SYSTEM Greeter: SYSTEM Greeter: You are now in room "Punk" SYSTEM Greeter: You have READ/WRITE Access SYSTEM Greeter: UZIMAN: THEY HAD AN ORGY MrTXperience: and like 400 kids were having a discussion about rape, and it was in the place where the bands had been playing macandcheese: dude, that was in columbus UZIMAN: HOW SYSTEM Greeter: "rudeskin" has left the room MrTXperience: and some of the bands said that they werent gonna play cuz the discussion was more important MrTXperience: yeah! one of those ohio c cities macandcheese: boy sets fire started the discussion rather than play UZIMAN: THEY SUX MrTXperience: yep mac MrTXperience: and the get up kids insisted on playing MrTXperience: and broke up the discussion HumnTornado: downright silly UZIMAN: GOOD getupkids: oh yeah- that shit that took up almost all of the last issue of heartattack... HumnTornado: how many punk kids does it take to have an intelligent conversation? UZIMAN: WHAT A WASTE MrTXperience: well, thats why they have bad politics.. UZIMAN: OBVIOUSLY TOO MANY Kodiekulp: we need to have a diet salad dressing called 500 islands, hehehe HumnTornado: haha yeah no shit.. getupkids: suck yeah- i'm glad they kept playing- that shit was a music festival and it was unrelated to every fucking one of those scenesterswho were trying to make it their business macandcheese: i don't know... i've seen boy sets fire many many times and they always lecture to us kids, and it's kinda refreshing UZIMAN: POLITICS SUX SYSTEM Greeter: "sam9550" has entered the room UZIMAN: KILL THEM ALL MrTXperience: that's retarded getup.. Kodiekulp: a christian deoderant called, thou shall not smell MrTXperience: it wasnt only music for one... ANTI FASCIST: shut up sam9550: i like to smell UZIMAN: THEY DO ANYWAY MrTXperience: and 400 kids were having an intelligent discussion getupkids: no, it's fucking not- that's a PERSONAL situation and issue between those TWO people, it's not anyone elses business MrTXperience: and like 20 didnt want to.. ANTI FASCIST: politics screws you everyday and you still sit their numb macandcheese: yeah, wan't it a HARDCORE fest??? MrTXperience: so the 20 won.. HumnTornado: "i like my stink, it's natural.." UZIMAN: I'M SUR YOU GETLAID ALOT bocefusette: kodiecup, haha MrTXperience: what two people?! Kodiekulp: a yoyo with a 2000 foot string Kodiekulp: you use it when you visit the grand cayon MrTXperience: it wasnt a disscussion about a rape. about the rape problem in general reactionary1: politics doesn't make a difference in most peoples lives getupkids: the person who was accused with rape and the girl accusing... those two people SYSTEM Greeter: "sam9550" has left the room UZIMAN: RAPE ISN'T A PROBLEM MrTXperience: it wasnt about two people SYSTEM Greeter: "ChmChmBadAss" has entered the room Kodiekulp: a lightbuld that only shines on things worth looking at HumnTornado: kodie is alright in my book..he's down w/ Rudy Ray Moore UZIMAN: SO macandcheese: HC is about sooo much more than just crunch... it's all about beliefs and dedication to your cause getupkids: it was antagonized by two people bocefusette: like me? SYSTEM Greeter: "pixyystix" has entered the room SYSTEM Greeter: "skuzzMANDA89" has left the room UZIMAN: AGAIN SYSTEM Greeter: "Yggdrasil" has entered the room bocefusette: matt bocefusette: hehe getupkids: where did you find out about the situation? Yggdrasil: Yo... reactionary1: HC is mainly about belonging to a boys club and kicking everyone else out UZIMAN: WHAT THE HELL MrTXperience: so what? wouldnt you get pissed if 400 kids wanted to see a band, and 20 didnt SYSTEM Greeter: "Xvx Aeon xvX" has entered the room MrTXperience: so the band didnt play? Kodiekulp: a roach spray that fills the roach full of self doubt to make them think that they are not in the right house HumnTornado: haha.. yeah HC is also about getting nothing done and looking good in