SYSTEM Greeter: SYSTEM Greeter: You are now in room "Punk" SYSTEM Greeter: You have READ/WRITE Access SYSTEM Greeter: flagburner8: why do that? flagburner8: look at the CAUSES of crime starla420: that is why any oranization is needed no anarky stooges3: anarchy is based on the belief that man i inherently good flagburner8: there would be NO reason to steal when everyone is equal VicarInTutu: BECAUSE PEOPLE DO THAT IN A POPULOUS INDUSTRIALIZED NATION insolent1: well man isn insolent1: isnt stooges3: but man can be corrupted and that is where the problems come in flagburner8: and all have the same possesions starla420: but people are NOT created equal oldschoolhc: what about those who want more VicarInTutu: people are too! flagburner8: exactly, but they have freedom, so it doenst matter stooges3: greed kills tweekerbytch: some people need structure insolent1: there is only 1 citizen of utopia VicarInTutu: why aren't they flagburner8: genetic defects flagburner8: disorders flagburner8: mutations death knell: utopia is a dated, useless idea flagburner8: disease starla420: no. we are all individuals im not like you your not like flagburnere SYSTEM Greeter: "Salmon Sk8" has entered the room tweekerbytch: just because we have no rules wouldn't stop problems VicarInTutu: I agree with death insolent1: just fukin look at lord of the flies....yer the savages. we'll just destroy ourselves oldschoolhc: it would create them insolent1: oops...i meant.... flagburner8: THAT IS A BOOK, NOT A REALITY VicarInTutu: anarchy isn't even about no rules insolent1: that people are the savages without govt starla420: do any of you read out side of school? flagburner8: christ..dont base your arguments on FICTION stooges3: if i have to destroy to rebuild, then so be it death knell: accept the reality and quit dreaming of some idealistic perfect state flagburner8: yes, i do starla insolent1: its a bout socitey though starla420: i caaan tell but using lord of the flies VicarInTutu: people aren't savages without government flagburner8: so?? its not facts! tweekerbytch: no matter what kind of government we have there will always be someone who becomes a leader, whether by force or choice flagburner8: so? stooges3: i will lead stooges3: follow me insolent1: and that leader will relize their power tweekerbytch: and take advantage VicarInTutu: yes insolent1: yeah tweekerbytch: :) starla420: so you want a dictatorship stooges3: no VicarInTutu: so it's our job to keep and right leaders tweekerbytch: no, i'm not saying that stooges3: i want VicarInTutu: no starla420: ok oldschoolhc: leadership is a necessity for humans SYSTEM Greeter: "Salmon Sk8" has left the room flagburner8: VOTING DOESNT WORK VicarInTutu: were're all antifascist flagburner8: THE MAJORITY IS DUPED VicarInTutu: I hope insolent1: corruption is human nature....not by choice VicarInTutu: no it doesn't death knell: we need a minimally structured gov't that lays down a FEW basic laws and leaves the rest to the individuals starla420: hitlar was a facist right? VicarInTutu: representative democracy sux flagburner8: NO ONE CAN SAY WHAT HUMAN NATURE IS VicarInTutu: yeah VicarInTutu: he was tweekerbytch: flagburner, anacrcy is a cool thought, but i dont really think it would make things better starla420: and mussolni flagburner8: BECUASE THERE HAS NEVER BEEN A TIME WHEN HUMANS WERE NOT CHANGED BY SOCIETY tweekerbytch: anarchy insolent1: democracy was real good idea...just like communism ULFCHILD: Oh hi Kim i didn't even see you come in... I'm busy IM talking now... I talk to you soon... :> death knell: and there's no guarantee of safety or equality, so don't even try starla420: its cool stooges3: in the old days they just killed the poorer rulers, today the president can't even face charges of sexaul misconduct. he is not accountable to the people, yer he should be! flagburner8: democracy doesnt work flagburner8: because the majority is duped VicarInTutu: stooge know his shit insolent1: i should be reformed tweekerbytch: people will always be influenced by society no matter what government we have starla420: the majority is uneducated VicarInTutu: which is why rep democracy sux death knell: iggy stooge stooges3: no stooges3: wrong... SYSTEM Greeter: "a Wanderer" has entered the room stooges3: don't think so VicarInTutu: that's why educating the masses is the first step in revolution tweekerbytch: how so starla420: uneducated assss in dont know what there voting for flagburner8: I AGREE VICAR stooges3: grab you guns and fight a Wanderer: yeah SYSTEM Greeter: "gamotron" has left the room a Wanderer: right on stooges3: tear down the whitehouse gates VicarInTutu: no don't death knell: let the masses educate themselves, if they can't, that's their loss oldschoolhc: guns aren't gonna help too much Ska Face: If you guys haven't noticed America has the most freedom in all the countries,if you want to risk losing that you'd better relize wht your asking for...I agree with Vicarln tweekerbytch: where would that get us stooge flagburner8: no, you'll just start an anti left reaction!! a Wanderer: bye stooges3: guns will kill all who defy oldschoolhc: against nuclear bombs starla420: violence doesnt work its been prooved over and over Undercovhick: I'M LEFT HANDED VicarInTutu: THE BUREAUCRACY IS FAR TOO VAST TO GROUP INTO ONE CATEGORY SYSTEM Greeter: "a Wanderer" has left the room tweekerbytch: guns will kill everyone stooges3: then bomb me and get it over with oldschoolhc: the world is run by violence flagburner8: THE ONLY FREEDOM AMERIKKKA GIVES ME IS THE FREEDOM TO BELIEVE THEIR LIES OR GET BEAT UP! stooges3: not I for i am the best shot tweekerbytch: well i would but then i might die too VicarInTutu: NOT ALL THE GOVERNMENT IS BAD Undercovhick: death knell: enough with the propaganda flag insolent1: without any'd all be all knwo it too stooges3: i hate the land of the scars and stripes, i am proud to be un-american tweekerbytch: now i understand where you're coming from, flagburner SYSTEM Greeter: "PumpkinFreak" has entered the room SYSTEM Greeter: "RudeAngel" has left the room Undercovhick: flagburner8: thank you tweeker starla420: that is the point in socialism i believe in not all govenment is bad stooges3: he who nothing questions, nothing learns SYSTEM Greeter: "jesustemple" has left the room tweekerbytch: our govt does keep alot of secters from us death knell: all these platitudes I've heard millions of times before. america isn't supposed to give you anything VicarInTutu: yes flagburner8: LEFTISTS UNITE!! tweekerbytch: secrets Undercovhick: VicarInTutu: MAO PROVED THAT TO BE POSSIBLE Ska Face: right on tweeker death knell: Unity = everyone must think alike flagburner8: no stooges3: <3.....2......1........ignition> death knell: fuck that PUNkxxxxxSK8: see you all i agree with all you maybe 1 fucking day that will come true see you 'punks' flagburner8: we just work together flagburner8: thats UNITY flagburner8: not thinking the exact same death knell: and if somebody doesn't want to work the same way or has different ideas? flagburner8: that would be CONFORMITY stooges3: we are all dead and let leave it that way death knell: bam, they're out tweekerbytch: but anarchy pulls people apert all unity would be lost oldschoolhc: stand up for one another, not push each other down SYSTEM Greeter: "PumpkinFreak" has left the room SYSTEM Greeter: "stooges3" has left the room SYSTEM Greeter: "punkgirl" has entered the room SYSTEM Greeter: "PUNkxxxxxSK8" has left the room tweekerbytch: it would be like high school, where everybody goes off in their clique groups Ska Face: thats a conflict in itself flag... death knell: unity is for like minded sheep, not individuals VicarInTutu: SOCIALISM COMES OUT RIGHT IN THE CENTER flagburner8: no starla420: what kind of socialism early or Marks socialism punkgirl: hi friends! flagburner8: unity is for brave men and women who will help their fellow free thinkers in need oldschoolhc: i agree VicarInTutu: just equal distribution of the wealth Ska Face: thre will be disagreement oldschoolhc: not necessarily death knell: unity forms a big hulking group... slower, fatter, and easier to shoot down tweekerbytch: all i'm trying to say is that we have the best govt going in the world and i think we do fine starla420: tell me about how you would run the government make me understand insolent1: right on in sweden VicarInTutu: but even sweden is not enough death knell: giving 76 percent of your income to the gov't? ok, if you want that! flagburner8: tweeker..then why dont you go out and burn a flag flagburner8: see what happens death knell: I don't! flagburner8: and tell me then if you think you are free death knell: that's not what I call freedom tweekerbytch: k i get your point oldschoolhc: the only reason our government is so good is because it destroys anything that could possible contradict it insolent1: but if everyone gives it..then evyone will be the class wars punkgirl: i agree! tweekerbytch: but i'd rather live here then in iran or somthing insolent1: me too flagburner8: of course death knell: in countries like sweden, you work for the government, not yourself oldschoolhc: me too insolent1: then why do you hate it punkgirl: yeah th gov. is way fucked in europe flagburner8: because it is still bad Beki Bondage: its fuked everywhere flagburner8: THE GOVERNMENT IS 'WAY FUCKED UP' EVERYWHERE insolent1: but its better than iran...right? flagburner8: i dont know flagburner8: ive never lived in iran tweekerbytch: well i think so punkgirl: here it is fucked too, but politicians try to make us beleive otherwise flagburner8: dont just base everything on what the news says oldschoolhc: i gaurantee that if someone in another country decided to start a revolution against america, they would be wiped out flagburner8: punkgirl: the news lies flagburner8: wait.. tweekerbytch: if you think our gont is too controlling try living in a communist govt or something punkgirl: or doesnt tell the whole story GUS THE DOG: insolent1: okay...iran is a jungle with volcanoes, beaches, and naked girls all over the place flagburner8: how can you have a revolution from outside a country? death knell: the only thing fucked up about america is the socialist leanings and govt control that's growing tweekerbytch: well of course flagburner8: hey!! not on the boots!! tweekerbytch: america is very powerful flagburner8: yeh punkgirl: yeah oldschoolhc: because our country controls many others flagburner8: and they use it against EVERYONE punkgirl: we owe soooooo many countries! flagburner8: even its own citizens GUS THE DOG: punkgirl: big $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ flagburner8: yeh, but will we EVER pay?? flagburner8: no! insolent1: then flag...if you wanna change for mayor of yer town..then work yer way up to pres punkgirl: no tweekerbytch: sooooo many countries owe us flagburner8: we'll take them over! oldschoolhc: we will pay VicarInTutu: that would be rep democracy flagburner8: lol, im only 15 man..cant quite run for mayor yet death knell: most of the money the government owes is to private business and american citizens oldschoolhc: the middle class will pay flagburner8: wouldnt work punkgirl: go for it! death knell: other countries owe US money VicarInTutu: look at the national debt GUS THE DOG: VicarInTutu: in the FUCKING TRILLIONS death knell: because we keep lending it in foreign aid insolent1: what wouldn't work? punkgirl: h aha flagburner8: congress would never pass any of my bills oldschoolhc: the capitalists will have all the money flagburner8: and id never get elected insolent1: then get into congress GUS THE DOG: death knell: better capitalists have all the money than the government! VicarInTutu: damn leeches tweekerbytch: maybe another type of govt would work better but i dont think anarchy would be the best choice insolent1: why wouldn't you be? VicarInTutu: no! flagburner8: hey spence..gus wouldnt do that to me VicarInTutu: the government are capitalist tweekerbytch: though it would be nice to not get caught, especially with the shit i do oldschoolhc: the capitalists are the government] insolent1: if you know whats right..e.veryone will back you up...right? punkgirl: anarchy is goood idea, but it would never work flagburner8: how can you say that?? flagburner8: its NEVER BEEN TRIED!! oldschoolhc: then how is it a good idea death knell: the government is socialist.... taking wealth in increasing figures and redistributing it flagburner8: SO DONT JUMP TO CONCLUSIONS! tweekerbytch: just think though punkgirl: all other gov sucks! tweekerbytch: there would be so much crime and shit insolent1: hey..this has been fun, but i gotta jet punkgirl: yeah VicarInTutu: yes flagburner8: you can never predict how people will respond to it punkgirl: everyone would die tweekerbytch: the country would fall apart VicarInTutu: death is right flagburner8: its just not possible VicarInTutu: but they VicarInTutu: re punkgirl: not all death tweekerbytch: good point you just poved mine tweekerbytch: proved Ska Face: later insolent VicarInTutu: not doing enough of it insolent1: see ya SYSTEM Greeter: "insolent1" has left the room punkgirl: bye bye flagburner8: whats wrong with a country falling apart? flagburner8: patriotism is a disease oldschoolhc: football is the main cause of patriotic chauvenism SYSTEM Greeter: "tweekerbytch" has left the room punkgirl: football sucks flagburner8: yes flagburner8: " I KNOW, LETS RUN AROUND AND HIT EACHOTHER, AT LEAST THEN WE WONT HAVE TO THINK!!" oldschoolhc: sounds fun Ska Face: hehehe oldschoolhc: im in VicarInTutu: PRO SPORTS ARE THE FUCKING EPITOME OF CAPITALISM GUS THE DOG: DOG TALK: Geoff I left a big suprize on erika head for the morning Ska Face: I think you guys made your piont.... flagburner8: right on vicar punkgirl: fighting for a pigskins! flagburner8: suuure ya did spence GUS THE DOG: dog talk: I DID!!!!!!!! flagburner8: i bet Beki Bondage: isn't it disgusting that they get to go to college for free just because they play football, and I'll never have a chance of going because I dont have the money, aven though I have a brain??? flagburner8: gus wouldnt do that flagburner8: hes a sweet doggie VicarInTutu: beki knows her shit oldschoolhc: pretty disgusting Ska Face: I hate that punkgirl: i hate the way the scolorships work oldschoolhc: that is to passify the masses VicarInTutu: isn't it also disgusting that they're paid more than the President? punkgirl: no smart people git them! flagburner8: theyre paid more than ANYONE Beki Bondage: it's disgusting that they get paid flagburner8: except big businessmen oldschoolhc: get them more interested in football than in their dying neighbors Beki Bondage: I dont get paid for doing what I like to do... Ska Face: I think teachers should get the most $ oldschoolhc: not my teachers punkgirl: yeah! Beki Bondage: yeah...but they don't get shit flagburner8: "we've got our college kids so interested in beer, they wont even care if we start makin germ bombs again" flagburner8: |\|/ flagburner8: |/|\ flagburner8: i think education is different from teaching.. flagburner8: most people working in education just teach Beki Bondage: yeah flagburner8: like..they just make you memorize shit Ska Face: you guys wore me out...I'll see ya Beki Bondage: i've had some really good teachers though SYSTEM Greeter: "Ska Face" has left the room punkgirl: bye punkgirl: so have i flagburner8: they dont make you think death knell: GOD LOVE BIG BUSINESS Beki Bondage: mine did punkgirl: some teachers actually care oldschoolhc: being wise has nothing to do with being educated Beki Bondage: the one I have now doesn't punkgirl: those are the ones that rock death knell: you're just aping most of DK's politics, aren't you flag? flagburner8: oh yeh, you know me death knell: it's patently obvious..but hey, that's your thing oldschoolhc: noam chomsky kicks ass flagburner8: sure punkgirl: c'mon guys, dont get in a fight punkgirl: politics are NOT worth it death knell: noam chomsky is a goddamn linguist... not a political expert flagburner8: if you knew much, youd see that if anything i agree entirely with Emma Goldman death knell: I'm not fighting death knell: just criticizing punkgirl: ok punkgirl: sorry Beki Bondage: same thing flagburner8: same thing death knell: Emma Goldman via Jello Biafra Beki Bondage: jinx punkgirl: ha ha flagburner8: no, that was one fuckin quote! flagburner8: christ.. oldschoolhc: and how much of noam chomsky's stuff have you read? flagburner8: burn me alove why dont you? flagburner8: alive even death knell: as little as I can oldschoolhc: why's that flagburner8: why? hes a genius SYSTEM Greeter: "RudeAngel" has entered the room death knell: when I read about politics, I wouldn't read articles by a LINGUIST flagburner8: "Manufacturing Deceit" was good GUS THE DOG: oldschoolhc: why not flagburner8: why not? hes more intelligent than you are apparently death knell: he has his area of speciality... flagburner8: hi gus, goodd boy! VicarInTutu: just cuz you specialize in one area don't mean you don't know shit about another death knell: and somehow managed to turn himself into a political demigod flagburner8: yeh, and he happens to be a genius too GUS THE DOG: RUFF RUFF RUFF death knell: genius? well... in linguistics, perhaps flagburner8: GUS THE DOG: flagburner8: and in politics, and social issues death knell: that's your opinion flagburner8: yep flagburner8: thats my opinion death knell: fair enough oldschoolhc: anyway, i thought secrets, lies, and democracy was a pretty good book GUS THE DOG: flagburner8: maybe if you bothered to read something by him it would be yours too Beki Bondage: ha! flagburner8: lol! death knell: I don't bother with utopian, idealistic political dogma flagburner8: then what do you bother with? death knell: realistic theories that may not be perfect GUS THE DOG: VicarInTutu: and so you defer to this system? GUS THE DOG: death knell: ideas that don't strive for unattainables like equality, wealth distribution, etc flagburner8: Locke was called an idealist too..his became a reality..if only for a few years death knell: democracy is an imperfect system flagburner8: agredd death knell: pure democracy flagburner8: er.. flagburner8: agreed oldschoolhc: nothing is perfect flagburner8: but VicarInTutu: LOCKE IS WHAT MADE AMERICA death knell: not that half assed socialist tinged democracy we have in effect now flagburner8: yep, but his ideas got warped VicarInTutu: pure democracy sux VicarInTutu: people are dumb death knell: Locke did, and god bless im for it VicarInTutu: can't have it flagburner8: CAPITALISM SUCKS flagburner8: KILL ADAM SMITH VicarInTutu: KILL DAVID RICARDO death knell: if you come up with something better, you form your own country and see how it goes, pinko flagburner8: KILL STALIN VicarInTutu: LAISSEZ-FAIRE LEECHES flagburner8: maybe we will death VicarInTutu: KILL POL POT death knell: long live laissez faire oldschoolhc: exactly. lets all seceed from the country flagburner8: KILL PATRIOTISM VicarInTutu: KILL THE MILITARY-INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX death knell: I'll be the first to see you on your way at the airport as you march bravely into your brave new world oldschoolhc: hehehe Beki Bondage: what a smart-asas flagburner8: hey..hows this for hypocrisy..George Washington..rebel..fough against his home nation then says "my country, right or wrong, is still my country" punkgirl: kill all the white man! oldschoolhc: im stayin right here death knell: well george had his faults oldschoolhc: i aint goin to the airport VicarInTutu: GEORGE TRADED A BLACK MAN FER A KEG OF MOLASSES death knell: he had wooden teeth for fuck's sake flagburner8: THERE IS ONLY ONE RACE...HUMAN SYSTEM Greeter: "activist770" has entered the room GUS THE DOG: flagburner8: lol, gus.. flagburner8: yer a sick puppy Beki Bondage: oh, come on, gus Beki Bondage: jeez death knell: forget the human race, I look after myself GUS THE DOG: thinks DAMN DOGS GOT THE LIFE flagburner8: pig VicarInTutu: spoken like a capitalist leech death knell: I could give a good goddamn about everyone else death knell: i've got my own concerns flagburner8: your sick oldschoolhc: hmmm. sounds pretty selfish to me GUS THE DOG: VicarInTutu: WHAT AFFECTS THE MASSES AFFECTS YOU death knell: ok.. I guess you think individualism is sick.. so be it flagburner8: you are everything that makes me sick about amerikkka death knell: <---proud capitalist leech flagburner8: no, your apathy and lack of concern for mankind death knell: well........ LEAVE!! flagburner8: not your so called "individualism" VicarInTutu: no, we're gonna change things flagburner8: oh, i see, gonna beat me up now? death knell: if everybody looked after themselves instead of depending on society, they'd be better off oldschoolhc: im gawna shoot you flagburner8: no Beki Bondage: please.... flagburner8: "you stupid, im gonna kick you" punkgirl: oldschoolhc---------------how are you-----hows the cowboy thing? oldschoolhc: im a cowboy and im gawna shoot you death knell: everybody's a goddamn victim... oldschoolhc: im great flagburner8: everyone is guilty punkgirl: kool VicarInTutu: EXACTLY SO LET'S HELP EACH OTHER OUT!!! flagburner8: to some degree oldschoolhc: whyd you change your name? death knell: that was a sarcastic comment death knell: for those of you unkeen on the concept SYSTEM Greeter: "xXSKiPXx" has entered the room punkgirl: i ws gonna change it to punkgrrrl but some slut already had it death knell: you can help each other out, but leave me the fuck out of it flagburner8: are a pig..thats all there is to might as well be a jock oldschoolhc: oh SYSTEM Greeter: "xXSKiPXx" has left the room oldschoolhc: i liked the old version better flagburner8: no one can survive on their own anymore death knell: hehe.... keep spitting out those ad hominem insults pink boy punkgirl: why? death knell: backed into a corner VicarInTutu: damn regressive conservatives flagburner8: oh yeh oldschoolhc: you can if you're a cowboy flagburner8: right punkgirl: oh i got it oldschoolhc: shoot stuff all day long death knell: I'm a "pig"... hey, that's very humanistic and tolerant of you!! SYSTEM Greeter: "NightLaced" has entered the room death knell: wow!! VicarInTutu: yer a leech death knell: an individual isn't a leech. a socialist is. flagburner8: i dont tolerate those who dont care about anyone but themselve flagburner8: s Ska Chick2: {s alvin} death knell: how progressive of you VicarInTutu: says you and all yer