deprivation: i really think that would be a lot of fun BodyCry: sounds like a smart guy callouses: he did it on a dare or soemthing BodyCry: hahh callouses: he got like 500 dollars i think SYSTEM Greeter: "WICKDCLOWNZ" has entered the room callouses: but he went down as a party legend deprivation: yeah give a college kid a dare and he'll give you anything BodyCry: hah BodyCry: thats so fuckin true callouses: yeah chris, youll be a college kid soon callouses: then where will you be!? SYSTEM Greeter: "hihowsitgoin" has left the room deprivation: they're malleable WICKDCLOWNZ: whats up "punks"? deprivation: I don't think i'm going callouses: at all? BodyCry: thats a term used for metals BodyCry: ?? callouses: or not this semester? WICKDCLOWNZ: you talkin yo me? deprivation: not ever probably callouses: oh yeah, hmmm WICKDCLOWNZ: so are you all new schoolers? deprivation: never wanted to WICKDCLOWNZ: well? callouses: hey, more power to ya BodyCry: was it me honestly, torn away from my purity dont look ahead an neva look back at those that night an empty promises deprivation: 30 seconds and a one way ride callouses: save alot of cash BodyCry: only the stain remains callouses: wasted time deprivation: if I'm going it would just be to jc WICKDCLOWNZ: new school sucks deprivation: and I'd drop out in a couple of months anyway BodyCry: new school what? callouses: are ya gonna look for a job? WICKDCLOWNZ: you read it deprivation: yep. soon BodyCry: {s goodbyef} SYSTEM Greeter: "BodyCry" has left the room deprivation: I think i'll end up homeless deprivation: but it's not a big deal callouses: are you kidding me? deprivation: no I was walking today in santa monica deprivation: and I was thinking "I'm gonna be one of those guys eventually!" deprivation: it was cool!! callouses: heh, well yer always welcome up here callouses: its just colder deprivation: nah, I'd rather stay in socal. hehe deprivation: even if it means living in an alley WICKDCLOWNZ: your all probably big sex pistol fans right? callouses: i dont think yer gonna end up homeless deprivation: i'm going to be poor maybe SYSTEM Greeter: "d michael" has left the room callouses: what would you do? carry around yer stereo system? deprivation: i'm just sick of education callouses: you need that! deprivation: walkman WICKDCLOWNZ: go ahead be worthless deprivation: portable record lab deprivation: foodstamps callouses: mm mmm mm! foodstamps deprivation: 10 kids standing in line for welfare checks deprivation: they're tasty! callouses: you can get better things if you trade them into the right people deprivation: liqeur WICKDCLOWNZ: you won't be homeless deprivation: yeah, that's what they use them for callouses: yeppers deprivation: they should hand out food rations. canned heat callouses: heh heh deprivation: i need things for free deprivation: WON'T WORK! callouses: im not a machine! callouses: machiiine! callouses: machine!!!!!!!! deprivation: macchhhiiiiiiiiinne!!! callouses: fuck all you people cant see my side! deprivation: you push right through my head. i'm not a machine. can work for my own self deprivation: I've got my own strategies for my life deprivation: I see the evidence in your ways! callouses: i can see the ugliness in yer ways deprivation: don't tell me how to make my way callouses: awesome sing alongs deprivation: I've heard it before (nanananana) deprivation: yep. like SIX PACK callouses: deprivation: deprivation: callouses: ha ha right on brotha! deprivation: I was working with feedback today deprivation: it was fun deprivation: different tone settings get me different kinds callouses: arrrgh, now when i hear of feedback i thionk of that husker song ending deprivation: there's one that sounds like metal being twisted and torn SYSTEM Greeter: "HammersQuest" has entered the room deprivation: ah, that's my favorite kind of feedback! deprivation: where it's just one loooong squeal deprivation: callouses: but whenever i get to that song always make myself listen to it for some reason callouses: like self punishment or something deprivation: it's noise man.. deprivation: well it's catchy in its own way callouses: maybe purification is within the decibels! callouses: deprivation: the sound of the amp being shut off gives closure to the whole thing deprivation: the devil's in the decibels callouses: heh heh deprivation: sounds likea big fucking amp too deprivation: like...heh heh heh.... 200 watter.. full stack! yeah.. haha callouses: i dont know the sound difference betweebn a big and small amp deprivation: I can't usually... SYSTEM Greeter: "HammersQuest" has left the room SYSTEM Greeter: "WICKDCLOWNZ" has left the room deprivation: but the way he shuts it off after that long feedback... deprivation: it sounds like a wall callouses: yeah callouses: WWWHHHOMP deprivation: like it's using up an entire power plant deprivation: reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... shump! callouses: ugh deprivation: I like noise a lot callouses: yeah callouses: i noticed! deprivation: yeah, and my mind is generating it deprivation: sounds in my head callouses: noise? deprivation: gotta put them on tape callouses: uh oh deprivation: schizo man callouses: I just hear the effects of too many concerts in my head deprivation: ear damage callouses: like that numb piercing tone deprivation: after I