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Welcome to my website and thanks for dropping by. I am a northern European/Baltic Sea Region historian getting ready to move to Ohio. No one sentence or phrase completely encaptures me, though. This website is meant to not only to talk about my research work, but also a number of my other interests.

This site is currently located on an ad-supported host-server, meaning there are pop-up ads. Unfortunately, I do not have access to a non-ad server to host my site at this time, so my apologies. As always, this is a work in progress and any suggestions are always appreciated.


For the curious ones, "rannarootsi" is an Estonian term meaning "coastal Swede" and used to describe the ethnic Swedish minority population in Estonia. While I do not have any lineage from the Estonian-Swedes, I am of Swedish decent and currently living in Estonia.

Last Update:
21 July 2004

Copyright © 2004