your new jencos SYSTEM Greeter: "SkAggY BaWeD" has entered the room SYSTEM Greeter: "Sippy theGr8" has left the room SYSTEM Greeter: "HAtexedGE" has entered the room HumnTornado: fucking fashion show Xvx Aeon xvX: hehe MrTXperience: especially since the discussion is more important... bocefusette: ANNE FUCKED RICHARD SIMMONS Xvx Aeon xvX: fancy meetin YOu here SYSTEM Greeter: "ChmChmBadAss" has left the room HAtexedGE: uh huh Xvx Aeon xvX: RICHARD SIMMONS FUCKED ME UZIMAN: GOOD FOR HER SkAggY BaWeD: Hi PeOpLe Xvx Aeon xvX: get it straight Xvx Aeon xvX: dammit bocefusette: haha macandcheese: i heard about it from boy sets fire and i also just mins ago read about it in the lumberjack catalog HAtexedGE: mmm, oh yeah Xvx Aeon xvX: hehe SYSTEM Greeter: "Punkrockgrl" has entered the room SkAggY BaWeD: AgE/SeX ChEcK bocefusette: kodie, hahahaha MrTXperience: i heard about it from a friend of mine who was there... getupkids: it was to those who wanted to participate- the bands should still play because that's what the festival was for... right? HumnTornado: 69/He-She UZIMAN: SO WHAT Xvx Aeon xvX: i heard it from a friend, who heard it from a friend, who heard it from a friend... HAtexedGE: NO AGE SEX CHEX Xvx Aeon xvX: and so it goes.. XnotXsxexX: 17m HAtexedGE: FUCKING STOP pixyystix: 4½/f HAtexedGE: haha Punkrockgrl: blah MrTXperience: the festival wasnt just MUSIC! bocefusette: i hate age sex checks bocefusette: hehe UZIMAN: KILL MR. T HAtexedGE: C'mon quit it, fukheads bocefusette: i hate stopping Xvx Aeon xvX: AGE SEX CITY STATE BRA SIZE DICK SIZE CHECK! Kodiekulp: these are some things you have never heard before, Dad you really outta drink more HumnTornado: 2 1/2 inches/ loves Hee Haw MrTXperience: it was about more than that... Xvx Aeon xvX: ::huggles mr. t:: SYSTEM Greeter: "Yggdrasil" has left the room bocefusette: i hate fukheads MrTXperience: heh..thanks anne.. UZIMAN: SO DO I getupkids: oh- it was for music AND for the issue of rape? i don't think so... Xvx Aeon xvX: hehee Punkrockgrl: homeless people on yr penis check! Xvx Aeon xvX: no prob, bekah UZIMAN: GOOD macandcheese: bsf did not mean to talk the whole time... they started talking as they ALWAYS HAVE (in the 30+ times i've seen them) and this time they got a reaction out of the kids that sparked a discussion Xvx Aeon xvX: whoa is that uzi prick still goin bocefusette: hehe HumnTornado: I pity the foo' who don't step on up w/ the penis check UZIMAN: CHILL Xvx Aeon xvX: hahahah HAtexedGE: CRUSTY POWER!!! SYSTEM Greeter: "SkAggY BaWeD" has left the room MrTXperience: it was a hardcore fest...about music and the politics/life UZIMAN: GROSS MrTXperience: and rape fuckin fits into taht bocefusette: i hate crusty Kodiekulp: heres another one, THAT NO ONE HAS EVER HEARD EVER!!, After i stick this hot poker up my ass, i'm going to chop my dick off!!! bocefusette: i hate power HAtexedGE: PIZZA CRUST HAHHAHA Xvx Aeon xvX: i got fifty homeless peoples on MY penis Xvx Aeon xvX: ::smiles:: UZIMAN: RAPE EVERYONE Punkrockgrl: 50? Punkrockgrl: wow! Xvx Aeon xvX: yeah Xvx Aeon xvX: cuz it so big HAtexedGE: SQUATTER POWER! Xvx Aeon xvX: what'd i tell you earlier? MrTXperience: and i dont give a damn but the fact that 400 kids wanted to talk about a serious issue is pretty damn important macandcheese: they thought it was more important for kids to finally talk to each other about ANY situation rather than play some songs like they can always do Xvx Aeon xvX: hehe Xvx Aeon xvX: you didn't believe me bocefusette: KODIE, HAHAHAHA Kodiekulp: SQUATTER RIGHTS you fucking idiot Punkrockgrl: you didn't give me an exact number bocefusette: i hate squatters HAtexedGE: CRUSTY SQUATTER POWER!!! MrTXperience: and the fact that a few idiots wanted to break that up is pathetic Xvx Aeon xvX: oh.. hehe.. now ya know bocefusette: i hate crusty squatters SYSTEM Greeter: "pixyystix" has left the room