SYSTEM Greeter: SYSTEM Greeter: You are now in room "Punk" SYSTEM Greeter: You have READ/WRITE Access SYSTEM Greeter: xXseraphimXx: i wants to give shoutouts to my man recessie, my homey chris, my man the skipster, and uh...the guy i just met, my man ygg. xXseraphimXx: xXseraphimXx: even BornAnnoying: hello tricia iZno recess: im your man? Yggdrasil: Wooha... I've been mentioned... names have been dropped... I feel so... special... so very special... iZno recess: but youre a creeeep iZno recess: youre a weeeeiirdo xXseraphimXx: oh jeezus. BornAnnoying: what the hell am I doing here? Yggdrasil: Oh... god... I was... subconciously... quoting... Yggdrasil: ARGH... iZno recess: what the hell are you doin heeerrreeee Yggdrasil: Yggdrasil: What have I done?!?!?! BornAnnoying: ygg... I think we know what's in your stereo when nobody else is listening SYSTEM Greeter: "Ruprtkingfsh" has entered the room xXseraphimXx: hey..shaddup...i listen to radiohead...damnit. iZno recess: dont leave me higghhhhh BornAnnoying: yeah, not that they're not a groundbreaking outfit! iZno recess: dont leave me drryyyyyyyyyyyyyy Yggdrasil: It's true... it's true... well... not really but... xXseraphimXx: don't try to save that remark. SYSTEM Greeter: "Ruprtkingfsh" has left the room iZno recess: trish likes all that mopey british rock xXseraphimXx: not all. BornAnnoying: I wish i was schizo... so very schizo... xXseraphimXx: i hate oasis. xXseraphimXx: and blur. xXseraphimXx: BornAnnoying: how bout sleeper? xXseraphimXx: ew. iZno recess: hey trish do you like vauxhall and i by morrissey xXseraphimXx: nope. BornAnnoying: I like that girl though! xXseraphimXx: argh...morrissey... iZno recess: ok.. Yggdrasil: Guess she digs 'em... xXseraphimXx: he much. BornAnnoying: but he's so.... poetic iZno recess: born might have a chance with the sleeper girl if jerry lewis passes away xXseraphimXx: whiny. BornAnnoying: eh? iZno recess: i like him BornAnnoying: no, she's not that young iZno recess: shes pretty cute BornAnnoying: indeed she is, but... iZno recess: cuter than any chick youd find on here..thats for sure BornAnnoying: what does jerry lewis have to do? xXseraphimXx: no...morrissey is whiny. xXseraphimXx: hey...i beg to differ...or something. Yggdrasil: Ooooo... tried all the female members of chat... iZno recess: like , i dunno, man..thats for you to figure out BornAnnoying: I like chicks who are a bit odd lookin, you know BornAnnoying: I mean I really think she's cute iZno recess: poly styrene BornAnnoying: well, there's an exception to every rule iZno recess: hehe xXseraphimXx: not me, damnit. not that i want to be "tried." iZno recess: ill try ya! BornAnnoying: "tried"? iZno recess: free trial size! BornAnnoying: hmm.. Yggdrasil: Hummm... iZno recess: hoogahoga xXseraphimXx: argh. BornAnnoying: that's curious Yggdrasil: Ya ever notice how many people there are with the letter "b"? Yggdrasil: Curiouser and curiouser... B'': B is in xXseraphimXx: what is? it wasn't my word, it was ygg's. Yggdrasil: B is Phat... B'': B is the hip new trend Yggdrasil: B is Phat Dope Yggdrasil: B is Phat Dope Shit iZno recess: b is where its at BornAnnoying: I gotcha THE LETTER B: I WAS THE FIRST DAMNIT!!!!!!!!!!! BornAnnoying: b is for bacchalian iZno recess: b is for boys life Yggdrasil: Uh oh... and everyone else is just followers? Trendy people who hopped on the "b" band wagon? BornAnnoying: hey, I was "B" before any of these guys! iZno recess: the B-and wagon Yggdrasil: SYSTEM Greeter: "RoyceRadical" has entered the room BornAnnoying: that was a cool pun iZno recess: oops BobaXFett: eric! iZno recess: thanks THE LETTER B: no no no Yggdrasil: Yeah... twas... gotta give props... RoyceRadical: hi RoyceRadical: ill be write back SYSTEM Greeter: "RoyceRadical" has left the room iZno recess: wow props..can i eat em? SYSTEM Greeter: "andiesue" has entered the room Yggdrasil: Nope... these are the nonedible kind... sucks, eh? BornAnnoying: I don't mind when