kind flagburner8: i dont claim to be perfect flagburner8: because im not SYSTEM Greeter: "le fOu" has entered the room death knell: ok, but don't claim to be tolerant flagburner8: but i wouldnt fight someone for not agreeing with me le fOu: hii Hii hiii... death knell: like every limousine liberal who uses every invective in the book against those who disagree oldschoolhc: id shoot em le fOu: wutsuP ducks....? flagburner8: le fOu: uh... le fOu: wtF are you guyz talkin' about... oldschoolhc: no, actually , id fight someone for the pure hell of it le fOu: ;P SYSTEM Greeter: "NightLaced" has left the room oldschoolhc: not to change anything SYSTEM Greeter: "opiate48" has entered the room death knell: fighting for no reason ruined HC buddy flagburner8: thats great oldschool.. SYSTEM Greeter: "jonnychaos" has entered the room le fOu: lol... oldschoolhc: i dont care, im a cowboy jonnychaos: oioioi flagburner8: oh ok death knell: ok john wayne flagburner8: that explains it then le fOu: "oioioi" oldschoolhc: oi oi skinhead, get your hair cut GUS THE DOG: le fOu: das funneE...hehehe...haven't heaRd that in awhiile..heE....oioioink le fOu: GUS THE DOG: le fOu: uh le fOu: ya le fOu: neAt... opiate48: hate opiate48: you le fOu: whoaAa....that was spookeE.. le fOu: heEhee.. le fOu: GUS THE DOG: Ok I'm out Beki Bondage: bye GUS THE DOG: SYSTEM Greeter: "opiate48" has left the room punkgirl: ha ha le fOu: uh.... le fOu: huh...? punkgirl: bye puppie GUS THE DOG: DOG TALK: DAMN THE LIFE OF A DOG IS GOOD flagburner8: bye gus oldschoolhc: im gawna shoot you flagburner8: im gawna kill you GUS THE DOG: like what ya found? activist770: bye ya prostitute flagburner8: ::squelch:: oh yes le fOu: i dunno...f'i'm...rilleE stoned...? er iF you guyz are completleE....FUCKING...inSanE.... le fOu: heH.. punkgirl: dont kill the dog le fOu: le fOu: oldschoolhc: fookin shite! i learned some german today flagburner8: {s outofstp} punkgirl: like that.. flagburner8: why do you smoke? GUS THE DOG: YOU CAN'T SHOOT ME VicarInTutu: fich lies aschlo le fOu: why d'you come on here? oldschoolhc: how come death knell: what old school hc are you into? oldschoolhc: agnostic front flagburner8: to talk to people i know..why do you smoke? oldschoolhc: slapshot GUS THE DOG: cuz i'm caspers and erika dog le fOu: i smoke cuz s'a time killer... flagburner8: le fOu: occupies muh hands.. oldschoolhc: circle jerks are pretty good flagburner8: thats pathetic le fOu: gives me sumn' ta do... le fOu: ya..tanx.. flagburner8: cuz its also a people killer jonnychaos: were] le fOu: i guss i'm jsut taht kinDa guy hUH? flagburner8: do something worthwile death knell: group sex GUS THE DOG: Beki Bondage: I'm tryin to quit le fOu: ya...okiE momy... VicarInTutu: the tobacco industry is so capitalist le fOu: hey you know wha...? le fOu: kiss muh butT flagburner8: what? GUS THE DOG: BYE BYE ALL le fOu: heE... flagburner8: no thanks le fOu: Beki Bondage: bye death knell: everything in america is capitalist, get used to it.. flagburner8: i'll pass mr. attention grabber.. le fOu: SYSTEM Greeter: "activist770" has left the room GUS THE DOG: Beki Bondage: yuk! flagburner8: haha GUS THE DOG: hehe death knell: enough of this... long live individuality.... long live the tobbacco industry.. later pinkos!! VicarInTutu: I refuse to conform to tha norm SYSTEM Greeter: SYSTEM Greeter: You are now in room "Punk" SYSTEM Greeter: You have READ/WRITE Access SYSTEM Greeter: VicarInTutu: he keeps you in SYSTEM Greeter: "PLANET PAIN" has left the room VicarInTutu: a box by the bed VicarInTutu: alive but just barely SYSTEM Greeter: "Princess4U" has entered the room SYSTEM Greeter: "Beki Bondage" has entered the room callouses: whats with all these princesses? callouses: were all royalty? Hyperstation: poof SYSTEM Greeter: "Hyperstation" has left the room Princess4U: i am a princess VicarInTutu: bourgeoise princesses SYSTEM Greeter: "GUS THE DOG" has entered the room callouses: well whats my status? callouses: wheres my place in the heirarchy? VicarInTutu: heirarchys suck VicarInTutu: so do oligarchy VicarInTutu: and patriarchy callouses: yeah VicarInTutu: and monarchy skaprincess: callouses, i dub you knight! VicarInTutu: and anarchy death knell: you're head narf scuffer callouses: what do I defend? callouses: do i get to kill? skaprincess: umm...whatever you wanna defend :) skaprincess: yup Beki Bondage: has bogusbadge been in here? callouses: ill defend pez. VicarInTutu: haven't seen em skaprincess: yes TiGEr GRRRR: i dont know corndog1: im starla SYSTEM Greeter: "lokjawlester" has entered the room Beki Bondage: hi starla corndog1: hi TiGEr GRRRR: shit callouses: hello starla TiGEr GRRRR: U GAIN GUS THE DOG: starla SYSTEM Greeter: "pretty jive" has left the room SYSTEM Greeter: SYSTEM Greeter: You are now in room "Punk" SYSTEM Greeter: You have READ/WRITE Access SYSTEM Greeter: SYSTEM Greeter: SYSTEM Greeter: You are now in room "Punk" SYSTEM Greeter: You have READ/WRITE Access SYSTEM Greeter: callouses: moon ubit VicarInTutu: does anyone like Shonen Knife? Beki Bondage: nope callouses: not here Beki Bondage: {s ggallin1} death knell: guitar wolf is better callouses: gg allin put poop on his head VicarInTutu: anyone have the hardcore/punk tribute to the Smiths? VicarInTutu: boredoms VicarInTutu: teengenerate lokjawlester: HI VicarInTutu: super junky monkey callouses: teengen were cool SYSTEM Greeter: "Princess4U" has left the room VicarInTutu: pizzacato five VicarInTutu: angels in heavy syrup callouses: asian much? VicarInTutu: ruins TiGEr GRRRR: WHATEVER death knell: iggy and the stooges VicarInTutu: yup VicarInTutu: I am TiGEr GRRRR: GO WAY d michael: i got pizzicato five corndog1: starla again SYSTEM Greeter: "GUS THE DOG" has left the room VicarInTutu: viva la woman? TiGEr GRRRR: NO HIM d michael: umm...yeah, that's the one, i think corndog1: hi d michael: listening to charles mingues right now.... SYSTEM Greeter: "GUS THE DOG" has entered the room SYSTEM Greeter: "Beki Bondage" has left the room lokjawlester: TIGRRRR death knell: brothers and sisters... I give you a testimonial... the mc5 callouses: husker du corndog1: drink more beer death knell: sugar VicarInTutu: MC5 and stooges were the forefathers of punk VicarInTutu: sugar VicarInTutu: bob mould death knell: replacements callouses: no, husker du VicarInTutu: chris mars death knell: husker du is the forefather of modern rock callouses: not sugar VicarInTutu: paul westerberg death knell: yeah, sugar is too alternativey callouses: husker du is fucking cool death knell: husker du is RAW SYSTEM Greeter: "corndog1" has left the room callouses: thier 81 stuff is all hardcore death knell: land speed record SYSTEM Greeter: "GUS THE DOG" has left the room VicarInTutu: sonic youth, pixies, meat puppets=forefathers of post-punk true alternative d michael: husker du is okay. some of their shit is all on, some of it is so-so. jaCk glamrok: my 36 year old neighbor likes husker du death knell: they got better as time went along though. zen arcade was best SYSTEM Greeter: "Princess4U" has entered the room callouses: chris? callouses: heh heh death knell: dammit callouses: whatup kid death knell: I shoulda known callouses: yeah me too death knell: whatsupwitchu TiGEr GRRRR: SO HOWS EVERYONE death knell: pixies deserve their due as well VicarInTutu: tired callouses: eh, shitty night TiGEr GRRRR: SORRY TiGEr GRRRR: :( TiGEr GRRRR: MEOW death knell: how bad? callouses: s'all good, it happens sometimes SYSTEM Greeter: "iZEVILEYESiZ" has entered the room VicarInTutu: kraftwerk =forefathers of electronica callouses: not that bad, but i had to enter hot topic death knell: and suicide callouses: I gotta figure some way to sabotage that place death knell: ah.... you journeyed straight into the heart of darkness callouses: god i really wanna blow that place up so bad! death knell: we all gotta go there once in a while death knell: if only to pour gasoline and drop a match callouses: maybe if i got a job there I could bring it down from the inside callouses: but i need more piercings callouses: dammit! death knell: be subversive death knell: hey... look at the bright side... VicarInTutu: bye comrades and leeches death knell: 10% employee discount on hair dye! callouses: see ya callouses: heh heh! death knell: seeya pinko SYSTEM Greeter: "iZEVILEYESiZ" has left the room death knell: on the application... callouses: oh no, not chris in political mode SYSTEM Greeter: "VicarInTutu" has left the room death knell: they ask you how many hues you've dyed it callouses: no way! death knell: I've heard stories callouses: do they cross reference? death knell: rumors and innuendo death knell: no, just find out if you really did bush callouses: you could lie about how punk goth you were death knell: dig death knell: yes.. you can!! SYSTEM Greeter: "corndog1" has entered the room death knell: once people go in there and apply for a job death knell: they're never seen again except for random sightings at ska concerts callouses: ha ha!!!! corndog1: anyone see ulfchild? Princess4U: brb SYSTEM Greeter: "Princess4U" has left the room death knell: col kurtz should have worked at that place callouses: whos that? death knell: apocalypse now corndog1: ulfchild death knell: uberman callouses: ulfchild? what the fuck name is that? corndog1: its his name you see him? callouses: what compells you to be known as ulf child? death knell: massive drug intake callouses: i can understand alf child, that lovable alien from melmak but ulf? death knell: lethal quanitities corndog1: U SEE HIM? death knell: das boot callouses: yeah i saw him and kicked his ass and ate his doughnuts death knell: powdered? SYSTEM Greeter: "Princess4U" has entered the room callouses: callouses: nah, glazed SYSTEM Greeter: "Princess4U" has left the room corndog1: FUCKING BITCH I WANT TO TALK TO ULFCHILD death knell: why in christ's name would you wanna talk to her?? callouses: try the little invention called the instant message moron corndog1: dont call me a moeon im not a com. freak death knell: what.... that starved for conversation?! callouses: i didnt call you a moeon corndog1: hes my friend callouses: well IM him SYSTEM Greeter: "Ditty 17" has entered the room callouses: its not hard death knell: he may be your friend, but hitler made the trains run on time corndog1: how? callouses: ha ha SYSTEM Greeter: "Ditty 17" has left the room callouses: ok, see that X in the coner of yer screen? corndog1: no callouses: click on that, then click on it again corndog1: what x? callouses: and it will say, "sign off" at the bottom of the screen SYSTEM Greeter: "Mr no recess" has entered the room death knell: click it with a vengance death knell: hey mike skaprincess: hi mike! corndog1: dude im noy a retard how do you IM Mr no recess: hey Mr no recess: hi dawn callouses: hey say hi to chris! death knell: who? Mr no recess: hi chris death knell: hi callouses: ok jaCk glamrok: dawn are you from GA? corndog1: hi chris their treating me like a moron im starlaaa Mr no recess: death knell..who dat SYSTEM Greeter: "GUS THE DOG" has entered the room SYSTEM Greeter: "Beki Bondage" has entered the room callouses: starlaaa = my parents were hippies SYSTEM Greeter: "moldy papaya" has entered the room death knell: what in fucks name do you want me to do about it?!?!? jaCk glamrok: whos dawn? corndog1: STARLA corndog1: my cat skaprincess: i am jaCk glamrok: who's gladesha? jaCk glamrok: where's sha dee? corndog1: glamrok cool callouses: jaCk glamrok: sure SYSTEM Greeter: "starbellied" has left the room SYSTEM Greeter: "d michael" has left the room jaCk glamrok: how do you roll yer eyes? death knell: gladesha, queen of harlem jaCk glamrok: that's a good talent SYSTEM Greeter: "moldy papaya" has left the room callouses: Im going crazy i think skaprincess: me too callouses: i think so callouses: i do i do i do death knell: I've been there jaCk glamrok: i wrote a song death knell: I heard a voice last week death knell: scared the shit outta me Beki Bondage: who's? jaCk glamrok: i do i do i do bikini kill? callouses: what it say? death knell: I dunno death knell: just a voice death knell: just like one syllable, no identifiable words callouses: uh oh Beki Bondage: yikes death knell: last time that happened was about 6 years ago (?) corndog1: if ANYONE sees ULFCHILD tell him starla (kim) was looking for him Beki Bondage: ok corndog1: bye Beki Bondage: bye SYSTEM Greeter: "Princess4U" has entered the room death knell: sounded clear though, it was really real, real.. Beki Bondage: another princess callouses: one time i was walking through the leaves and the rustling said "kevin" death knell: hehe Beki Bondage: is that your name? Princess4U: yep callouses: thats my name death knell: that would be weird if they said kevin and your name was steve Beki Bondage: I know callouses: heh heh yeah! death knell: but apparently leaves are intelligent to be familiar with you on a first name basis! callouses: we get along ok callouses: me and dead leaves death knell: easy to relate callouses: same intellegence levels death knell: same emotional activity callouses: you saying i feel no emotions? death knell: well that's an ideal state isn't it? death knell: to be without emotion callouses: hmmmm, i dunno corndog1: TELL ULFCHILD KIM WAS LOOKING FOR HIM PLEASE SYSTEM Greeter: "JTHM" has entered the room callouses: whats the point of living if yopu cant feel? death knell: survival instinct death knell: no real point... just go about it death knell: like androids callouses: boring! death knell: reality though! SYSTEM Greeter: "Princess4U" has left the room death knell: most people are shut off from their feelings callouses: i think nature sorta makes it that way death knell: or society death knell: work and work til you can't feel no more callouses: we all start out real sensitive, and we eventually just die of feeling death knell: work so much you don't have time to think callouses: we can watch all this violence and shrug death knell: numb. yeah death knell: if I saw someone get shot on the street... I might think... callouses: its the only way to not hurt: not feel death knell: hmm.. who's gonna take away the body? death knell: rather than identify callouses: yeah really SYSTEM Greeter: "Beki Bondage" has left the room callouses: i saw a guy get hit by a car a few days ago death knell: could this conversation get any darker you think? SYSTEM Greeter: "starbellied" has entered the room death knell: ah, describe in exquisite detail! callouses: heh heh callouses: well he was a bum death knell: yep, usually are callouses: and he was crossing the street near where i work and he got hit callouses: by a car goin about 20 mph casyue it slammed on teh brakes death knell: was he going against a light or anything? callouses: yeah he was, and the girl who hit him was fixing her hair in the rear view mirror callouses: so she didnt see him death knell: jesus death knell: vanity killed the poor bastard callouses: heh heh yeah callouses: but he was