SYSTEM Greeter: SYSTEM Greeter: You are now in room "Punk" SYSTEM Greeter: You have READ/WRITE Access SYSTEM Greeter: RaPuNkZaL: genatals JohnERotten: genitals scrawney: with keiser blades on them geIatinous: bastards JohnERotten: oh yes scrawney: hahahaha JohnERotten: some people call em sling blades, i call em kaiser blades scrawney: sounds like a jewish knife JohnERotten: hes probly hiding now geIatinous: some folks call it a sling blade JohnERotten: waiting to kill you when your unawares scrawney: what do you call it though gelatinous JohnERotten: deja vu vu vu cleptomaniac: im back scrawney: so what do you see geIatinous: in full attack nesmuka: hi, back! (heh heh, sorry!) RaPuNkZaL: AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH geIatinous: never give in until they crack cleptomaniac: i see the hocky game scawney JohnERotten: gimme back my alcohol geIatinous: emerrrgency SYSTEM Greeter: "teenpsycho" has entered the room cleptomaniac: now news cleptomaniac: scrawney cleptomaniac: ? Dr Banzai: i dont see anyone SYSTEM Greeter: "teenpsycho" has left the room scrawney: i see some ugly people at a desk JohnERotten: this is dull RaPuNkZaL: scrawney said his cock is 9 inches long JohnERotten: like watching paint get wet Dr Banzai: some fuck face geIatinous: what are you joking, this is the be all and end all of entertainment JohnERotten: i think ill end it all in that case scrawney: eh you werent suppost to tell anyone rapunkzal cleptomaniac: so u like 9 in cocks? cleptomaniac: looll scrawney: i do SYSTEM Greeter: "Dr Banzai" has left the room cleptomaniac: on a 57 guy cleptomaniac: 5'7 cleptomaniac: lol scrawney: eh with boots 5-8 and a half geIatinous: where have all the boot boys gone cleptomaniac: and the mohawk another 4 or 6 inches scrawney: about 7 cleptomaniac: o ya cleptomaniac: 7 in ,like the records scrawney: damn cock n all im like 9 feet cleptomaniac: or 9 in like your penise cleptomaniac: without the e scrawney: what the fuck is the e cleptomaniac: i f up in spelling JohnERotten: im 6'2, you lil twerps JohnERotten: HAHAHAHA geIatinous: big and gawky JohnERotten: just kidding SYSTEM Greeter: "Greek Hitman" has entered the room scrawney: so im 9 foot SYSTEM Greeter: "LOVING DOLL" has entered the room geIatinous: easier to knock down like a bowling pin JohnERotten: howd you know, gelat geIatinous: call me a judge of character d michael: jonhe's my hero. JohnERotten: ill call you judge thomas cleptomaniac: well see u at the show scrawney_! LOVING DOLL: im backagain SYSTEM Greeter: "Greek Hitman" has left the room geIatinous: fair enough cleptomaniac: at 4:30 geIatinous: bastard. cleptomaniac: befor the show scrawney: cool see ya their JohnERotten: your the bastard, bastard scrawney: punk rock and all scrawney: hahahahah cleptomaniac: remember 6.00$ SYSTEM Greeter: "LOVING DOLL" has left the room scrawney: yea cleptomaniac: april 19 geIatinous: keep taunting the pitbull, rotten geIatinous: keep it up scrawney: yea and 5 pm masquerade and its ky JohnERotten: c;mon fresh meat?? cleptomaniac: latter SYSTEM Greeter: "cleptomaniac" has left the room JohnERotten: grrrrrr geIatinous: objects in mirror may be more mentally unstable than they appear JohnERotten: well, i just got the new "details" pant pant geIatinous: lol xhouseboyx: hey rotten your not in this band the gremlins are you? JohnERotten: in all its peachy glory!! JohnERotten: no im not, but i do drive one SatrdysHeros: awww yeah. im goin 2 plaY checkerz!!!1 xhouseboyx: okay geIatinous: I considered buying it, but I instead got the latest rollin stoln SatrdysHeros: wiSh mE lucK :) JohnERotten: oh a brad freak eh JohnERotten: good luck SatrdysHeros: tanX... RaPuNkZaL: i dont like big SatrdysHeros: *pooF* SYSTEM Greeter: "SatrdysHeros" has left the room geIatinous: third stone from the sun RaPuNkZaL: hello RaPuNkZaL: hello JohnERotten: hi rapunk geIatinous: goddamn punkers ruining the countyr geIatinous: country RaPuNkZaL: ::::::::pounces on johnerotten:::::::::::::::::: JohnERotten: ack! JohnERotten: love you too, baby RaPuNkZaL: love me? JohnERotten: sure, why not scrawney: i love johnerotten JohnERotten: its a love in! scrawney: hes my punk icon nesmuka: ew. SYSTEM Greeter: "nesmuka" has left the room JohnERotten: she took that in a literal haight ashbury sense im assuming JohnERotten: not intended that way, more of a sardonic, mocking tone i was going for when i said 'love in" RaPuNkZaL: i lived on haight ashbury for 6 mo. geIatinous: jerry garcia hates SF JohnERotten: i kno some people who thought it was pronounced "hyatt"..and this was after they visited it. JohnERotten: weird RaPuNkZaL: its pronounced hate JohnERotten: i kno JohnERotten: pretty dumb, eh RaPuNkZaL: yup JohnERotten: did you like living there geIatinous: hippies are a very mean lot JohnERotten: yeh kick your ass for a nickel RaPuNkZaL: ya i did it wa sfun scrawney: ruff ya up for a dose d michael: never trust a hippie. scrawney: id like to get drunk and terrorize a hippie commune JohnERotten: cut some fucking hair JohnERotten: wel.. JohnERotten: {s coldass} RaPuNkZaL: i got sliced up by gutter punx RaPuNkZaL: i was friends with veryone geIatinous: well don't piss on their mohawks next time scrawney: i beat up a gutter punk once JohnERotten: sliced up? RaPuNkZaL: yup JohnERotten: hmm, like on your face scrawney: was it a kaiser knife geIatinous: some folks call it a sling blade....... scrawney: or a slingblade, somepeople call it a slingblade u know JohnERotten: i call it a kaiser blade geIatinous: heh scrawney: hahaha RaPuNkZaL: i have scars JohnERotten: thats too bad scrawney: i like scars geIatinous: use it as a badge of honor SYSTEM Greeter: "Achtongue" has entered the room RaPuNkZaL: i do RaPuNkZaL: they did it causeim a girl scrawney: unless their like acne scars or sumpthin geIatinous: anyone like lyle lovett?? RaPuNkZaL: and i wa snew to the street scrawney: lyle lovett sucks JohnERotten: your not.. shitting us by any chance are you rapunk? geIatinous: no, he's the spokesman for a generation RaPuNkZaL: no i can tell you naything JohnERotten: lyle lovett?? are you insane???? scrawney: this wasnt in frisco rapunkzal SYSTEM Greeter: "Achtongue" has left the room geIatinous: granted, he's no travis tritt, but still..... JohnERotten: did he even get to fuck julia roberts? or what RaPuNkZaL: yes it was scrawney: cause i told you im movin their and everything geIatinous: a damn good singer songwriter by gum!! scrawney: that sucks scrawney: oh well JohnERotten: holy shit its travis tritt..mother fucker its tanya tucker RaPuNkZaL: i live din buena vista park geIatinous: he fucked julia roberts a million different ways that bastard geIatinous: aiugh JohnERotten: from behind like a dog.. scrawney: i betcha he has a cocktail smokie for a weiner JohnERotten: more like a chiclet geIatinous: just like a dog.... geIatinous: mmmm geIatinous: sorry. scrawney: what you wanna fuck lile lovett like a dogg RaPuNkZaL: la la i going pee JohnERotten: \ scrawney: dont fall geIatinous: well it's not at the top of my list, but it's something to do, you know?! JohnERotten: lyle mmm hes yummy JohnERotten: j/k scrawney: i bet he has a hairry but JohnERotten: how bout that "other" julie JohnERotten: heh heh geIatinous: eh?? scrawney: how bout that rapunkzal scrawney: eh geIatinous: oh... JohnERotten: nevermind geIatinous: heh heh scrawney: hahahah geIatinous: ah julie, yes indeed RaPuNkZaL: :::jumps on johne:::::::::; JohnERotten: ack! RaPuNkZaL: what about