people give props, I just wish they would make sure they're clean iZno recess: shit, and im hungry too B'': hey b, look at the footprints on the ceiling xXseraphimXx: BornAnnoying: 'tis the evil one himself! SYSTEM Greeter: "andiesue" has left the room iZno recess: foot prints on the ceiling pink champagne on ice Yggdrasil: Aunt "B" SYSTEM Greeter: "B''" has left the room THE LETTER B: i didnt say that anyone jumped on a bandwagon but this is my band's name and it has been SYSTEM Greeter: "RoyceRadical" has entered the room iZno recess: hey hows your girlfriend Born BornAnnoying: does it have any significance? BornAnnoying: oh, she's still serving time Yggdrasil: I don't get it... too esoteric... THE LETTER B: does anyone know who B" was? BobaXFett: yep iZno recess: BjornAnnoying xXseraphimXx: me does. BornAnnoying: yardbird THE LETTER B: what? iZno recess: jail bait Yggdrasil: One Bad... Shut yo' mouth... just talkin bout "b" THE LETTER B: who was b" BornAnnoying: is your girl recovering mike? iZno recess: from.. BornAnnoying: well I won't say out of respect for your privacy.. iZno recess: theres so many problems she has BornAnnoying: how's she doing? iZno recess: shes on solid food. iZno recess: if that tells you anything BornAnnoying: that's excellent.. BornAnnoying: remember, always look on the bright side iZno recess: yeah, suicide BornAnnoying: but only if you're sure you want to Yggdrasil: That's allways happy... xXseraphimXx: {s bright} Yggdrasil: So... Yggdrasil: Lemme guess... Monty Python? xXseraphimXx: yup. xXseraphimXx: {s bright} Yggdrasil: Heh... groovy stuff... BornAnnoying: uh huh.. them limeys sure are funny! iZno recess: yep..with their wacky schtick Yggdrasil: and crazy antics... BornAnnoying: I love when they launch into a spiel iZno recess: and madcap laffs xXseraphimXx: and knee-slapping good times. Yggdrasil: and touching theatrics... BornAnnoying: and mind numbing repitition iZno recess: and lo and behold Yggdrasil: it was good... xXseraphimXx: {s puff} Yggdrasil: In the autumn mist? xXseraphimXx: yup. xXseraphimXx: i love silly songs. xXseraphimXx: {s puff} SYSTEM Greeter: "xDeliliahx" has entered the room Yggdrasil: God, I'm good... BornAnnoying: they make me angry iZno recess: whos dat xXseraphimXx: how about this's challenging : xXseraphimXx: {s sharona} Yggdrasil: Samsonite makes something? What's it make? xXseraphimXx: xXseraphimXx: luggage. iZno recess: suitcases iZno recess: damn! SYSTEM Greeter: "THE LETTER B" has left the room Yggdrasil: Hmmm... Hummmm... I dunno... too out there... iZno recess: skunked xXseraphimXx: or Yggdrasil: NOOOOOO... B is gone... xXseraphimXx: {s ymca} Yggdrasil: Something about rainy day women, no? BornAnnoying: {s everbodysgotsomethingtohideceptformeandmymonkey} xXseraphimXx: huh? xXseraphimXx: lol Yggdrasil: Nothing... xXseraphimXx: {s runaway} iZno recess: {s ironman} Yggdrasil: Runaway train? SYSTEM Greeter: "BogusBadge" has left the room BornAnnoying: {s reaper} xXseraphimXx: {s bastards} BornAnnoying: bastards of young? Yggdrasil: {s bitchbitch} iZno recess: {s no queen} xXseraphimXx: {s go_away} BornAnnoying: {s sympathy}\ xXseraphimXx: {s muppets> xXseraphimXx: {s muppets} Yggdrasil: I'll Be Back... God willing... xXseraphimXx: even SYSTEM Greeter: "xDeliliahx" has left the room xXseraphimXx: anyone who can guess what {s muppets} is from can be my friend. BornAnnoying: hmm. not sure BobaXFett: ::silence:: iZno recess: umm the muppet movie? Yggdrasil: iZno recess: wild stab... xXseraphimXx: it's not from anything involving muppets. SYSTEM Greeter: "bIue" has entered the room iZno recess: well fuck that xXseraphimXx: it's about muppets...kinda. bIue: what is? xXseraphimXx: the quote is, i mean. BornAnnoying: corporate muppets? xXseraphimXx: i'll give you the first part of it..."which did you like better..." SYSTEM Greeter: "Yggdrasil" has left the room iZno recess: behind the scenes muppets iZno recess: the ones that do all the dirty work