SYSTEM Greeter: SYSTEM Greeter: You are now in room "Punk" SYSTEM Greeter: You have READ/WRITE Access SYSTEM Greeter: LoVEDoLLpuNk: {silence} SYSTEM Greeter: "Flamemaster" has left the room oh bondage: chriiiiiiis deprivation: no war!! deprivation: hey jenny MansonKoresh: hey deprivation: hey psychotic MansonKoresh: whats up man deprivation: amphetamine psychosis. whew! deprivation: all's cool MansonKoresh: yeh dig it deprivation: take the guitar player for a ride deprivation: whats up jen? oh bondage: not much MansonKoresh: come in dopwn to spahn ranch oh bondage: i came on right when i got home MansonKoresh: we gots it goin on deprivation: yeah, no disasters deprivation: spahn ranch. where the love is free and so is the death! MansonKoresh: all u can eat! oh bondage: just dont drink the coolaid THE LETTER B: is decent oh bondage: kool aid MansonKoresh: then take a nap in a tiny cupboard til the cops show deprivation: unless you're ready to board the ship deprivation: the intergelactic cosmosis megatraveler MansonKoresh: dig it oh bondage: you know they found even more bodies under the sink? deprivation: x's on the forehead, love on the brain oh bondage: yeah they were behind the comet MansonKoresh: snap your fingers, snap your neck oh bondage: okay enough of this oh bondage: chris have you packed yet deprivation: all that and the kitchen sink deprivation: partially oh bondage: :0 deprivation: I still haven't cased up my cd collection MansonKoresh: chicks dig mid 80s hank hair oh bondage: oh dear MansonKoresh: thats why i have mine like that MansonKoresh: its coool oh bondage: how many roles of film did you pack deprivation: and they dig freaky tattoos MansonKoresh: i only have one of them deprivation: I bought a pack of about 5 deprivation: 24 exp oh bondage: you might need more than that MansonKoresh: oh man..then you take it to the poor one hour photo guy LoVEDoLLpuNk: blah blah i'll be back SYSTEM Greeter: "LoVEDoLLpuNk" has left the room MansonKoresh: who has to process all them 5 rolls oh bondage: who cares MansonKoresh: damn tourists oh bondage: hehe deprivation: yeah.. really who cares?! MansonKoresh: :( deprivation: just some guy at the end of his rope oh bondage: no about if love comes back MansonKoresh: and then you want it in 40 minutes MansonKoresh: damn.. oh bondage: well dotn forget the naked pictures deprivation: damn straight we do oh bondage: he gets to look at MansonKoresh: oh yeh..copies deprivation: double prints deprivation: hey, it's all machine operated anyway aint it? MansonKoresh: at walgreens,,,we have your drunk naked ass in a drawer oh bondage: sometimes deprivation: ah, that's secondary income there deprivation: blackmail MansonKoresh: yeh oh bondage: im gettin tired SYSTEM Greeter: "VIRTUALCHIC" has left the room oh bondage: even though i slept alllllll day deprivation: minimum wage don't pay the bills. need to extort oh bondage: well not all day MansonKoresh: so chris this nickname a keeper or what deprivation: I slept til the crack o noon oh bondage: no deprivation: for the time being deprivation: until i get back from merry ole SYSTEM Greeter: "ER50" has left the room deprivation: lebanon MansonKoresh: im so horny..the crack o dawn better be careful round me deprivation: yeah the comp's been drinking not you oh bondage: i got woken up at 8 to take my dads ass to the radiator repare shop MansonKoresh: s'true oh bondage: and got my ass yelled at MansonKoresh: was your dads as in need of radiator repairs? deprivation: I thought you slept all day?? oh bondage: i didnt oh bondage: i thought i did deprivation: you tired girl.. i couldn't be any more awake right now oh bondage: after that my sis and i cleaned the house for the next 5 hours MansonKoresh: its the meth deprivation: no, not meth actually. raw power MansonKoresh: its a comin ta yewww deprivation: great driving music oh bondage: and then i slept .... after i waited for a while for friends to call oh bondage: raw power by iggy pop deprivation: I spent most of the day packing stuff MansonKoresh: friends HA! i laff at "friends" deprivation: and then playing guitar deprivation: and then packing my guitar deprivation: they'll be there for you MansonKoresh: such a comical notion oh bondage: you packed your guitar oh bondage: ? geez deprivation: not for taking, but safekeeping MansonKoresh: geeze chris are you taking everything? deprivation: all but the kitchen sink deprivation: my mom insists on taking so much stuff it's ridiculous MansonKoresh: your my lil pony collection? oh bondage: you dont know how to pack- you are worse than me deprivation: I want to travel light oh bondage: hehe deprivation: my lil pony collection is hidden in the drawers deprivation: safely MansonKoresh: travel like iggy..a pack of camels and a vial of lsd deprivation: I know customs would take it away oh bondage: i had to sell mine at a garage sale when i was like ten deprivation: too fruity to take aboard the plane MansonKoresh: they made em into glue i be MansonKoresh: t oh bondage: along with my she ra collection deprivation: does customs let you take cigs aboard? oh bondage: yeah MansonKoresh: i dont know man MansonKoresh: probly deprivation: cool oh bondage: a lot of flights are smoking MansonKoresh: you should get some silk cuts over there deprivation: I just finished up my last pack anyway MansonKoresh: some eenglish cig deprivation: I hope they have marlboros deprivation: not some upper class sophistofuck cigs oh bondage: the ones to other countries at least MansonKoresh: of merit menthol lights? oh bondage: yeah they have marlboros deprivation: fair enough deprivation: ! oh bondage: you are going to another country not mars deprivation: that's good MansonKoresh: yeh really nerd deprivation: well europe is like mars oh bondage: you can get them on the plane duty free deprivation: eurotrash deprivation: at least there they probably don't tax tobbacco into oblivion deprivation: damn crazy american legislators MansonKoresh: sophistofuck? deprivation: yeah oh bondage: good one chris deprivation: hi brow MansonKoresh: hm.. interesting deprivation: thanks deprivation: like picasso as opposed to warhol MansonKoresh: picasso was a bigger pompous shit than andy oh bondage: good thing im not a krishna kid- im wearing designer jeans deprivation: exactly my point MansonKoresh: god picasso was a dick MansonKoresh: oh ok oh bondage: he sucked oh bondage: i can paint better than him deprivation: designer jeans and that little bit of hair on the back of your head go perfect MansonKoresh: i wouldnt say that..but an unsavory lil schmuck he was oh bondage: hehe oh bondage: i think he sucked MansonKoresh: i dont think any of us could paint the old guitarist deprivation: quite the little bastard eh MansonKoresh: he could paint really good realism,,he just chose not to oh bondage: i always liked monet myself oh bondage: but htats just me MansonKoresh: when he was like 12 he was amazing oh bondage: oh fuck picasso deprivation: I go for comsumerist trash art MansonKoresh: the guy was a genius deprivation: something quick and disposable MansonKoresh: monet...yawwwwn MansonKoresh: my favorite artist are warhol and van gogh oh bondage: i think what he did was totally my style oh bondage: i like dave chahoolie myself deprivation: I like those monkeys who can paint deprivation: that's always alluring oh bondage: i dont think i spelled it right deprivation: entertainment for the masses MansonKoresh: and also chagall oh bondage: different field completely MansonKoresh: chahoolie! gesundheit! oh bondage: but an awesome artist- esp for only 1 eye MansonKoresh: monkeys cant paint oh bondage: i think that he is americas only living legend deprivation: his perspective was fucked though MansonKoresh: they just do that til its time to fuck or eat more bananas MansonKoresh: whos americas only living legend SYSTEM Greeter: "studlytheman" has left the room oh bondage: either that or the native american lady who does the clay oh bondage: dave chahooly MansonKoresh: never fucking heard of him oh bondage: i dotn know how to spell it MansonKoresh: how can he be a living legend deprivation: he's an unsung legend MansonKoresh: oOOH MansonKoresh: one a THOSE deprivation: much like mr. stooge MansonKoresh: yeh oh bondage: his media is glass MansonKoresh: dr iggy and mr stooge oh bondage: you should see this shit oh bondage: its awesome deprivation: recent stuff? MansonKoresh: yeh my cousin does glass..or used to THE LETTER B: can i get a vote in the house?!?!!??!?!?!?!?!?! everyone that thinks THE LETTER B is a better name than "studlytheman" press a bunch of zeros oh bondage: he's still alive THE LETTER B: 0000000000000000000000000000 MansonKoresh: they both suck oh bondage: ehehe deprivation: they're both pretty low on the food chain THE LETTER B: lol THE LETTER B: fuck you deprivation: the letter b? christ almighty THE LETTER B: manson koresh?!?!?!? deprivation: bottom rung MansonKoresh: good goddamn deprivation: fuckin hell MansonKoresh: hey its threatening at least deprivation: quite menacing THE LETTER B: <---name of my band MansonKoresh: ill say... deprivation: your name is just a setup for the punchline that is the MI, isn't it? MansonKoresh: long hair, stubble, and violent psychosis..dig it MansonKoresh: who mine? oh bondage: the letter b- thats as bad as healthy choice deprivation: yep oh bondage: now 39cents, that was a band deprivation: a good joke, i admit THE LETTER B: can ANYONE say that studly the man is better than the letter B?? studly the man is a name for the damn cyber rooms and shit MansonKoresh: no i came up with the name first MansonKoresh: well thanks oh bondage: i say MansonKoresh: maybe his name is really studly MansonKoresh: Paul H. Studly MansonKoresh: and he IS a man oh bondage: whatever MansonKoresh: oh bondage: floats yer boat MansonKoresh: nevermind deprivation: I wonder if that saxophonist from funhouse has any stuff out oh bondage: PEN15 MansonKoresh: oh yeh.. deprivation: steve mackaye I think MansonKoresh: whats his name oh bondage: wasnt that dylan's father on 90210 deprivation: I gotta look for some of that stuff deprivation: ian mackaye actually MansonKoresh: is that ians dad? oh bondage: no deprivation: could be MansonKoresh: thatd be cool deprivation: you can hear the hardcore in his sax deprivation: very straightedge sax playing MansonKoresh: oh yeh oh bondage: well i cant keep up with you tonight deprivation: is he famous? oh bondage: sorry boys deprivation: come on jen oh bondage: where deprivation: you're leaving? oh bondage: nah deprivation: cool oh bondage: i guess not deprivation: I didn't think you would :) oh bondage: ass deprivation: heh heh oh bondage: youve got me wrapped around your lil finger damnit SYSTEM Greeter: "Modern Man1" has left the room MansonKoresh: aww deprivation: no doz helps oh bondage: oh shut up mikey deprivation: stay outta this mike MansonKoresh: erp! oh bondage: hehe MansonKoresh: ok fine oh bondage: i dont have any nodoz MansonKoresh: ill just let you two mavens of mush have your room MansonKoresh: ill shut up deprivation: no it's cool oh bondage: twerp deprivation: just no mocking! MansonKoresh: hey wanna see some pathic whining? check mollys MI MansonKoresh: pathetic deprivation: no doz is cool, but leaves me feeling light headed MansonKoresh: TWERP?? oh bondage: ;) moLLy maY i: heY!!!!!!1 MansonKoresh: sigh.. oh bondage: eheh deprivation: like being dead tired but not able to sleep oh bondage: im okay THE LETTER B: ^¤^ i kanT take anymorE surgerY.onE of theSe timEs theY're gunnA kiLL me. awwwwwww poor baby :< MansonKoresh: yeh thats a fun feelin THE LETTER B: dumb cow whore SYSTEM Greeter: "Basilica" has entered the room moLLy maY i: lol.... oh bondage: woah MansonKoresh: hey now B..that was uncalled for oh bondage: everyone came out of the woodwork on that one moLLy maY i: iKe....he haTes me! deprivation: yeah keep your pontification to yourself MansonKoresh: i noticed THE LETTER B: ok moLLy maY i: he kuMs up wiF reeL inTeresTin insuLts tOO! oh bondage: no privacy in here THE LETTER B: now everyone jump all over me so i can ignore it moLLy maY i: liKe "stupid uGly faT cow hoE biTch" moLLy maY i: hehe SYSTEM Greeter: "Basilica" has left the room moLLy maY i: thaT was a persona favE MansonKoresh: wow..those are down on the farm insults deprivation: he grew up in des moines oh bondage: hehe MansonKoresh: hoe...cow..bitch moLLy maY i: heH moLLy maY i: he's a funniE lil fuCk deprivation: you can take the idiot out of the heartland, but you can't take the heartland.... MansonKoresh: heYY!!! oh bondage: well page me when i am needed moLLy maY i: when all he doEs iS tell me how fuckn sToopoiD i am.... MansonKoresh: damnit! moLLy maY i: buT moLLy maY i: he iMs me wiT moLLy maY i: THE LETTER B: youre a dumb bitch moLLy maY i: THE LETTER B: im just a slut THE LETTER B: cow hoe MansonKoresh: scathing oh bondage: maybe he has a crush on you oh bondage: like in first grade MansonKoresh: he should write for the national lampoon moLLy maY i: HE LETTER B: cos youre dumb THE LETTER B: ohYEAH!!!!!!! moLLy maY i: moLLy maY i: hehehe SYSTEM Greeter: "SLIPERY1" has entered the room THE LETTER B: you forgot this one molly moLLy maY i: HE LETTER B: dumb cow whore THE LETTER B: i noT trYinG tO bE diFFerEnT moLLy maY i: o yeA. moLLy maY i: buT.....thaTs noT an inSulT moLLy maY i: thaTs juS.... moLLy maY i: falSe. moLLy maY i: talkn like tihs is boring. moLLy maY i: how many times do i hafta tell you THE LETTER B: right cos its an accident that you type different MansonKoresh: hey chris did you ever see that book by iggy 'i need more" THE LETTER B: youre not TRYING to tYpe LikE thiS THE LETTER B: it just happens THE LETTER B: right? moLLy maY i: oF koursE m'trYin moLLy maY i: y0u sToopiD fuCk deprivation: is that the one where he's naked on the cover? THE LETTER B: trying to what? moLLy maY i: sTop trYin t'caTch me conTraDictin mahSelf SYSTEM Greeter: "SLIPERY1" has left the room THE LETTER B: type different? MansonKoresh: maybe THE LETTER B: be different? THE LETTER B: yes THE LETTER B: yes deprivation: I think I've seen it moLLy maY i: giT ovEr iT, alvin. moLLy maY i: er anDreW moLLy maY i: er wh0evA y0u are MansonKoresh: but they had some pics of the stooges live, from 1970. they were playing the funhouse album live.. oh bondage: ramones moLLy maY i: i type h0w i wannA type moLLy maY i: fuckn.....movE on moLLy maY i: cuz yR fuckn paTheTic MansonKoresh: kill to have seen that deprivation: raw power. I was just listening to it moLLy maY i: m'noT gonnA chanGe oh bondage: theres no chaangin how she types deprivation: that is one rippin motherfucker of a record oh bondage: trust me - used to bug the fuck outta me MansonKoresh: oh hell yeh oh bondage: now im used to it deprivation: I mean, it shreds moLLy maY i: lol.... oh bondage: dotn know how she does it so fuckin fast but .... oh bondage: not my proble, MansonKoresh: it tears your brain in two oh bondage: m moLLy maY i: i type liKe a hacKer moLLy maY i: iTs neaTo moLLy maY i: heheh oh bondage: not really moLLy maY i: bam bam bma bma bam deprivation: perfect for driving at night oh bondage: but thats cool moLLy maY i: heheee... moLLy maY i: pounDin awaY ;> moLLy maY i: fanKya deprivation: I've come to the conclusion that the stooges were the ultimate band for listening while driving moLLy maY i: n iKe waS riTe! mY pinKy *DoEs* hovEr ovEr the shiFt keY MansonKoresh: hmm oh bondage: my suggestion- befriend her, its alot more fun that way oh bondage: i dotn think that he oh bondage: s listneing MansonKoresh: thatd be a good 100 bands for listening to while driving oh bondage: oh well moLLy maY i: me neiTher oh bondage: no one does anyway moLLy maY i: ;> oh bondage: poor me oh bondage: hehe deprivation: yeah, categorized by moods moLLy maY i: i lisTen moLLy maY i: i lovE ya hun moLLy maY i: moLLy maY i: buT... moLLy maY i: thaS like mah sisTaz namE MansonKoresh: nirvana for drinking and driving moLLy maY i: JenniFer....then jennY........then jenN deprivation: hmm MansonKoresh: not that i do that! MansonKoresh: phew... deprivation: hey I believe you! oh bondage: no its been a bunch of different moLLy maY i: buH....i wouLda remembered......f'yr namE......was the samE MansonKoresh: used to moLLy maY i: buT i guEss nOT deprivation: I replacements live tape for drinking and driving oh bondage: chris deprivation: something sloppy and drunken oh bondage: mom foune me deprivation: ach..! oh bondage: now i gots to fo MansonKoresh: lounge act..the ultimate buzzin n swerving song oh bondage: go moLLy maY i: heY jenn..wherE d'y0u livE? oh bondage: cali moLLy maY i: 0 gawD....juS.....o gawD.... oh bondage: what moLLy maY i: okaY.... moLLy maY i: i am goin to asK y0u a serieS of quesTi0ns. MansonKoresh: im movin to hollywood moLLy maY i: did y0u go to wArped tour? deprivation: hwood is where it all goes on THE LETTER B: shut up molly moLLy maY i: O gaWd oh bondage: yep THE LETTER B: dumb cow whore oh bondage: i went moLLy maY i: okaY.. moLLy maY i: LOL moLLy maY i: AHHHHHHHHHHH moLLy maY i: MansonKoresh: gonna find some cheap room, cheap beer, grow a heinous nasty beard moLLy maY i: Do y0u *LovE* sociaL D.....wiTh a passioN? MansonKoresh: JUST CUT TO THE FUCKIN CHASE MOLLY MansonKoresh: GOOD GODDAMN! moLLy maY i: lol....i kanT.... moLLy maY i: juS......answer me jenn moLLy maY i: moLLy maY i: JeNN?! moLLy maY i: o goLLy ogoLLy... MansonKoresh: hey chris,,jim had a good dont give a fuck beard..the ultimate moLLy maY i: oh bondage: sorry MansonKoresh: jim morrison moLLy maY i: where did yo0 seE wArped t0ur? oh bondage: i like soc d alot deprivation: take the jim morrison/hemingway route MansonKoresh: no not hemingway yuck oh bondage: at san domingas hills moLLy maY i: jeNN-------wherE did y0u seE wArped t0ur? deprivation: yeah, could do without the shotgun to the head! moLLy maY i: SYSTEM Greeter: "Ska Chick2" has left the room MansonKoresh: i dont wanna die witha bad hairpeice moLLy maY i: noT.....sFo....riTe? oh bondage: the olympic velodrom oh bondage: nopt MansonKoresh: dying in abath after shooting smacks a little nicer moLLy maY i: deprivation: just drink yourself into oblivion under an assumed name in a seedy motel moLLy maY i: okaY moLLy maY i: :) oh bondage: i gots to go kids oh bondage: see ya later moLLy maY i: okaY byE jeNN! oh bondage: bye deprivation: bye jen MansonKoresh: hey i like the ring of that, chris oh bondage: page MansonKoresh: bye jenni oh bondage: bye deprivation: I will oh bondage: mikey SYSTEM Greeter: "gold soundz" has entered the room oh bondage: bye chris deprivation: bye oh bondage: bye molly - you fat ugly cow bitch... hehheehe oh bondage: just kidding SYSTEM Greeter: "ybottt" has entered the room oh bondage: bye all moLLy maY i: lol.... SYSTEM Greeter: "oh bondage" has left the