me? scrawney: your takin a piss JohnERotten: yer tops, rapunk scrawney: well were geIatinous: innocent indie rocker with a slutty edge geIatinous: heh scrawney: eh fuck off JohnERotten: slutty edge..heheh RaPuNkZaL: thanx JohnERotten: she DOES have a slutty edge dont she geIatinous: indeed... geIatinous: very subtle.. JohnERotten: no not u rapunk geIatinous: but it's noticeable scrawney: RaPuNkZaL: ok geIatinous: ow!! bastard. JohnERotten: were talking julie hatfield JohnERotten: m n m? geIatinous: indie rocker extroirdinarie scrawney: yeah you know little fudge filled candy JohnERotten: right..commiepunk digs em scrawney: melt in your mouth not in your pants RaPuNkZaL: melts in your mouth not in your butt geIatinous: and a girl who engages in risque poses on the back of records JohnERotten: they melt in your pants, take my word... scrawney: i wanna try it in my butt though fuck the pants scrawney: hahahaha JohnERotten: what revord?? JohnERotten: er..record JohnERotten: ohhh geIatinous: umm... geIatinous: I forget JohnERotten: that geIatinous: heh\ JohnERotten: nicely nicely RaPuNkZaL: im naked geIatinous: nicely indeed...mmm JohnERotten: lol scrawney: wweeeeeeeeeeeeeweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee scrawney: thats gross JohnERotten: i have like 30 pics of her now, its highly shameful geIatinous: wow, you're as obsessed as the day is long rotto JohnERotten: well, your here foaming at the mouth JohnERotten: youre no better! RaPuNkZaL: i was peein JohnERotten: now your streakin? RaPuNkZaL: k guys i'm leaving now JohnERotten: bye scrawney: sweet dreams RaPuNkZaL: write me clse71a geIatinous: granted... d michael: later john...sorry for the antagonism. RaPuNkZaL: CLSE71A geIatinous: I'm shitfaced likes nobody's business JohnERotten: prob d michael: all's good, eh? JohnERotten: later d RaPuNkZaL: than k you! RaPuNkZaL: bye all SYSTEM Greeter: "RaPuNkZaL" has left the room JohnERotten: bye rapunk SYSTEM Greeter: "d michael" has left the room scrawney: shes hot geIatinous: saul goode JohnERotten: are you shitfaced, chris? geIatinous: relatively speaking yes JohnERotten: hmm cool geIatinous: drunk on life!!!!! geIatinous: yes!! geIatinous: heh JohnERotten: scrawney: sounds like someone in a school anti drug movie JohnERotten: i see.. scrawney: I DONT NEED DRUGS IM DRUNK ON LIFE JohnERotten: thats very nice, chris JohnERotten: in it scrawney: hahahah geIatinous: I'm straddling the line scrawney: how old is everyone here??? geIatinous: between puking and containing JohnERotten: life..avoid it thru heavy drinking scrawney: hahahahahah geIatinous: you know, those are words to live by JohnERotten: aint they? damn.. geIatinous: alcohol....... a .HEALTHY. solution to the problems life presents scrawney: no its im saving myself until im married, im a special virgin JohnERotten: live..grow..share..drink scrawney: with a cunt as tight as kiwi JohnERotten: doh! geIatinous: live the life that's good... and get fucked up on the weekends geIatinous: holy shit scrawn.. whew! scrawney: what??? JohnERotten: get married to a complete shrew and drink for 40 years to soften the blows of her verbal abuse geIatinous: 'scuse me while I kiss the sky scrawney: hippie scrawney: scuse me while i puke and die JohnERotten: puke and cry JohnERotten: tight as a kiwi??? geIatinous: and remember.. you are a man. .... you are emasculated... you will submit to that woman because she's the only thing you've got JohnERotten: hmmm geIatinous: that's pretty goddamn tight I'd say.. geIatinous: mm-hmmm JohnERotten: yeh.. i was headed there,, fortunately i jumped and ran for it JohnERotten: now im free..and drunk geIatinous: my friend... JohnERotten: ..on life!!!! geIatinous: you are at the pinnacle of existance geIatinous: treasure it. scrawney: what the hell was that JohnERotten: i am at the top of my game.. i know it geIatinous: whatever it is, that girl... put as spell on me... duh-da-da!!! geIatinous: in your proverbial prime as it were JohnERotten: getin into jimi eh gel geIatinous: I must say.. geIatinous: makes for good drinkin music scrawney: im gonna leave now JohnERotten: ya SYSTEM Greeter: "scrawney" has left the room geIatinous: hey, don't leave abruptly why don't you JohnERotten: bye kiwi cunt geIatinous: fucker geIatinous: I got are you experienced tonight JohnERotten: i had like 4 emails when i signed on ..amazing geIatinous: it's neat--o JohnERotten: oh yeah? on cd? geIatinous: hey, people thought you disappeared without a trace geIatinous: yes, on CD no less geIatinous: most of the Jimster's best songs are contained therein JohnERotten: cool, i picked that up on vinyl whn i was a mere teen JohnERotten: yeh, his real signature tunes geIatinous: well consider yourself enlightened JohnERotten: thats for sure geIatinous: what I said earlier... about being hard-edged... geIatinous: most of his harder edged tunes are there JohnERotten: ..experienced, not necessarily stoned..but geIatinous: pyscho-delic... JohnERotten: rocks for sure geIatinous: yes indeedy geIatinous: rocks like a motherfucker on a 12 day acid trip JohnERotten: who thought i disappeared w/o a trace JohnERotten: ? JohnERotten: 12 day acid trip...shit, thats bad JohnERotten: ouch geIatinous: pretty goddamn scary geIatinous: that just came out of my head geIatinous: OUT OF MY GODDAMN HEAD!!! geIatinous: (12 day acid trip) JohnERotten: you drunk bastard geIatinous: and I dunno what the hell significance that has..but goddamn! geIatinous: it was cool!!! JohnERotten: out of your head!!! geIatinous: did you no wrong!! geIatinous: going out of my head JohnERotten: i just put on electric lady land geIatinous: excellente JohnERotten: workin them exclamation points... geIatinous: squeezing every ounce of emphasis from 'em JohnERotten: ah yes..driving them like a 75 yr old slave geIatinous: like a mac truck on the downhill without any brakes geIatinous: bam!!! geIatinous: foxy!! geIatinous: heh JohnERotten: like john popper towards a little ceasers geIatinous: lo fuckin l JohnERotten: hehe geIatinous: keith richards to the methadone clinic! JohnERotten: mick jagger to a guys ass geIatinous: (david bowie) JohnERotten: (lou reed) geIatinous: shit, I haven't been this loaded since last summer geIatinous: lou reed too?! geIatinous: jesus, I never heard that rumor JohnERotten: yep...reformed tho geIatinous: oooh... sweet mick JohnERotten: he dated a transvestite for a while geIatinous: well when you're in the NY avant-garde you do that kinda stuff JohnERotten: crosstown traffic! geIatinous: manic depression.. JohnERotten: yeah i guess. he didnt like being gay so he stopped doin it geIatinous: searchin mah soul JohnERotten: what have you been drinkin? beer? geIatinous: yeah, when it gets to the takin it in the ass part, he quit JohnERotten: yeah, exactly geIatinous: yep.. brew JohnERotten: how many down the hatch geIatinous: liquid gold JohnERotten: ah yes..pint of gold geIatinous: only 4 strangely enough geIatinous: I gues s I have low tolerance (?) JohnERotten: maybe. SYSTEM Greeter: "FondleMeElmo" has entered the room geIatinous: I would go for a 5th, but I'd be puking into next friday JohnERotten: mines pretty high..or was geIatinous: I've done it before JohnERotten: 5 is the most youve drunk geIatinous: how many can you take?! geIatinous: eh? JohnERotten: my peak...ive done 12..still standing geIatinous: I did 5 last summer and those 5 ended up back in the bathroom you know JohnERotten: lol FondleMeElmo: are you like talking about 12 beers? geIatinous: gimme my college years to build up some tolerance JohnERotten: yeh FondleMeElmo: AAahHHH, thats amazing geIatinous: bud ice light.. jesus christ.... a godsend JohnERotten: in january, i did about a bottle of vodka, and several beers..did pass out or nothin JohnERotten: i did hurl a bit FondleMeElmo: are you big rotten? geIatinous: you know how there's a fine line.... JohnERotten: is there? geIatinous: where if you cross it... geIatinous: you feel ilke shit JohnERotten: oh, fuck yeh JohnERotten: im 6'2 190, elmo geIatinous: my line I think is at 4.... JohnERotten: 4 beers?? hell..thats like an aspirin for me FondleMeElmo: ugh, no wonder geIatinous: if I cross that line, god help me FondleMeElmo: I was wondering, cause, fuck 12 beers?!?! JohnERotten: ugh? SYSTEM Greeter: "astroman6" has entered the room geIatinous: well I'm 5'9, 170, a veritable elf geIatinous: gimme a drop of vodka and I drop dead like a cultist FondleMeElmo: hee hee JohnERotten: oh, last spring, i did a bottle of whiskey, i thought i was gonna die towards the end there SYSTEM Greeter: "astroman6" has left the room JohnERotten: thatwas fucking drunk geIatinous: don't you just wanna fuckin die when you've had too many? geIatinous: I hate that geIatinous: worst feeling in the world JohnERotten: yeah..its like" this isnt fun no more, i want my brain back" geIatinous: lol FondleMeElmo: welp, don't you know when to stop? geIatinous: that's EXACTLY what it's like JohnERotten: yep.. geIatinous: rooms spinning, stomach's grinding... NO FUN. JohnERotten: nope JohnERotten: elmo, yu dont like tall people or something FondleMeElmo: no, I'm jus amazed geIatinous: knowing where to stop is crucial to the life of an intelligent alchoholic FondleMeElmo: one beer and I'm kinda outt ait FondleMeElmo: outts it JohnERotten: oh..well. yeah, im not exactly rpoud of being jim morrison junior geIatinous: neat... what, 3'4", 39?? geIatinous: one beer (!) FondleMeElmo: lol, no, I'm 5'5 FondleMeElmo: lol, yeaoh JohnERotten: junior mints are a frightening candy geIatinous: junior mints get you horny... JohnERotten: commiepunk must be tny..5'1 86 lbs. geIatinous: oh wait, those are greeen m'n'ms' geIatinous: my bad! JohnERotten: she must get drunk off one zima SYSTEM Greeter: "bluesleezy" has entered the room FondleMeElmo: aaahhhh, commie's that small??? JohnERotten: yeh..or so she says SYSTEM Greeter: "bluesleezy" has left the room geIatinous: ah small women... easy to prop up against walls.. hehe JohnERotten: where did you hear about green m n ms SYSTEM Greeter: "paTwiX" has entered the room geIatinous: newsweek FondleMeElmo: yeaoh, green M&M's are sipposed tp yunr ya on geIatinous: no, actually rumors I suppose JohnERotten: hmm..might git me a mess o dem paTwiX: HeY geIatinous: why... you're impotent??? JohnERotten: FondleMeElmo: ack, its trick geIatinous: hehe paTwiX: ack? JohnERotten: i have a hard on 24 7 JohnERotten: j/k geIatinous: johnny took his gun and went ACK ACK ACK ACK geIatinous: imagine having a hard on 24 7 geIatinous: I mean, the inconvience JohnERotten: youd have alot of pants problems JohnERotten: to put it mildly geIatinous: public ostracization paTwiX: uHm... geIatinous: you walk down the street, people run away in revulsion JohnERotten: children point an stare FondleMeElmo: lol geIatinous: and it' geIatinous: it's "hey, I can't help it, oK?!" JohnERotten: people start calling you "dick" even tho your names not richard.. FondleMeElmo: lol JohnERotten: hey, 'dick" .. geIatinous: I'm just cursed with a case of... 24 hour hardon!! JohnERotten: ohh lawd! SYSTEM Greeter: "FondleMeElmo" has left the room geIatinous: hey... "dick"... JohnERotten: i got dem 24 howah a day stiffy blooze! geIatinous: having a "hard" day?! geIatinous: