SYSTEM Greeter: SYSTEM Greeter: You are now in room "Punk" SYSTEM Greeter: You have READ/WRITE Access SYSTEM Greeter: funhouse70: heyo LA BIues: whatsup? funhouse70: nada LA BIues: yep funhouse70: how bout u LA BIues: eh...nah much LA BIues: I worked at school today funhouse70: yeh, im just chillin LA BIues: and now I got sunburn on my face funhouse70: you worked? funhouse70: cool LA BIues: well involuntarily funhouse70: hehe..of course LA BIues: the "alumni olympics" SYSTEM Greeter: "evilnkufecin" has entered the room funhouse70: oh..sounds fun LA BIues: so all the drunken alumni were launching golf balls in our direction funhouse70: old farts , eh SYSTEM Greeter: "evilnkufecin" has left the room LA BIues: well not old really, guys in their 20s funhouse70: oh.. LA BIues: ex-jocks obviously funhouse70: im changing my age legally, to permanent 19 LA BIues: we had to measure how close the golf balls landed to the flag and retrieve em.. ah fuck LA BIues: too late for that bud!! LA BIues: heh heh funhouse70: yeh yeh..i can dream LA BIues: why... 26 ain't so bad funhouse70: well, im sucking mercilessly ona quart of bud here funhouse70: 26 is cool..yeh, i dont mind, really LA BIues: trying to forget your age funhouse70: yeh.its KILLIN ME! SYSTEM Greeter: "SoNiCk DeAtH" has entered the room LA BIues: hehe SoNiCk DeAtH: are either of you two in ny? funhouse70: no i dont care, 26 is fine. LA BIues: 18 is the age to be LA BIues: not in NY.. far from it SoNiCk DeAtH: obviously, but what about funhouses? funhouse70: yeh i was a mental case at 18 LA BIues: in fact, let's get rid of new york funhouse70: callin from the funhouse! SYSTEM Greeter: "pylormi" has entered the room SYSTEM Greeter: "SoNiCk DeAtH" has left the room LA BIues: mental case... straightjacket, whole 9? funhouse70: hell yeh LA BIues: awesome. funhouse70: bellevue funhouse70: cuckoos nest all the way LA BIues: banging the walls with you hands funhouse70: till they bled, yep LA BIues: I hope I never go schizo LA BIues: I'm taking a psych class funhouse70: me too LA BIues: it just takes you over like that. it's scary SYSTEM Greeter: "pylormi" has left the room funhouse70: i wanna take a abnormal psych class..that shit fascinates me LA BIues: like one day you're normal, the next day you think there are monsters living in the ceiling funhouse70: why people do fucked up shit..ya know LA BIues: yeah, me too.. LA BIues: manson and all LA BIues: dahmer funhouse70: im too objective of a person to go schizo LA BIues: hey, could be anyone funhouse70: i always am self aware, so i dont get out of line unless i want to LA BIues: schizophrenia....who's next? funhouse70: might be YOU LA BIues: yeah I see what you're saying LA BIues: as am I funhouse70: yep yep LA BIues: self-reliant, in control funhouse70: uh huh..always loose! LA BIues: so except for no direction whatsoever, I'm cool funhouse70: hehe..i hear that, man funhouse70: i saw beck last night LA BIues: that's cool.. LA BIues: big arena? funhouse70: yeh he was awesome. no smal theatre LA BIues: he can play the big places out here funhouse70: mirror ball, kick ass lites..the whole shot LA BIues: actually he started out right by my neighborhood funhouse70: im lucky to have seen him in a small place, i think LA BIues: in silver lake LA BIues: yep. consider yourself funhouse70: really? cool. funhouse70: i should move la LA BIues: you really should LA BIues: I wouldn't move away for anything funhouse70: its where its at LA BIues: although chicago's awesome too LA BIues: or so I hear. good music scene LA BIues: better than ours funhouse70: yeh thats true. its pretty cool. LA BIues: led by veruca salt funhouse70: hehe funhouse70: any good dreams lately LA BIues: and their fetishistic explorations of the subconscious! funhouse70: lol funhouse70: then of course theres juliana LA BIues: dreams.. nah not really LA BIues: juliana's neat-o.. she looks better now that with the blakes I think LA BIues: than LA BIues: I was looking at the backs of some of her solo CDs funhouse70: hell yeh..she was kind of skanky then LA BIues: kind of androgynous looking funhouse70: yep. she looks great on the cover of become what u are LA BIues: I also like the girl from that band republica funhouse70: shes interesting, yeh. LA BIues: she's vaguely oriental looking which I like LA BIues: exactly! funhouse70: eminently fuckable LA BIues: lol LA BIues: ah, rocker chicks funhouse70: the red hair streaks are awesome too funhouse70: yeh gotta luv dem rocker babes LA BIues: oh yeah.. LA BIues: there have been tons of chicks fronting bands lately LA BIues: and ...coincidentally... hot looking funhouse70: suzanne vega i used to have a thing for, tho shes kinda old now funhouse70: lol funhouse70: howd that happen? theyre ALL HOT?? LA BIues: hey I was just thinking about suzanne vega! LA BIues: she looks awesome on the cover of the latest funhouse70: really? weird LA BIues: where she's holding an apple over her eye funhouse70: oh yeh..shes a babe for sure LA BIues: she's weird too, which is a plus funhouse70: uh huh..defintitly..i saw her live LA BIues: how long ago? funhouse70: hmm bout 4 yrs now LA BIues: that was when she had that 99.9 degrees thing right funhouse70: yep. cool cd. hot pic on the inside too LA BIues: soft core? funhouse70: shes wearin a showgirl outfit funhouse70: well, not porn-hot, no funhouse70: hehe LA BIues: wow. I GOTTA check that out LA BIues: like with her belly showing? funhouse70: major leg action funhouse70: fishnet LA BIues: legs are cool, but when girls show major stomach is my fave funhouse70: yeh i.e. gwen LA BIues: exactably funhouse70: did you buy the details? LA BIues: have you seen the latest video? LA BIues: no, but I almost did.. funhouse70: no i dont have cable LA BIues: I looked inside of it, the pics were kind of disappointing funhouse70: ok i got the 99.9 cd here.. LA BIues: not as promising as the cover funhouse70: and there IS a belly shot LA BIues: oh man.. funhouse70: the cover was awesome ..the inside sucked LA BIues: exactly how old is she? LA BIues: suzanne that is funhouse70: i wanted to see more lingerie action funhouse70: umm like 35 or so LA BIues: yeah. ready to hit the wall LA BIues: gwen is right up there though, yeah funhouse70: quite a tasty niblet nonetheless tho LA BIues: as long as she keeps looking like she does funhouse70: the other shot of suzanne is hotter than i remembered LA BIues: girls always reveal a lot in pictures in mags or albums funhouse70: she has this outfit, highcut on her legs ya know, and her legs are slightly spread..yow! LA BIues: suzie?? LA BIues: heh heh funhouse70: and sort of a bustier thing too funhouse70: its kick ass funhouse70: well anyway.. LA BIues: yeah, moving on.... LA BIues: what hours do you work? funhouse70: 4-12 funhouse70: midnight LA BIues: cool hours.. LA BIues: I'd never work mornings funhouse70: yeh i like em alot. pretty damn mellow LA BIues: 5 days a week? funhouse70: mornings suck. i never know what to do at night anyway funhouse70: yeh 40 hrs LA BIues: not bad.. funhouse70: nope, i dont mind. funhouse70: do you work at all LA BIues: I'd work maybe noon to 8 or so.. LA BIues: heh. naw LA BIues: just go to school and do the least amount of work I can funhouse70: heh..thats cool. sounds like me funhouse70: i barely graduated hi skool LA BIues: i'm so irresponsible and unmotivated it ain't funny funhouse70: heheh LA BIues: I'm failing music... FUCKING MUSIC!!! funhouse70: ack LA BIues: if I don't pull through I don't graduate. ah, I'll find a way LA BIues: once I get all those papers in funhouse70: yeh, do extra credit reports funhouse70: 10 pages of pure BS LA BIues: hehe.. LA BIues: well first I'd have to get the ACTUAL ones in funhouse70: works every time LA BIues: that would help funhouse70: ooops..yer that behind eh LA BIues: yep LA BIues: I just don't give a fuck funhouse70: oh well, theres always summer school LA BIues: I see those guys who argue over fucking one point questions on tests and think "what the fuck are they thinking?!" LA BIues: summer.. ack funhouse70: hehe..yeh, man. i know. i never paid that shit any mind LA BIues: I don't wanna take summer school.. not with this teacher again funhouse70: school is a joke, its not hard to figure out LA BIues: he's a priest with a complete better-than-you attitude funhouse70: i dont blame you... you could get your ged maybe LA BIues: and like these complete art fag mannerisms funhouse70: ugh LA BIues: ged.. haha.. not this guy LA BIues: I'm gonna pull through, I know i will funhouse70: you go to a religious school? LA BIues: yep. LA BIues: prep school. ugh funhouse70: hmmi went to a jesuit hi school for 2 yrs LA BIues: no shit, I go to a jesuit high! funhouse70: wow, id have figures you for a public school type, chris LA BIues: nah, exclusive jesuit prep school bullshit funhouse70: really? i bailed after the 1st 4 days of my junior yr funhouse70: went to public funhouse70: it sucked so bad, all assholes LA BIues: i probably would have, but the publics here suck cock and my parents didn't want me to go funhouse70: at the jesuit school i mean LA BIues: yeah I know.. funhouse70: well, high school sux no matter where u go funhouse70: anyone who enjoys it is a freaking moron LA BIues: this semester would be SO goddamn perfect if I just DIDN'T have that music class.. christ funhouse70: too bad... LA BIues: I know.. LA BIues: the guys drive me nuts there, all they talk about is grades LA BIues: and colleges. funhouse70: are there any cool ones LA BIues: I mean the students LA BIues: yeah, there's like the drug/music guys.. funhouse70: hehe LA BIues: I sort of talk with them once n a while.. LA BIues: and my best pal who I go to shows with funhouse70: thats cool LA BIues: other than that, it's mainly eggheads LA BIues: and jocks funhouse70: ick. LA BIues: but 2 months.. funhouse70: we need some females in this room LA BIues: and I'M FUCKING OUT FOR GOOD. funhouse70: yaaayyYY!! funhouse70: good on ya! LA BIues: yep.. some females who have as little to do as we do funhouse70: hmmm slim chance, pedro LA BIues: hey, you were talking about mike watt last friday.. LA BIues: he was on the college station right after that funhouse70: yeh. what about him funhouse70: really?? that nite LA BIues: it was cool. for 3 hours! funhouse70: wow..awesome LA BIues: no shit, that night LA BIues: he's got a new band called the madonnabes funhouse70: radio here sucks ass funhouse70: really? wow thats cool! LA BIues: i figure chi town would have some good college stations funhouse70: yeh a couple. the northwestern one is pretty cool funhouse70: they play alot of twisted shit LA BIues: the dj's talk like they're on heroin, it's funny funhouse70: i know theyre all mellloowwwww LA BIues: ... and that was......uuuummmm...hmm... archers of loaf... funhouse70: haha yeah exactly! LA BIues: i'm kind of getting into that weird indie rock shit funhouse70: ummm.. hey jim...umm what 7 inch did i just play funhouse70: like what LA BIues: hehe.. funhouse70: sebadoh and stuff LA BIues: not really.. LA BIues: have you heard of slint? funhouse70: yeh LA BIues: they're awesome funhouse70: what do they sound like LA BIues: but I don't think I really listen to any band that's still around LA BIues: aw shit.. how do I describe it.. funhouse70: me neither..not really LA BIues: well it's real eerie music funhouse70: hmm..soundz cool LA BIues: and the vocalist whispers.. LA BIues: sounds like he's telling a story about a murder he commited long ago LA BIues: you kno? funhouse70: ever heard galaxie 500 LA BIues: with music to match the story funhouse70: yeh i know what u mean LA BIues: I've heard some I think LA BIues: they played a box set from em once funhouse70: i love stuff like that..its like theatre LA BIues: they were from the 80s right? galaxie? funhouse70: i saw luna..there shoot off band. not as good funhouse70: yeh late 80d early 90s LA BIues: I also got a record yesterday.. funhouse70: which LA BIues: by squirrel bait, forerunners to slint LA BIues: 1985... LA BIues: but it's different, it's more post-hardcore indie, like husker du.. LA BIues: heavy influence funhouse70: squirrel bait..i read an article about them LA BIues: in AP right? funhouse70: might have been funhouse70: actually i think it was the chi tribune funhouse70: they had like 2 albums and broke up LA BIues: there's a really good book... funhouse70: oh yeh LA BIues: you would'nt think from the title.. LA BIues: but the spin alternative record guide funhouse70: oh yeh, u told me before about that LA BIues: heh.. yeah I thought I did LA BIues: but I've been buying a lot of the stuff from it funhouse70: i think i flipped thru that funhouse70: thats cool SYSTEM Greeter: "vV Addicted" has entered the room LA BIues: I'm also really into mission of burma lately funhouse70: you just love the old stuff eh SYSTEM Greeter: "vV Addicted" has left the room LA BIues: some chick on here sent me a tape of their out of print CD LA BIues: yeah I really do.. LA BIues: it was just more real then funhouse70: yep..closer to the source LA BIues: it was art back then. LA BIues: eventually, most music becomes a parody of itself funhouse70: like new punk now LA BIues: yeah...with the fashions. SYSTEM Greeter: "ivy princess" has entered the room funhouse70: uh huh..its a joke LA BIues: hey ivy funhouse70: hey ivy, its mike ivy princess: hu ivy princess: oops hi LA BIues: hey I like lush too.. mmmm funhouse70: i just put on everything went black funhouse70: awesome! ivy princess: coo SYSTEM Greeter: "Sk8er Girly" has entered the room ivy princess: so whats up? LA BIues: i was listening to first four in the car an hour ago funhouse70: yeh i have wasted again LA BIues: what's up.. not my GPA! funhouse70: no t much, jenni, how bout you funhouse70: heheh LA BIues: what's their later stuff like? ivy princess: well...nuttin really LA BIues: like slip it in, all that.. metal? funhouse70: its a little more refined funhouse70: not as raw more thoguht out than say i dont care, etc funhouse70: but still cool, i think LA BIues: yeah... LA BIues: i'll get wasted again to sample the later stuff funhouse70: wow i havent talked to you in ages , ivy ivy princess: i am gonna go to sleep now ivy princess: bye bye LA BIues: we're not that boring, c'mon funhouse70: ok..write me maybe? ivy princess: oops, yeah...where have ya been? funhouse70: working, et funhouse70: c ivy princess: ahhh i see ivy princess: me too funhouse70: sorry..wasnt avoiding you :) ivy princess: yeah, uh huh funhouse70: did u get the hot topic thing ivy princess: i dunno yet, they are still interviewing! crazy...i don't care anymore ivy princess: it's taking too long funhouse70: yeh thats fuct LA BIues: a job at hot topic eh? neat LA BIues: there's a long waiting list probably LA BIues: hehe ivy princess: yeah, but i made it to like the second cut funhouse70: yeh for black hair dye too ivy princess: heh heh LA BIues: 10% employee discount on hair dye funhouse70: hehe funhouse70: hmm i think green this week! LA BIues: so many trends, so little time! ivy princess: heh heh funhouse70: so life is good, ivy? ivy princess: not really, but i am pretendin ivy princess: still lonely as hell funhouse70: im not like them but i can pretend funhouse70: aw, im sorry ivy princess: it's cool funhouse70: that sux SYSTEM Greeter: "Sk8er Girly" has left the room ivy princess: vouyer funhouse70: yep ivy princess: i played games like i was 9 again tonight funhouse70: theres no girls..wanna touch me! funhouse70: what games? mind games? ivy princess: nah LA BIues: what?? LA BIues: games.. funhouse70: what what ivy princess: like trampoline tag games, shopping cart car bash wars and stuff like that funhouse70: ohh LA BIues: operation funhouse70: life, sorry funhouse70: monopoly LA BIues: clue ivy princess: boggle funhouse70: risk funhouse70: doctor ivy princess: scrabble ivy princess: heh heh dodtor LA BIues: coke dealer ivy princess: doctor oops funhouse70: desperate smack fiend LA BIues: jailhouse round-up ivy princess: ok funhouse70: haha LA BIues: "games" ivy princess: i am going nitey-nite now funhouse70: these r "games" LA BIues: yeah me too ivy princess: i have class 2morrow mornin funhouse70: ok g nite jenni ivy princess: nite mike ivy princess: nite la LA BIues: nite jenni funhouse70: i missed ya LA BIues: as did I ivy princess: i missed ya too...worried and stuff LA BIues: funhouse70: u were worried? funhouse70: there there la ivy princess: like you feel off the earth, cuz you never write me funhouse70: s'ok funhouse70: aw, shit im sorry. i feel bad ivy princess: it's all good funhouse70: im gonna write you now LA BIues: don't feel bad. there are people. people who love you! funhouse70: i mean soon ivy princess: ok cool ivy princess: i'll write ya back funhouse70: ok kool :) ivy princess: nite-nite and bye-bye ivy princess: :) funhouse70: bye! SYSTEM Greeter: "ivy princess" has left the room LA BIues: how old? funhouse70: 18 LA BIues: hmm. cool LA BIues: I could use an 18 year old of my own funhouse70: yeh i cant relate to anyone my age funhouse70: yeh i bet u could! LA BIues: heh heh funhouse70: yeh shes really really nice LA BIues: I can't relate to people my age or younger or older for that matter, so fuck it funhouse70: yeh, i hear ya LA BIues: yeah, there's one girl here who got a bit attatched to me.. LA BIues: i haven't seen here in a while funhouse70: fuck the world. the worlds got problems, i got problems of my own funhouse70: wow, cool LA BIues: not the kind that can't be solved funhouse70: on here? LA BIues: with an atom bomb! LA BIues: yeah, here.. LA BIues: she lived outside of town though funhouse70: whats her nick? LA BIues: on-line I mean.. I met her LA BIues: oh bondage LA BIues: jenn funhouse70: oh shit, i know her! shes cool LA BIues: oh really? yeah funhouse70: dod you meet her in person funhouse70: did LA BIues: I tried to meet up with her sometime, but she wasn't up for it funhouse70: shes seems cool. i always end up pissing her off somehow SYSTEM Greeter: "sheeprapist" has entered the room LA BIues: yeah I do the same I guess funhouse70: hey joey LA BIues: hey joy sheeprapist: hey mike funhouse70: whats up sheeprapist: bored as fuck LA BIues: anyway.. I got um homework to work on sheeprapist: im glad youre on LA BIues: yeah that's why we come here funhouse70: ah ok chris,, c ya LA BIues: later on...