room SYSTEM Greeter: "ybottt" has left the room deprivation: It's so romantic too. drinking yourself to nothingness deprivation: no wonder all the greats take that route MansonKoresh: isnt it? like kerouac..dying in front of a Tv drunk living with his mother MansonKoresh: its the tits! SYSTEM Greeter: "gold soundz" has left the room deprivation: rising like a meteor and then crashing like a valujet MansonKoresh: lol MansonKoresh: like a mic up james taylors ass.. deprivation: stop bringing that up... deprivation: that was liquor talking MansonKoresh: it was funny!!! deprivation: not me MansonKoresh: oh man i was dying deprivation: well.. thanks MansonKoresh: then the cutting the penis off with a guitar string..oh man deprivation: my sober self found it repulsive deprivation: goddammit MansonKoresh: morning eh deprivation: I dunno what I was thinking deprivation: GOOD GODDAMN!! moLLy maY i: iKe.... moLLy maY i: y0u liKe t'talk bouT drinKin, donCha? MansonKoresh: chris,,it was very humourous moLLy maY i: chriS?! moLLy maY i: chriS chriS? deprivation: yes, chris chris. christ! moLLy maY i: =o!!!!!!! moLLy maY i: MansonKoresh: utterly demented, and indicative of deeper rooted problems, but funny deprivation: drinking circle of friends! moLLy maY i: whY donT y0u evEr tell me theSe thinGs! deprivation: lol MansonKoresh: what?? tell you what molly deprivation: coming from the depths of my battered psyche moLLy maY i: thaT.....thaT waS chriS deprivation: I thought you could glean it molly from the convo! MansonKoresh: so you think im a big drunk asshole molly..IS THAT IT!!?!? moLLy maY i: m'noT thaT smarT!! deprivation: me??! moLLy maY i: moLLy maY i: moLLy maY i: im noT thaT smarT moLLy maY i: h0w waS *I* sposE t'kn0 thaT y0u are La chris MansonKoresh: yeh u belived laura gave head to a less than jake roadie moLLy maY i: eh eh e/? deprivation: you're sharp like a butter knife molly! moLLy maY i: ;P deprivation: hehe moLLy maY i: i haTe boFF oF y0u. MansonKoresh: maybe you aint that bright deprivation: she didn't? moLLy maY i: m'brighT as a lighTbuLb deprivation: I heard that rumor going around second hand moLLy maY i: ;D MansonKoresh: but hey your still welcome in my cult MansonKoresh: no she didnt deprivation: walls have ears MansonKoresh: his ziper was jammed actually moLLy maY i: lol deprivation: hehe deprivation: you don't hate her now, do you? MansonKoresh: LA chris and the night drivers deprivation: it's all in good fun eh? MansonKoresh: who me deprivation: yeah MansonKoresh: i dont HATE her..eric hates her moLLy maY i: mE?! moLLy maY i: o.. moLLy maY i: yeA... moLLy maY i: he doEs deprivation: eric... moLLy maY i: :( moLLy maY i: moLLy maY i: RoyceRadica moLLy maY i: l MansonKoresh: i just dont really 'get' her thats all deprivation: oh ok moLLy maY i: lol... deprivation: yep, i know the story moLLy maY i: geT mE? deprivation: no deprivation: laura moLLy maY i: YOU kn0w the sTory?? MansonKoresh: oh , i gotcha molly deprivation: well. not about eric MansonKoresh: no not the eric story THE LETTER B: bye cow whore deprivation: nor do I need to know moLLy maY i: OoOoh.. moLLy maY i: laTa ;> SYSTEM Greeter: "THE LETTER B" has left the room deprivation: anyway, I'm gonna finish packing moLLy maY i: d'y0u kno eriC? deprivation: I'll see y'all in 2 weeks MansonKoresh: later chris deprivation: me? nah, never talked to him MansonKoresh: piss on the blarney stone for me deprivation: seeya mike, molly.... moLLy maY i: kaTch a baSS!!!!!!!!! moLLy maY i: lol........ moLLy maY i: LOL MansonKoresh: er.. moLLy maY i: lmao.... moLLy maY i: o gawd...... deprivation: I'll be sure to deface all the relics I can and piss of the royal gurad deprivation: guard moLLy maY i: lol.... deprivation: later guys MansonKoresh: alrighty then