure that you check out all parts of this website and definitely sign in at the guestbook. Take the poll while you're at it. Where are we now? , , , and I think there's some stuff popping up at So make sure you check out all of that AND-----Don't forget that you are the only ones who can help Mark promote REAL LIFE MUSIC. So, make sure that if you haven't attended a performance (that you do!!) AND if you don't have the new CD (Where Were You?), that you get it as soon as possible. Copies are flying away like nobodies business. Contact Mark via email to find out how you can qualify for a copy.

Visit Folk—24 Hour Listening! Folk Alley is produced by WKSU-FM in Kent, OH. Streaming music programming is created and hosted by Jim Blum, who includes his own special mix of the best of singer/songwriter, Celtic, acoustic, traditional, and world sounds.
On the 4th of July, I had an incredible time performing at a dear old friend of mine's house. He was having a birthday party (21) for his son (and, I think it was combined with some other birthdays, as well). The food was great, the crowd/audience was incredible and the tunes were definitely well-received. The performance lasted quite a while. I think we had talked about lasting two hours--but, it went on much longer than that. We had some sing-alongs, and REAL LIFE MUSIC was once again exposed to the general public in a unique and interesting manner. A couple CD's exchanged hands and that is always a good thing--the more CD's we can get out there in people's hands, the better the promotion goes. We're still working on building this wonderful fan base--but, it's coming along very well. Very well, indeed!!! There are a few upcoming events that it looks like I will be performing at. Someone from La Salle Fest has contacted me regarding me being the "emcee" for the open mike during the Festival. This would involve: hosting the event, providing small talk, etc., and probably performing songs whenever there is no one wanting to perform. So, that should be pretty cool. Also, there is a birthday party/pig roast scheduled to take place on Labor Day in Oglesby. I have been asked to perform at this event as well. I am going to have to consult my calendar and see if I can get these two events worked in somehow. The La Salle Fest, will be in LaSalle on August 21 (a Saturday) and the Oglesby event will be on Labor Day. Watch the local newspapers for further information and stay tuned to this website for additional details. Also--check out I just found the website today, and it is incredible. I am working on getting some of my songs played there also. Keep your fingers crossed. Until next time: Keep it real and don't forget to feel, 'cause that's what it's all about. (the hokey-pokey?) INCIDENTALLY----- Mark Piecha is the premiere singer/songwriter of the Illinois Valley. Mark has been playing the guitar for over thirty years and writing songs for nearly as long. He has studied various styles of music and has applied them all to create his unique blend of music, REAL LIFE MUSIC. His songs come from the heart of man. New, passionate and different, REAL LIFE MUSIC is a cross between James Taylor, Neil Young and Trent Reznor (Nine Inch Nails). He has written countless songs, from those dealing with local history and beyond. Once you hear it, you'll finally believe it. Mark Piecha is all acoustic, relying on the beautiful sound of the acoustic guitar to help him convey songs of meaning and passion. Instead of mindless chatter and senseless rhythms, he focuses on feeling and purposeful musical journeys. Mark Piecha, REAL LIFE MUSIC--don't let it pass you by!!