play everything muffled for about an hour deprivation: after a concert it's half a day callouses: yeah really deprivation: makes it hard to sleep SYSTEM Greeter: "starla420" has left the room callouses: but i think earplugs are almost sacreligious deprivation: it's pointless SYSTEM Greeter: "slaphappie" has entered the room callouses: like, the music is supposed to be in there, its supposed to be that loud, to make a statement deprivation: I wanna punch guys i see wearing those callouses: heh heh deprivation: fucking pansies! take the pain! deprivation: if you want music, take it! callouses: theres always whisper 2000 deprivation: whydidyoubackmeintothecorner?!?!?!? callouses: uh oh!is that yer little voice? deprivation: whatsgonnahappentoyouregothemn!?!??! deprivation: stupid priiiiiide!!! deprivation: selfishpriiiiiidie! deprivation: stupid......PRIIIIIIDE!!!!! callouses: oh! its taht song! deprivation: PRIDE!!!!!! callouses: I cant understand the words deprivation: yeah but i got lyrics. hehe deprivation: that's the sound in my head callouses: I like at the very end of the song, where the guitar is like SYSTEM Greeter: "slaphappie" has left the room callouses: wwwweeeeer weeer weeer weer weeer callouses: like back and forth deprivation: I like that part where he's saying pride.. and the melody is like going down deprivation: duh-duh- duh da duh duhhh callouses: the whole song is fucking good! deprivation: it helps me clear my head deprivation: no response.... deprivation: forget him.. just forget him!! callouses: if i would cover a hard husker du song id want to cover i will never forget you or hmmmm deprivation: eight miles high is hard to play callouses: indescion time is cool, tho its not that hard deprivation: even though its a byrds song callouses: indescion time is? deprivation: no no eight miles high callouses: heh heh deprivation: questions like a candle thats burning at both ends SYSTEM Greeter: "riot girrrl" has left the room deprivation: you never find an answer that fits in your plans! deprivation: back and forth between the good and the bad it's indecision time callouses: its indescion time! deprivation: you're so natural you're so free.. so don't decide what's best for me! callouses: youre so natural youre so clean deprivation: a lot of that stuff is like metal callouses: yeah but its all good deprivation: that bunch of about 5 songs callouses: i was actually litstening to some metallica today deprivation: flip your wig is so poppy man! SYSTEM Greeter: "Basilica" has entered the room deprivation: I can't help but dance deprivation: old metallica? deprivation: like pastor of muppets? callouses: battery, blackened and dyers eve callouses: i still like those songs deprivation: thats all speed metal huh? callouses: yeah! deprivation: thrash. yeah thats good stuff deprivation: I'm more into slower stuff now though callouses: yeah thats cool deprivation: the thrash doesn't affect me like it used to deprivation: not even slow, more like ramones-paced SYSTEM Greeter: "BrownSugar99" has entered the room Basilica: i'm in chicago! callouses: the only slow stuff i like is pretty much from Beck Basilica: and i'm from Detroit! SYSTEM Greeter: "anUnkind" has entered the room BrownSugar99: anyone seen shattner? anUnkind: h anUnkind: e anUnkind: l deprivation: beck? yeah, that's cool anUnkind: l anUnkind: o BrownSugar99: hi! SYSTEM Greeter: "Basilica" has left the room anUnkind: hey BrownSugar99: how goes it? callouses: beck used to be realy cool anUnkind: good BrownSugar99: thas cool deprivation: like the loser era? SYSTEM Greeter: "Weird 69" has entered the room callouses: nah, before that, like flipside released a record of his SYSTEM Greeter: "Weird 69" has left the room deprivation: stereopathic soul manure callouses: its real good, stereopatheic soulmanure, he gets hobos to sing with him and stuff callouses: hell syeah deprivation: really? hey, that sounds pretty cool! SYSTEM Greeter: "RiverOfBlood" has entered the room deprivation: there's like a bunch of them in santa monica, by the beach deprivation: they're all sprawled out on the grass callouses: and he even had a song called rollins power sauce SYSTEM Greeter: "RiverOfBlood" has left the room deprivation: you could start a band with them callouses: hobos are awesome deprivation: is that a steroids reference? Lorna Doomy: a callouses: i dunno! Lorna Doomy: Amy I 'm sorry you are too much of a child to listen to what I have to say callouses: its a harsh song tho deprivation: hi, I'm henry rollins... a lot of guys ask me how I keep in such great shape...well.... Lorna Doomy: you have to block out my messages because you think you are ALWAYS right Lorna Doomy: and everybody else is ALWAYS wrong Lorna Doomy: I'm sorry I ever backed you and Alisal up against Nicole SYSTEM Greeter: "anUnkind" has left the room SYSTEM Greeter: "fRuMpLeD" has left the room Lorna Doomy: this doesn't have to do with my sex lide Lorna Doomy: life I mean callouses: SugarshoT: molly come back!!! callouses: im goin to sleep, im a wuss SugarshoT: g'nite callouses: its only 4 30 Lorna Doomy: it has to do with you and me, and I'm sorry that you know too much that you are wrong to admit it deprivation: me too SYSTEM Greeter: "SugarshoT" has left the room Lorna Doomy: you are so immature Amy callouses: goodnigth sugar and chrisco