on the ground yelling Mr no recess: please SYSTEM Greeter: "Mr no recess" has left the room callouses: and people were just passin by callouses: and i didnt really care too much either callouses: casue i was on the clock, so went back inside death knell: he died slowly? callouses: not very exciting callouses: I dont think he died callouses: he just got injured death knell: hmm... so he'll get to live... more days in squalor and hunger SYSTEM Greeter: "fRuMpLeD" has entered the room callouses: ill sneak him some burger king food callouses: it will end his suffering sooner death knell: tainted with bacteria callouses: no, its just poison the way it is death knell: bland poison death knell: ready made death SYSTEM Greeter: "Mr no recess" has entered the room skaprincess: hi mike callouses: hi mike fRuMpLeD: hi iKe fRuMpLeD: ; fRuMpLeD: ;D fRuMpLeD: dAwn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! skaprincess: molly?? fRuMpLeD: ;) ;) ;) Mr no recess: hey molly fRuMpLeD: y0u goT iT skaprincess: molly!!! i've missed you sooooo much! fRuMpLeD: awW fRuMpLeD: :) i miSSed ya toO dear.. fRuMpLeD: wAcha beAn uP to? skaprincess: nuttin' SYSTEM Greeter: "drFingerz" has entered the room SYSTEM Greeter: "T56789" has entered the room SYSTEM Greeter: "T56789" has left the room Mr no recess: wow what a touching reunion Mr no recess: ..sigh.. Germs girl: good bye room skaprincess: i've gotta jet :( SYSTEM Greeter: "F0rBiDDeN" has entered the room F0rBiDDeN: im glad F0rBiDDeN: :) F0rBiDDeN: im a really nice girl F0rBiDDeN: haha F0rBiDDeN: u FUCK fRuMpLeD: y0 f0rBiDDen GG ALLAN: SLEEP IS FOR THE WEAK!!!! GG ALLAN: WHAT WAS THAT?????????? SYSTEM Greeter: "ziperhead666" has entered the room GG ALLAN: IT MOVED I SWEAR!!!!!!!!!!!! SYSTEM Greeter: "Germs girl" has left the room SYSTEM Greeter: "ziperhead666" has left the room SYSTEM Greeter: "Thiefcatcher" has entered the room skaprincess: bob? F0rBiDDeN: how was that lok? Thiefcatcher: yeah F0rBiDDeN: good? Thiefcatcher: whats up dedo skaprincess: nada Thiefcatcher: oh skaprincess: with you? Thiefcatcher: i just got off the phone F0rBiDDeN: lok u alive? Thiefcatcher: we had 6 people on at once GG ALLAN: AAAAALLLLCCCCCOOOOOOHHHHHOOOOOLLLLLLL F0rBiDDeN: unexclude me lok.. then we will talk fRuMpLeD: Thief.......waTs yer namE? F0rBiDDeN: or i will start again Thiefcatcher: my real name fRuMpLeD: yeS GG ALLAN: BBBBBBOOOOO OOOOOOOO ZZZZZZZZEEEEEEE Thiefcatcher: why? jaCk glamrok: mollie did some research for you Thiefcatcher: bob Thiefcatcher: no wait Thiefcatcher: you gotta name me, like dedo did fRuMpLeD: o yA? fRuMpLeD: jacK? fRuMpLeD: waDja kuM up wiT? jaCk glamrok: yeah jaCk glamrok: the band jaCk glamrok: is jaCk glamrok: devistation F0rBiDDeN: how is ya LOK? SYSTEM Greeter: "JTHM" has left the room F0rBiDDeN: slow? F0rBiDDeN: haha fRuMpLeD: o the pisT....... jaCk glamrok: yeah fRuMpLeD: goTcha fRuMpLeD: devisTaTion..goT iT :) fRuMpLeD: fanKya jaCk glamrok: so i asked my friendif he had the demo SYSTEM Greeter: "Beki Bondage" has entered the room jaCk glamrok: and it turns out my other friend has it jaCk glamrok: so if you want it jaCk glamrok: i can get it jaCk glamrok: a copy jaCk glamrok: at least fRuMpLeD: yA yA ya yA yA!! GG ALLAN: BUGER OFF YOU BLOODY SOD jaCk glamrok: ok fRuMpLeD: i wouLd lovE Y0u foreVer!! lokjawlester: TIGRRR Mr no recess: lies jaCk glamrok: you gotta do something for me then molli fRuMpLeD: fanX jaCk :) skaprincess: mike, wha's wrong? GG ALLAN: OK YOUR IN LETS SMASH THING UP fRuMpLeD: shO Thiefcatcher: DEDO!!!! fRuMpLeD: whA iZ iT? Thiefcatcher: where are you? jaCk glamrok: you gotta give me yer address Mr no recess: nothin dawn F0rBiDDeN: hey Lok wanna go again? skaprincess: i am here skaprincess: <------ fRuMpLeD: heH..... Thiefcatcher: whats up fRuMpLeD: okaY fRuMpLeD: moLLy fanEr skaprincess: nothing...with you? fRuMpLeD: 2217 Alameda aVe. lokjawlester: WHATS UP FORBIDDEN Thiefcatcher: we played a show last night F0rBiDDeN: hehe.. Thiefcatcher: the letter b fRuMpLeD: daVis, ca 95616 skaprincess: you sure, mike? fRuMpLeD: kaTch daT? F0rBiDDeN: unexclude me or we will play as long as u are here Beki Bondage: you're giving it to all of us? lokjawlester: HUH Mr no recess: yeh dawn im just kinda bleah i dunno F0rBiDDeN: ok lok jaCk glamrok: yeah fRuMpLeD: heY......StaLk mE babeE F0rBiDDeN: incumming :) fRuMpLeD: ;d skaprincess: don't be bleah!! be happie!! smile fer dawn! fRuMpLeD: ;D Mr no recess: :/ jaCk glamrok: tonite is my last nite on prodigy fRuMpLeD: whaT?! skaprincess: smile!!! fRuMpLeD: whY? jaCk glamrok: so i'll just send it if i get it fRuMpLeD: WHY WHY?? jaCk glamrok: my mother cancelled prodigy fRuMpLeD: daTs poO poO jaCk glamrok: yeah F0rBiDDeN: :) fRuMpLeD: d'y0u sTiLL talk t'lauRa aLoT? jaCk glamrok: peps are trying to get me another free account jaCk glamrok: yeah i talk to laura when she's on Thiefcatcher: dedo, did i tell you the letter b played a show last night? F0rBiDDeN: lok.. last chance SYSTEM Greeter: "drFingerz" has left the room F0rBiDDeN: UNEXCLUDE ! skaprincess: kinda sorta fRuMpLeD: she finX yer da beeZ neeZ jaCk glamrok: what's that mean? fRuMpLeD: shE finX yer koO fRuMpLeD: ;D SYSTEM Greeter: "F0rBiDDeN" has left the room lokjawlester: HEY FOR lokjawlester: HOW SYSTEM Greeter: "GG ALLAN" has left the room jaCk glamrok: hah jaCk glamrok: ska ska is my new buddie fRuMpLeD: ska ska? skaprincess: wahoo! jaCk glamrok: she's gonna eat tijuana mamas skaprincess: noooooo! jaCk glamrok: hah skaprincess: ya kan't make me! jaCk glamrok: but you should keep one for novelty jaCk glamrok: i do Thiefcatcher: dedo jaCk glamrok: i keep it close to my heart skaprincess: hehe skaprincess: yuck jaCk glamrok: hah Thiefcatcher: we got a song called unchew Thiefcatcher: and gravy jaCk glamrok: wow jaCk glamrok: why tell us thief? SYSTEM Greeter: "theUniBeast" has entered the room Thiefcatcher: no reason jaCk glamrok: ok jaCk glamrok: just checki jaCk glamrok: n Thiefcatcher: we also have a song called green van Beki Bondage: I'm saving my money for a green van Thiefcatcher: the ones called gravy cos my brother wanted a song called gravy skaprincess: we have a song kalled kan if i want's sillie jaCk glamrok: my band has songs called homunculuis, and destruction, devistate, ruin, and putrefy SYSTEM Greeter: "lokjawlester" has left the room skaprincess: molly!!! where've you been? SYSTEM Greeter: "theUniBeast" has left the room skaprincess: like lately? fRuMpLeD: m'alwaYz arouND jaCk glamrok: destrucion, devistate, ruin is one song fRuMpLeD: alwayS fRuMpLeD: i juS chanGed m'nn the oTher daY th0 jaCk glamrok: molly do you like crustish hardco? skaprincess: rilly? i haven't seen you... :( fRuMpLeD: mayBe.....YOU havEnt beAn arounD fRuMpLeD: noT jaCk glamrok: ska ska has been around fRuMpLeD: skaprincess: you caught me!! jaCk glamrok: ok molly jaCk glamrok: hey mollie jaCk glamrok: give me yer secret code too fRuMpLeD: mY seKreT coDe/ fRuMpLeD: ?? jaCk glamrok: addie fRuMpLeD: e fRuMpLeD: ? jaCk glamrok: e jaCk glamrok: male SYSTEM Greeter: "Sullen Girl3" has left the room Thiefcatcher: anyone here in a band> Thiefcatcher: ? jaCk glamrok: yep Thiefcatcher: do you have demos? jaCk glamrok: yep Thiefcatcher: and shit fRuMpLeD: uLwT49c SYSTEM Greeter: "Princess4U" has entered the room Thiefcatcher: what kinda music is it? jaCk glamrok: hardcorish crust Beki Bondage: where are you from? jaCk glamrok: like punk with screaming and blast beats in other words jaCk glamrok: where's who from? Beki Bondage: nevrmind, i read your