BornAnnoying: masochism + puppets = muppets BornAnnoying: working class pride SYSTEM Greeter: "bIue" has left the room xXseraphimXx: here's the whole quote. {s muppets} "which did you like better, jedi or the empire strikes back?" "empire." "blasphemy." "empire had the better ending..... BornAnnoying: hmm iZno recess: is this from mall rats SYSTEM Greeter: "bIue" has entered the room BornAnnoying: yeah, I was about to say... BornAnnoying: damn, you ready my mind recess BornAnnoying: er.. read iZno recess: ready made xXseraphimXx: luke gets his hand cut off, finds out vader's his father, han gets frozen and taken away by boba ends on such a down note, that's what life is, a series of down endings...all jedi had was a xXseraphimXx: bunch of muppets." BornAnnoying: yeah, that's from mallrats! xXseraphimXx: wrong. SYSTEM Greeter: "BobaXFett" has left the room RoyceRadical: clerks BornAnnoying: I coulda sworn xXseraphimXx: royce has it. RoyceRadical: thanks iZno recess: its the same damn movie practiacally RoyceRadical: its my specialty xXseraphimXx: nuh-uh. xXseraphimXx: {s horizons} RoyceRadical: not even close xXseraphimXx: also from clerks. iZno recess: i coulda sworn too, born BornAnnoying: just like godfather and godfather 2 RoyceRadical: they happen on the same day iZno recess: not even close?? it has half the same cast!!! id say thats close!! xXseraphimXx: {s ironic} RoyceRadical: try three people iZno recess: whatever assmunch RoyceRadical: silent bob..jay..and dante err gil hicks RoyceRadical: thats it xXseraphimXx: gil. xXseraphimXx: hehe.. bIue: chasing amy looks rad RoyceRadical: he hates gays..and fat people iZno recess: well three stars of a movie is alot xXseraphimXx: yup. xXseraphimXx: RoyceRadical: what a monkey xXseraphimXx: "where do you come up with this shit?!" RoyceRadical: what about star wars...does that suck cause it has the same cast? iZno recess: i wasnt counting extras and grips when i said 'cast" bIue: i love that xXseraphimXx: yeah. BornAnnoying: but mallrats wasn't a sequel xXseraphimXx: jeez... RoyceRadical: snoochie boochies xXseraphimXx: yes it was. iZno recess: i didnt say it sucked, retard..i was simply making a point xXseraphimXx: the jersey trilogy. SYSTEM Greeter: "Caltrani" has entered the room xXseraphimXx: of which dogma is the third...coming out soon. RoyceRadical: it took place on the same day..mallrats and clerks BornAnnoying: when's the fourth installment coming about? xXseraphimXx: <--kev smith fan BornAnnoying: nevermind BornAnnoying: damn.. BornAnnoying: I meant third RoyceRadical: sumer RoyceRadical: summer iZno recess: this month SYSTEM Greeter: "andiesue" has entered the room BornAnnoying: cool RoyceRadical: its all jay and silent bob BornAnnoying: to an art house near you! xXseraphimXx: jay and silent bob helping angels save the world..or something. Caltrani: hi im caltrani and i like to fisty RoyceRadical: and amy of course iZno recess: so how can you say there not even close?? RoyceRadical: their not Caltrani: do you like to fisty? RoyceRadical: their two movies revolving around a few common issues andiesue: Rocket from the crypt RoyceRadical: thats it BornAnnoying: well they depend on dialogue, there's no plot Caltrani: fisty? iZno recess: well, theres a wide range of similarities to ponder Caltrani: FISTY RoyceRadical: you tell me some better movies!! iZno recess: ie: cast, age group, etc Caltrani: wizard of oz RoyceRadical: nope Caltrani: yup RoyceRadical: thats one by the way SYSTEM Greeter: "andiesue" has left the room Caltrani: good BornAnnoying: any steven segal movie xXseraphimXx: um...nah. iZno recess: which would in essence, make mallrats and clerks..."close" for the sake of arguement Caltrani: sux RoyceRadical: i meant more than one movie by the same director bIue: mallrats is funner xXseraphimXx: trainspotting and shallow grave. equally good...equally different. Caltrani: down parascope is da bomb bIue: ayup xXseraphimXx: some of the same actors...but