info jaCk glamrok: oh, goodie,people actually read that? SYSTEM Greeter: "starbellied" has left the room SYSTEM Greeter: "Ska Face" has entered the room skaprincess: i read it! Mr no recess: u kant even type you Id normal molly fRuMpLeD: heheE... fRuMpLeD: shuSh jaCk glamrok: thenks ska ska fRuMpLeD: ULWT49C skaprincess: sure thing, buddie :) fRuMpLeD: der, happiE n0w? fRuMpLeD: :) Mr no recess: poifect jaCk glamrok: i read it fine the first time Ska Face: whats up rudies! jaCk glamrok: i guess thief isn't interested in my band RudeAngel: oi skaprincess: i am, jack! Beki Bondage: I am Beki Bondage: are you good? jaCk glamrok: yep, pretty much RudeAngel: bye Beki Bondage: do you sound like any other bands? Ska Face: later rude jaCk glamrok: umm...i don't know, maybe a little dropdead in us?? Beki Bondage: cool SYSTEM Greeter: "tyd" has entered the room SYSTEM Greeter: "starbellied" has entered the room jaCk glamrok: like my vocals are that highish harsh style SYSTEM Greeter: "tyd" has left the room jaCk glamrok: not as harsh as A.C. but a lil more understandable then that SYSTEM Greeter: "Thiefcatcher" has left the room jaCk glamrok: you can kind of understand what i say Beki Bondage: oh jaCk glamrok: but maybe that's because i know what i'm saying Beki Bondage: maybe jaCk glamrok: there's a lyric sheet in the tape jaCk glamrok: but i don't abide by some of it Beki Bondage: what are your songs about? jaCk glamrok: like there's more words that aren't written down in there SYSTEM Greeter: "Thiefcatcher" has entered the room jaCk glamrok: songs about blacks getting hung in mississippi jails and it being called suicides SYSTEM Greeter: "Oi Oi Oi" has entered the room jaCk glamrok: the typical unite and destroy political boundries song jaCk glamrok: animal rights song jaCk glamrok: anti-war song jaCk glamrok: ya know Beki Bondage: thats cool SYSTEM Greeter: "PUNkxxxxxSK8" has entered the room jaCk glamrok: a save the rain forest type song, although you wouldn't know it Beki Bondage: how ols are you? Beki Bondage: old jaCk glamrok: i wanted to write my explainations to the songs, but we didn't have room for them SYSTEM Greeter: "roasted eye" has entered the room jaCk glamrok: i'm 18 skaprincess: everyone's older than me :( jaCk glamrok: are you into hardcore? like old skool? Oi Oi Oi: here in Michigan it 4 in the morning, and that means its time for all good punkers to go to sleep. Beki Bondage: yeah jaCk glamrok: we're basically like evilish sounding hardcore with blast beats here and there jaCk glamrok: evilish meaning, the more minor sounding chord progressions jaCk glamrok: not the up beat punky stuff Beki Bondage: yeah Oi Oi Oi: so its metal jaCk glamrok: nope jaCk glamrok: no palm muting chuggas jaCk glamrok: not really even break downs Oi Oi Oi: chuggas he he he jaCk glamrok: just flat out fast stuff Mr no recess: hey i like palm muting jaCk glamrok: i admit some of our stuff gets a lil metally like disrupt er something. Mr no recess: s'cool roasted eye: how old does tobacco hafta be to be rotten? Oi Oi Oi: huh? Beki Bondage: i didnt know it got rotten jaCk glamrok: tobacco doesnt rot it decays, but i don't think it rots Beki Bondage: Have you ever heard that band Mythic? SYSTEM Greeter: "nova2000" has entered the room SYSTEM Greeter: "xSEYx" has entered the room jaCk glamrok: SEY Beki Bondage: or something like that? Mr no recess: it goes stale xSEYx: whats up roasted eye: so it's alright to smoke it? jaCk glamrok: definately there's a stale aspect jaCk glamrok: go for it bro Mr no recess: it cant hurt jaCk glamrok: nothing jaCk glamrok: hey sey roasted eye: k nova2000: so who wants to know how many times i came earlier tonight? jaCk glamrok: my last nite on here Beki Bondage: hello? xSEYx: why? jaCk glamrok: oh sorry beki jaCk glamrok: no i haven't Beki Bondage: jack, have you ever heard Mythic? Oi Oi Oi: If its too dry it will burn too quikley, and will not perduse good smoke Beki Bondage: oh Beki Bondage: they're so crazy Mr no recess: just smoke the fucker roasted eye: it's very diry Mr no recess: sheesh roasted eye: dry jaCk glamrok: prodigy is cancelled jaCk glamrok: in my household GUS THE DOG: why? Beki Bondage: they're from Sweden and the singer has the deepest voice I've ever heard...but it's a girl xSEYx: that sucks balls nova2000: well tomorrow has been cancelled due to lack of interest,, jaCk glamrok: oh wow, i might have heard of them beki Oi Oi Oi: Roast, you find and old ciggeret under you couch or sompthing? jaCk glamrok: bret, my new band's tape is out roasted eye: they never cancel it.. you can't on prodigy Beki Bondage: theyre SO good xSEYx: really? jaCk glamrok: yeah nova2000: is it as good as getting a finger stuck in your eye? jaCk glamrok: i think i remember hearing it and saying no way in hell that's a girl. Beki Bondage: it was probably them xSEYx: i forget who your band is jaCk glamrok: incommensurate Oi Oi Oi: , Oi Oi Oi: sorry Im gay xSEYx: is it any good jaCk glamrok: yeah... SYSTEM Greeter: "Hyperstation" has entered the room Hyperstation: yawn PUNkxxxxxSK8: haha you fuv nova2000: well in he came with eyes of flame,,the devil to fetch the dead jaCk glamrok: it came out pretty good xSEYx: thats awesome PUNkxxxxxSK8: haha you fucking gay bicht haha Oi Oi Oi: duh PUNkxxxxxSK8: duh gay haha roasted eye: know what? i've tried to cancel my account about 5 times.. doesn't work.. i've given up SYSTEM Greeter: "nova2000" has left the room SYSTEM Greeter: "Princess4U" has left the room roasted eye: anyone else have that happen? Hyperstation: you tried to cancel it and it doesn't work?? SYSTEM Greeter: "Oi Oi Oi" has left the room roasted eye: yes Hyperstation: how the hell Beki Bondage: do you still pay? roasted eye: yes Beki Bondage: stop paying roasted eye: i guess i pay Hyperstation: ceasing to pay just might do it jaCk glamrok: pay for jaCk glamrok: what? GUS THE DOG: what tim is it est? jaCk glamrok: oh Beki Bondage: prodigy SYSTEM Greeter: "PUNkxxxxxSK8" has left the room Hyperstation: 4:24 jaCk glamrok: who me? Beki Bondage: no jaCk glamrok: oh well jaCk glamrok: i dunno what's going on SYSTEM Greeter: "Princess4U" has entered the room SYSTEM Greeter: "starbellied" has left the room Hyperstation: shit, i'm going to bed SYSTEM Greeter: "Hyperstation" has left the room GUS THE DOG: everyone is! GUS THE DOG: I'm on day 5 in the UP ALL 3 weeks roasted eye: on day five? whoa.. Thiefcatcher: dedo are you still here? skaprincess: yup yup Thiefcatcher: oh Thiefcatcher: hi Thiefcatcher: dairy area Ska Face: hehehe SYSTEM Greeter: "roasted eye" has left the room Thiefcatcher: anyone here heard of santa's dead? skaprincess: nope Thiefcatcher: oh Thiefcatcher: there coo Thiefcatcher: l Thiefcatcher: how about tinkle? Thiefcatcher: or bigwig? Mr no recess: ive heard of tinkle jaCk glamrok: what about bigwig? Thiefcatcher: theyre cool, but they broke up Thiefcatcher: do you like them? jaCk glamrok: hah, you like big wig? Thiefcatcher: big wig is cool Thiefcatcher: have you heard there song old lady jaCk glamrok: yes, i've played many shows with them jaCk glamrok: and i hate them GUS THE DOG: no matter what anyone says their nothing on daytime or nighttime tv Thiefcatcher: do you not like them? jaCk glamrok: and they hate me Thiefcatcher: why do they hate you? GUS THE DOG: in 3 days I've seen Hist. of punk rock 24 times Beki Bondage: why? jaCk glamrok: because theyre assholes Thiefcatcher: oh jaCk glamrok: my friend ran a show and they came late Thiefcatcher: thats a good reason jaCk glamrok: and expected to be let in for free jaCk glamrok: and i gave them lip for it Mr no recess: gus...did u used to be not allan or something GUS THE DOG: no Thiefcatcher: everyshow i play the bands are always let in for free Mr no recess: ok nevermind jaCk glamrok: and i make fun of them when they play because all they are is generic pop punk jaCk glamrok: they didn't play the show Thiefcatcher: oh Thiefcatcher: pop punk is cool GUS THE DOG: WHERE THE FUCK DID CASPER GO? Mr no recess: who cares Thiefcatcher: shes still here jaCk glamrok: generic pop punk sucks Beki Bondage: i dont like pop punk Mr no recess: fuck that hag Thiefcatcher: her names up there GUS THE DOG: no she not Beki Bondage: her names not up there SYSTEM Greeter: "d michael" has entered the room Ska Face: I wish more people would go to the ska room,hint hint SYSTEM Greeter: "Thiefcatcher" has left the room SYSTEM Greeter: "Thiefcatcher" has entered the room d michael:'s still full. Mr no recess: im goin to make a deafening guitar squall room Mr no recess: i think itll be a hit Thiefcatcher: km Ska Face: [yawn] SYSTEM Greeter: "d michael" has left the room Thiefcatcher: last night last nighttttttttttttttttttttttt Thiefcatcher: anyone like,,,,,,,,,inquisition? Mr no recess: monty python? GUS THE DOG: YOU TINK I TINK I DO Thiefcatcher: yeah Thiefcatcher: im pretty sure you do Thiefcatcher: why will my mail not work? Thiefcatcher: maybe its because prodigy fuckin sucks GUS THE DOG: um you have to sign off then back on Ska Face: hehehe SYSTEM Greeter: "callouses" has left the room xSEYx: that happened to me yesterday Beki Bondage: prodigy does suck Mr no recess: nobody expects the inquistion GUS THE DOG: well aol in't much better the chat room for music is just one big room Beki Bondage: it never works right Thiefcatcher: no Thiefcatcher: pe Beki Bondage: you have to go to the private ones Mr no recess: no aol has member rooms Thiefcatcher: it says my mail is open......????? Mr no recess: same damn crap GUS THE DOG: I try to download a Pic I get the instalation setup!!!!!!!! Mr no recess: yeh yer a moron Thiefcatcher: but i just signed on so how can my mail be open GUS THE DOG: yeah sugn off tehn sign back on Thiefcatcher: that doesnt work Mr no recess: reboot sucka SYSTEM Greeter: "skaprincess" has left the room Thiefcatcher: prodigy just sucks GUS THE DOG: no you have to totally disconnect Mr no recess: reboot! Beki Bondage: that happened to me one time and I had to turn the whole computer off and turn it on again Mr no recess: aka REBOOT GUS THE DOG: EVERYNIGHT FOR ME!!!!!!! Beki Bondage: I wish bogusbadge would come on Mr no recess: im surprised he isnt GUS THE DOG: hehe beki got a luver? Beki Bondage: maybe... Thiefcatcher: prodigy scks Beki Bondage: :> Thiefcatcher: sucks GUS THE DOG: still recovering from the 35/35 full punk room a few nights ago Mr no recess: bogus..what a catch Thiefcatcher: oh Ska Face: geez Mr no recess: anyway im audi 5000 Thiefcatcher: my brother was in here when that happpened Beki Bondage: bye jaCk glamrok: nite emily Mr no recess: later stiffs GUS THE DOG: yeah he got them all in here!!!!!!! Beki Bondage: g'night Thiefcatcher: oh SYSTEM Greeter: "Mr no recess" has left the room SYSTEM Greeter: "jaCk glamrok" has left the room GUS THE DOG: i'm the onlyone who filled up a 500 autioturm Thiefcatcher: has that ever happened before? GUS THE DOG: yeah Thiefcatcher: in the ounk room? Ska Face: gah..I'm out to...later,Andrew SYSTEM Greeter: "Ska Face" has left the room SYSTEM Greeter: "Mr no recess" has entered the room Mr no recess: just came back to say im blowin outta here like a stink from mike gibson Mr no recess: later SYSTEM Greeter: "Mr no recess" has left the room Beki Bondage: weird GUS THE DOG: see the autoturm was one of those spotlight ones Thiefcatcher: okay??? Thiefcatcher: yeah GUS THE DOG: you get 20 people to go around getting as many people in it as possible till it is full Thiefcatcher: i told people that adam west was the best batman ever and like 15 people imed me at once telling me that he wasnt GUS THE DOG: hehe Thiefcatcher: but he was GUS THE DOG: I manage 35 on a bad night 10 on a good night Thiefcatcher: and arnold sawaneaipeipdier was in there and i kept typing:CROMMMMMMMMM SYSTEM Greeter: "Princess4U" has left the room SYSTEM Greeter: SYSTEM Greeter: You are now in room "Writing Workshop" SYSTEM Greeter: You have READ/WRITE Access SYSTEM Greeter: ramewe: I've been pretty lucky with options so far. Paying for our Alaska trip in August. intriKate: I don't get it,,,you buy a stock with the gamble of what it will be in the future? FScott Key1: i'm going to have to dump my account w/ alex brown and am considering using this e-trade. intriKate: you can trade with out any commission? ramewe: I've heard a lot of people complain about PCFN, but I personally haven't had experience with them. intriKate: if you do it yourself on line? FScott Key1: that's the theory, but i've yet to know anybody who uses it. intriKate: is it instant? FScott Key1: theoretically. i think they do instant wire transfers from your other accounts. Aesthetica I: psst.. JO.. you got $20 I can borrow intriKate: but then your whole accounts are net accessable? Jo Lady 2: maybe, Aes..will have to dump out my change and count.. FScott Key1: yeah, and i don't even like ordering catalogs over the internet. intriKate: well that netscape "scare" thingy. intriKate: kinda feel naked. Jmackk: Kate don't get naked Your Virgin: <<----iz always. death knell: i'll meet you on the back of a... blue bus Aesthetica I: Pwell that is original Jmackk intriKate: OK....wouldn't wanna make everyone ill. intriKate: Why is it so QUIET?????? Aesthetica I: I am flirting very badly in im's FScott Key1: <--- pondering the nakedness. Ferush: b/c my head is trying to figure out which direction it wants to go. Aesthetica I: Jo Lady 2: LOL Ferush: Aesthetica I: psst.. JO.. he likes to be tied and tickled Aesthetica I: put that down in our notebook Jo Lady 2: okay..LOL FScott Key1: you're supposed to say, "yes, mistress aesthetica". OldProfessor: Oh another spelling error? Aesthetica I: LOL Aesthetica I: typo intriKate: no thats what the virgin says. death knell: driver where are you taking us Your Virgin: Hmm? Aesthetica I: a virgin says 'oh another spelling error? FScott Key1: your friendly, neighborhood virgin. intriKate: LOL Aesthetica I: well she don't say much but does a lot of hummin.. Your Virgin: ummm.... OldProfessor: I'm not telling intriKate: Your Virgin even. Aesthetica I: she must be happy with JMACKKKKKKKKK OldProfessor: We were discussing typos late at night, in IM Ferush: it seems most are content with Ims this evening. Aesthetica I: ok. if I leave to get mail.. will everone be here when I come back intriKate: just realizes Jmack said nothing until the word Naked was typed. Your Virgin: Jmackk? Jmackk who? 0=o) Aesthetica I: HEY>. you told!!!! Aesthetica I: ohhh I think Virgin may be jerking our chain.. Aesthetica I: or at least Jmackkkks Ferush: lol Your Virgin: Who me? I;m innocent.....being a virgin and all, yanno.... OldProfessor: |ð Aesthetica I: ok.. going to risk losing my friends here.. I have to go see who sent me mail... brb SYSTEM Greeter: "Aesthetica I" has left the room OldProfessor: Ö have another diet coke intriKate: wellllllllllll FScott Key1: wow, how did you do that umlaut? Ferush: Yes? OldProfessor: Well if Aes isn't going to flirt with me, I better take a nap. death knell: this is the ennnnnd