playing different roles. BornAnnoying: equally indie! RoyceRadical: its like bud to old english...its all great so in essence one isnt better than the other Caltrani: hi BornAnnoying: but that's the fun.. iZno recess: i didnt mean close plot literalists! Caltrani: hi RoyceRadical: are you italian?? Caltrani: me? BornAnnoying: when you see the same old characters on the screen, you elbow the guy next to you... "hey, he was in..." iZno recess: you eighth rate eberts! RoyceRadical: no the other italian xXseraphimXx: hey...i'm an 8th rate siskel...get it right next time. Caltrani: i'm not italian RoyceRadical: screw you...i bet you saw "ed" the monkey who plays baseball movie iZno recess: im sure your bald too xXseraphimXx: lol Caltrani: me? RoyceRadical: no recces iZno recess: no screw you, i think i know a little more about film than you RoyceRadical: recess BornAnnoying: that happened to have a serious subtext RoyceRadical: oh really...why? bIue: where is laura? SYSTEM Greeter: "king sXe" has entered the room iZno recess: i dont have to explain myself RoyceRadical: ive been in two schmuck!! xXseraphimXx: which ones? iZno recess: oh, ive been in a mcdonalds, that makes me a fucking mcnugget then! BornAnnoying: were you an extra? Caltrani: you're all boring RoyceRadical: babe and home alone 2"lost in new york xXseraphimXx: lol RoyceRadical: yup xXseraphimXx: wait a minute... xXseraphimXx: you know nadine, right? RoyceRadical: and i made like three thousand bucks xXseraphimXx: she told me about you... Caltrani: blah blah blah king sXe: i know nadine BornAnnoying: usually extras just get free coffee and lunch Caltrani: blah blha blah Caltrani: blha blha blsah RoyceRadical: nope Caltrani: yup iZno recess: you were in two shitty movies , allegedly, so you now are a film ass RoyceRadical: i got lots of pudding though Caltrani: FISTY RoyceRadical: babe almost won an oscar fuckhead Caltrani: FISTY SYSTEM Greeter: "cymbline" has entered the room Caltrani: FISTY xXseraphimXx: not babe, the pig movie, babe the baseball movie. xXseraphimXx: right? iZno recess: yeah, your point is?? RoyceRadical: the pig one xXseraphimXx: really? RoyceRadical: my point is just like to argue xXseraphimXx: nade said it was the baseball one. xXseraphimXx: oh... Caltrani: YOU ALL SUCK king sXe: hay seraphim, where is nadine? xXseraphimXx: hmm. xXseraphimXx: i school, i guess. bIue: hc fest BornAnnoying: nade hasn't been... "herself"... lately :) RoyceRadical: we wouldnt suck you daigo SYSTEM Greeter: "Caltrani" has left the room RoyceRadical: i know king sXe: oh RoyceRadical: hxc!! RoyceRadical: yuk BornAnnoying: I believe that's dego BornAnnoying: or I always thought RoyceRadical: nope...daigo xXseraphimXx: she's been kinda pissed lately... BornAnnoying: ok.. RoyceRadical: why? cymbline: PUNK IS IN DEMISE iZno recess: boy, that royce..he's ALWAYS right xXseraphimXx: 'cause people always take her too literally... RoyceRadical: oh xXseraphimXx: they think she's being serious when she's not... RoyceRadical: oh xXseraphimXx: they don't know her in rl though... RoyceRadical: i do BornAnnoying: yeah, she can be hard to decipher at times king sXe: hay blue SYSTEM Greeter: "cymbline" has left the room BornAnnoying: I mean, verbally bIue: hi king sXe: you like jawbreaker king sXe: huh RoyceRadical: their the best xXseraphimXx: i've been her best friend since 7th grade, so i know when she's being stupid...but most take her way too seriously. bIue: there ok i guess BornAnnoying: jawbox. bIue: that's where i got it from thou king sXe: your info is a line from one of their songs, you know that right bIue: yup yup bIue: :D king sXe: cool king sXe: they broke up tho i herd RoyceRadical: i heard their getting back together bIue: i dunno, i don rilly like them that much iZno recess: borns info is from his serial killer days RoyceRadical: i do sjip bIue: there old xXseraphimXx: i'm tired. argh. BornAnnoying: I left that way of life behind me RoyceRadical: were all boring so go to sleep iZno recess: and six feet under BornAnnoying: hey.. BornAnnoying: I'm reformed bIue: mail SYSTEM Greeter: "bIue" has left the room BornAnnoying: and not tired! iZno recess: sure..according to the government you are BornAnnoying: according to my parole officer iZno recess: but i know what lurks behind that calm demeanor RoyceRadical: hey..leave mental patients alone!! SYSTEM Greeter: "bIue" has entered the room RoyceRadical: some of my best friends are looney RoyceRadical: wacko iZno recess: a savage beast thirsty for the blood of innocent nuns xXseraphimXx: yeah, damnit. my other personality stalks ewan mcgregor in its spare time. RoyceRadical: bonkers RoyceRadical: ewan..ew bIue: spoOky BornAnnoying: when someone says the word "house" I start foaming at the mouth and assaulting people randomly bIue: house RoyceRadical: i like houseboy iZno recess: house? BornAnnoying: sorry bud.. xXseraphimXx: he's sexy, so blah. RoyceRadical: they rule!! BornAnnoying: has to be heard, not seen bIue: i have a houseboy 7" king sXe: nite nite goin ta bed RoyceRadical: me to bIue: me too xXseraphimXx: i know a guy named bobby house. RoyceRadical: hey..hey..hhhheeeeeeeyyyyy iZno recess: anyone have a madness wav? RoyceRadical: my balls itch!! bIue: yeah! xXseraphimXx: our the middle of our street. RoyceRadical: its awesome king sXe: you know if we all goto bed at the same time well all be sleeping together in a weird way BornAnnoying: is a very very very fine house RoyceRadical: yuk king sXe: scary huh RoyceRadical: im gay iZno recess: with to cats in the yard xXseraphimXx: ew. xXseraphimXx: bad song. BornAnnoying: but it's... happy! BornAnnoying: goofy! iZno recess: life used to be so motherfucking hard king sXe: you guys better not steal the covers or im kickin ya to the floor bIue: WoW RoyceRadical: i hafta have three pillows or i wet the bed king sXe: later iZno recess: but now everything is easy cuz of you..bitch SYSTEM Greeter: "king sXe" has left the room RoyceRadical: i drank alot of mr.pibb too!! bIue: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ RoyceRadical: nice skip bIue: thanks RoyceRadical: sho SYSTEM Greeter: "LivelyUp420" has entered the room xXseraphimXx: argh argh argh. LivelyUp420: Reggae rules bIue: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ LivelyUp420: Roots, Rock, Reggae LivelyUp420: woah im stoned RoyceRadical: so did you hear...face to doubt and weezer at the new world music theatre xXseraphimXx: are you in the punk room? bIue: yeah........ bIue: i did xXseraphimXx: no doubt. LivelyUp420: Royce, im from Chicago, when is that? iZno recess: im there , dude RoyceRadical: go to the im an idiot pothead room BornAnnoying: no doubt is tolerable! LivelyUp420: Face II Face, I saw them open for NoFx BornAnnoying: more so than say.. iZno recess: that gwen is a BABE i tell ya RoyceRadical: when is that?? BornAnnoying: wheezer xXseraphimXx: LivelyUp420: Gwen is fine but they are week bIue: i like weezer RoyceRadical: july sometime LivelyUp420: Weezer is for fucking queers. iZno recess: weezer is alot better than no doubt LivelyUp420: Wrong. BornAnnoying: oh come on... iZno recess: ok? bIue: <- nota queer RoyceRadical: the rentals...if your down with p...then your down with me BornAnnoying: jonathan richman redux LivelyUp420: Ska is better then Alternative\Pop xXseraphimXx: <--not a queer either, but likes guys. iZno recess: those are good songs, if youd ever listen bIue: so go smoke some weed n go away xXseraphimXx: doubt is NOT ska. RoyceRadical: a female!!!yuk... RoyceRadical: that gwen bitch was a man!!! BornAnnoying: yeah, and the nerd style is really convincing LivelyUp420: blue, your truely getting fucking annoying bIue: yeah!! bIue: go away RoyceRadical: me to bIue: poobitch xXseraphimXx: speak for yourself, lively... RoyceRadical: dumb pothead BornAnnoying: no doubt is pop muzik iZno recess: there a good band.. youre just a jaded teen xXseraphimXx: who is? bIue: no doubt is crap iZno recess: born LivelyUp420: seraphim, if you call them alternative your a fucking joke, try finding a band WITH distortion and without horns first RoyceRadical: pot is good for my helps me grow cancer scums xXseraphimXx: no doubt is pure, unadulterated crap. BornAnnoying: I'm not jaded. just cynical bIue: ayup ayup LivelyUp420: I would love to exhale in your pussy ass face's BornAnnoying: but then... 90% of mainstream music is!! RoyceRadical: stupid fucking hippy shits..out of pot so throw a fit LivelyUp420: too bad they dont have a GAP room for you prep's iZno recess: no doubt isnt that bad..the cardigans..theres unwhatchamacallit crap bIue: yeah rilly LivelyUp420: Royce, your without a White Hat xXseraphimXx: true. RoyceRadical: nope...the wallflowers BornAnnoying: the cardigans are godawful xXseraphimXx: agreed about the cardigans. RoyceRadical: i got a condom in my wallet!!! bIue: time for dinner LivelyUp420: im sure you dig the Dave Mathews Band and wear white hat's BornAnnoying: the wallflowers...hey, I'm sure they were signed on artistic merit, not because he's bob dylan's son LivelyUp420: bust a college t-shirt and birkenstocks RoyceRadical: im in the kkk!! bIue: i'm hungry iZno recess: wallflowers are decent bIue: latter dood RoyceRadical: night skip RoyceRadical: he he xXseraphimXx: things i click on mtv: cardigans, wallflowers, mellencamp, prodigy, no doubt, manson, etc. iZno recess: alot better than julian lennon bIue: later erik n tricia xXseraphimXx: byes. LivelyUp420: Anything Dylan related is atleast Decent, Dylan is rad herb-smoking hippies, so you GAP models should bash him BornAnnoying: the cardigans did the best song Abba never wrote RoyceRadical: yo,,,this weed is schwag!! bIue: i like prodigy BornAnnoying: and the girl's not even cute.. RoyceRadical: this buddahs schwank!!! xXseraphimXx: oh come on. LivelyUp420: Royce, your pretty funny LivelyUp420: looking bIue: latah doods SYSTEM Greeter: "bIue" has left the room iZno recess: prodigys a fucking load of hyped out the ass shit RoyceRadical: smeeling...get it right LivelyUp420: HA! what a goofball SYSTEM Greeter: "AGENT 3382" has entered the room RoyceRadical: nitwit LivelyUp420: "My Rad Pot" has entered the room xXseraphimXx: i don't think i've ever said, "boy that band sucks, but that lead singer, he's a babe." when i hate the music, the band looks ugly to me. RoyceRadical: oh no BornAnnoying: that guy should sue johnny rotten for stealing his persona! RoyceRadical: more ptheads iZno recess: how touchingly earnest, trish AGENT 3382: OOOHHHH SHIT IM HIGH!!!! RoyceRadical: johhny rotten is a stolen persona LivelyUp420: "HighHippie18" has entered the room xXseraphimXx: grr... RoyceRadical: "hippy ass kicker"has entered the room BornAnnoying: physical attractiveness and musical talent are mutually exclusive xXseraphimXx: guys are bugging me tonight. i think i'll just sit here and pout. LivelyUp420: woah, you fags are retards iZno recess: c'mon, gwens a babe and she has a set of can you not like her LivelyUp420: "Fucking GAP Models" has entered my shroom RoyceRadical: duh..i like to hump guys!!!! xXseraphimXx: yeah, i'm sure you're looking at the "pipes". xXseraphimXx: argh. SYSTEM Greeter: "AGENT 3382" has left the room RoyceRadical: not her chest!! BornAnnoying: come on... RoyceRadical: because there isnt one... BornAnnoying: would bush sell any records if not for teenage girls? xXseraphimXx: she sucks. iZno recess: shes pretty flat chested actually RoyceRadical: nope xXseraphimXx: bush....oh man. RoyceRadical: their the 90's bon jovi xXseraphimXx: they are the epitome of CRAP. xXseraphimXx: and look...gavin and gwen are dating. yeah, right. BornAnnoying: I think the girl from sleeper is more attractive than the one from the cardigans. RoyceRadical: livelys been excluded!!!ha ha!! iZno recess: that cardigans chick is ehh BornAnnoying: but then, I don't like either's music xXseraphimXx: gavin's women. RoyceRadical: everyone...exclude him BornAnnoying: yeah, she's kinda iffy SYSTEM Greeter: "LivelyUp420" has left the room BornAnnoying: something's not right RoyceRadical: jewel...shes hot iZno recess: why dont you lively up your ass and take it out the door? RoyceRadical: hes gone BornAnnoying: well trish we all seek intellectual peers for relationships iZno recess: plastic surgery, maybe born? SYSTEM Greeter: "FilthPunk" has entered the room BornAnnoying: not even that xXseraphimXx: RoyceRadical: its him BornAnnoying: well, now that you mentioned it.. BornAnnoying: possibly RoyceRadical: lively SYSTEM Greeter: "FilthPunk" has left the room RoyceRadical: i knew it!!! RoyceRadical: idiot SYSTEM Greeter: "deadstars" has entered the room RoyceRadical: so...who likes rancid?? xXseraphimXx: ew. RoyceRadical: deadstars?? deadstars: yeah?.. RoyceRadical: wqanna go smoke a bong?? SYSTEM Greeter: "xxxsAiNTxxx" has entered the room deadstars: nope... xXseraphimXx: lol RoyceRadical: hit that bong all night long!! RoyceRadical: we can listen to cypress hill!! deadstars: uh... BornAnnoying: jock rock RoyceRadical: hey...saint!! deadstars: anyone know sxe toe..or sxe toe fyp?... xXseraphimXx: nopers. deadstars: damnit... SYSTEM Greeter: "deadstars" has left the room iZno recess: hey ill brb RoyceRadical: saint...want to go hit that joint?? xXseraphimXx: toke it up RoyceRadical: i know you do!! xXseraphimXx: fire it up fire it up fire it up RoyceRadical: i got this red ganja...itll blow your mind e~ssay RoyceRadical: ahh the crow xXseraphimXx: hehe.. RoyceRadical: someone watches good flicks xXseraphimXx: you are just into my movies, royce. RoyceRadical: into mine xXseraphimXx: mine. RoyceRadical: we both got good taste xXseraphimXx: ok. RoyceRadical: ok? xXseraphimXx: <--gonna be a film major when i transfer. RoyceRadical: like true romance?? xXseraphimXx: of course. BornAnnoying: who doesn't like true romance? xXseraphimXx: {s smokbowl} xXseraphimXx: {s condescend} RoyceRadical: what about "showgirls"? its my favorite!! xXseraphimXx: funny... RoyceRadical: that kyle mclaughlin!! RoyceRadical: what a card xXseraphimXx: he's kewl in other stuff....bad career move. BornAnnoying: they're a sound for condescension? :) RoyceRadical: i know xXseraphimXx: it's from true romance. xXseraphimXx: it's floyd. BornAnnoying: fuck, I can't type BornAnnoying: there is RoyceRadical: but i waited my whole life to see a saved by the bell girl naked!! BornAnnoying: blue velvet xXseraphimXx: "don't condescend me, man...i'll fuckin' kill you man." BornAnnoying: is that near the end? xXseraphimXx: not really...kinda the middle. BornAnnoying: that hollywood producer? i love that guy :) xXseraphimXx: it's when the guy comes by and asks floyd where they went. RoyceRadical: anyone see step by step tonight?? BornAnnoying: "I treated you like a son! and you stab me right in the fucking heart!" xXseraphimXx: hehe.. RoyceRadical: balki was on it!!! iZno recess: boy..leave for five minutes.. xXseraphimXx: body bags 2. RoyceRadical: screech is cool man RoyceRadical: a cool man xXseraphimXx: "like a little coffee with your sugar?" "i'm not satisfied until the spoon stands straight up." RoyceRadical: so is mr.belding iZno recess: oh call that dialogue? RoyceRadical: theres two beldings in this of whom is balding RoyceRadical: he he RoyceRadical: thats was the show xXseraphimXx: yes, i do, actually. RoyceRadical: i do too BornAnnoying: I don't! RoyceRadical: goof xXseraphimXx: tarantino is a master of dialogue. so there. :Þ RoyceRadical: your such a mad ball!! iZno recess: yeah right, thats why nicholson begging to work for em RoyceRadical: royale with cheese xXseraphimXx: nicholson? xXseraphimXx: ew. RoyceRadical: hes old iZno recess: rent five easy peices if you want good dialogue iZno recess: or the last detail RoyceRadical: how about repo!!! BornAnnoying: or chinatown xXseraphimXx: chicken salad sandwich...hold the chicken." iZno recess: or cucoos nest xXseraphimXx: iZno recess: i want you to hold it between your knees xXseraphimXx: nicholson didn't write that though.. RoyceRadical: "woah..that was intense!!"..."being a repo man is always intense" BornAnnoying: I like the vending maching dialogue in the TV version iZno recess: no, i know he didnt xXseraphimXx: plus...he's not the best actor in the world. RoyceRadical: dialogue.....try stand by me xXseraphimXx: so...what's your point? xXseraphimXx: BornAnnoying: "repo man's got all night, every night" RoyceRadical: aww yeah xXseraphimXx: about nicholson? iZno recess: yeah not as good as christian slater BornAnnoying: hey I talk like christian slater BornAnnoying: dammit xXseraphimXx: argh. RoyceRadical: "you four-eyed pile of shit"..."a pile of shit has a thousand eyes" BornAnnoying: well he's a bad actor of course xXseraphimXx: lol xXseraphimXx: stand by me does have good dialogue. RoyceRadical: no way...gleaming the cube!! xXseraphimXx: guys just say that.. iZno recess: im sorry you cant beat nicholson in five easy peices, for my far as great acting xXseraphimXx: 'cause they can't handle pinup guys. BornAnnoying: "I can't hear you... are you using a scrambler?" BornAnnoying: "I can't hear you, I'm using a scrambler!" xXseraphimXx: christian slater is cute...yes. but he's good. so blah. RoyceRadical: how about..."twins". with devito and arnold!! RoyceRadical: that rocked xXseraphimXx: lol...i have that on tape. RoyceRadical: try...cheech and chongs "up in smoke" iZno recess: you actually think hes better than nicholson dont you, sera, just admit it.. RoyceRadical: i do xXseraphimXx: no, i don't. iZno recess: come on..admit it!!! RoyceRadical: i do!! iZno recess: youll feel better! xXseraphimXx: but he's not bad, just 'cause he's cute. it doesn't work that way. xXseraphimXx: you're jealous...admit that first. BornAnnoying: he's mediocre RoyceRadical: johnny depps bad xXseraphimXx: hey..johnny depp was good on 21 jump street. iZno recess: well, nicholson is one of the greatest, if not the greatest, film actors of our time xXseraphimXx: BornAnnoying: but he was upstaged by richard grieco!! RoyceRadical: cry baby was a great flick!! xXseraphimXx: lol xXseraphimXx: true. xXseraphimXx: i was obsessed with him for awhile when i was 13. iZno recess: richard geeko xXseraphimXx: booker. BornAnnoying: ah... it can be traced to your childhood :) xXseraphimXx: yeaahhh boyyeee.. RoyceRadical: our time?? he hasnt done anything great in my lifetime beside the mediocre batman BornAnnoying: once a bad actor, always iZno recess: if looks could kill , somebody get this guy a mirror! xXseraphimXx: LOL xXseraphimXx: i wish they'd play reruns of 21 jump street sometime...that was a good show, damnit. iZno recess: whos a bad actor, born RoyceRadical: that was a great movie BornAnnoying: just speaking in general xXseraphimXx: the french teacher! xXseraphimXx: RoyceRadical: he he RoyceRadical: the scorpion!! xXseraphimXx: lol iZno recess: can you read this sign?!?!? RoyceRadical: what was with that fucked up condom container?? RoyceRadical: it was like sardines or something xXseraphimXx: oh yeah.. iZno recess: well, this is all to culturally stimulating for me RoyceRadical: the best of all.....bill and teds excellent adventure!!!! xXseraphimXx: well...i've had enough richard grieco for the night.. BornAnnoying: flagstaff arizona. don't forget wynonna. xXseraphimXx: {s awesome} xXseraphimXx: damn BornAnnoying: kingman, barstow, san bernadino. xXseraphimXx: i'm off...see ya. xXseraphimXx: RoyceRadical: "san dimas high school football rules"!!!!!!! SYSTEM Greeter: "xXseraphimXx" has left the room iZno recess: get your kicks RoyceRadical: i am RoyceRadical: always will BornAnnoying: on route iZno recess: before the whole shit house goes up in flames RoyceRadical: 666!!! RoyceRadical: friday...thats was a rad movie BornAnnoying: I'm clearing out before meltdown. dunno no movie quotes. later. iZno recess: baby why dont we go dont to kokomo..