Xvx Aeon xvX: ANTI FASCIST: WHATEVER YOU SAY WE WON'T GO AWAY! getupkids: groan... ok, sure... whatever, read the last issue of heartattack and get a more elaborate version of the story... it may change your opinion on the whole situation macandcheese: i hate emily Punkrockgrl: any tap dancers on there anne? HumnTornado: "yeah I'll give you squatters rights and a few lefts too.." Paul Bearer of Sheer Terror MrTXperience: thanks mac.. Xvx Aeon xvX: OWCH! one i think Punkrockgrl: haha bocefusette: i hate maren macandcheese: no problem dude Xvx Aeon xvX: HAtexedGE: ANYONE EVER HEAR OF THE HITLERSS? MrTXperience: why would that change my view? Xvx Aeon xvX: i'll take care of that Kodiekulp: here's something you never here, Mom i have a big date tonight, can i borrow you french tickler? bocefusette: i hate the hitlers bocefusette: hahahahha MrTXperience: cuz one of the idiots who walked around shouting "less talk more rock" wrote about how the almost missed their favorite band? ANTI FASCIST: TELL ME THE OPTIONS? HAtexedGE: HITLERSS, YOU FUCKHEAD BOSCOE MrTXperience: bullshit.. ANTI FASCIST: MILITARY SERVICE HumnTornado: "I hate everything and everythiing is you..." Xvx Aeon xvX: what up with all that CAPS Xvx Aeon xvX: eeek bocefusette: i hate boscoe ANTI FASCIST: FACTORY EMPLOYEMENT UZIMAN: I HATE CHRISTIANS ANTI FASCIST: WELFARE ASSISTANCE? getupkids: why? because a large part of the issue is dealing with that issue- the guy accused was one of their columnists and so they had a alot of shit about it- it's an interesting issue ANTI FASCIST: WE HAVE NO OPTIONS Xvx Aeon xvX: Christmas is Awesome UZIMAN: KILL WELFARE Xvx Aeon xvX: Its about Jesus Xvx Aeon xvX: And Wine Xvx Aeon xvX: And Church macandcheese: i can see both sides of the issue and understand why kids who traveled far to see their fave band might have been dissapointed, but part of the point of the discussion was to show that talking w/ Punkrockgrl: J.C.! Xvx Aeon xvX: And Love for One and All HumnTornado: I hate homeless, apple pie, Kathy Lee and crippled children ANTI FASCIST: JESUS DIED FOR HIS OWN SINS NOT MINE HumnTornado: and oh yeah.. bocefusette: i hate people who hate christmas UZIMAN: SUCKS Kodiekulp: here's something you never want to hear, Remember how we told the kids never to play at the railroad tracks macandcheese: ...anothetr is more important than hearing a band HumnTornado: don't forget the elderly Xvx Aeon xvX: I Love Jesus Xvx Aeon xvX: Jesus Loves You ANTI FASCIST: OH YES OH YES OH YES LETS KILL FOR CHRIST Xvx Aeon xvX: He Would Give You Water In Hell MrTXperience: mr hanky loves me and i love you ANTI FASCIST: GOD, GLORY, WHATEVER Xvx Aeon xvX: Repent All Ye Sinners bocefusette: i've never seen 14 people in here talk this much reactionary1: stop babbling fascist MrTXperience: and therefor bicariously he loves you UZIMAN: AMEN HumnTornado: honk if you love jesus... Xvx Aeon xvX: hahahah ANTI FASCIST: IF YOU BELIEVE THAT SHIT YOUR LIEING TO YOURSELF UZIMAN: HONK bocefusette: honk honk Xvx Aeon xvX: I Believe A Lot Of Shit bocefusette: hehehe HumnTornado: ANTI FASCIST: LOOK OUTSIDE YOUR WINDOWS AND SEE THE POVERTY THAT WILL CONSUME YOU Xvx Aeon xvX: Punkrockgrl: my horn's broken ANTI FASCIST: WE WON'T GO AWAY Xvx Aeon xvX: I Love The Bible Xvx Aeon xvX: The Bible Is Fact bocefusette: i'll go away UZIMAN: ME TOO Punkrockgrl: the bible is crazy bocefusette: i really will MrTXperience: lol anne! Kodiekulp: heres another thing you never want to hear, It looks like you'll live another 30 to 40 years, but will bleed consently from your eye sockets Xvx Aeon xvX: The Bible Is Life UZIMAN: SO ARE YOU ANTI FASCIST: THE EVERLASTING SCREAMS YOU SUPRESS WITH PLAGUE YOUR DREAMS bocefusette: all you have to dois ask nicely Xvx Aeon xvX: shhh i'm a Born Again MrTXperience: youve lived in GR too long! UZIMAN: IMPRESSIVE HumnTornado: Hallieluah! MrTXperience: theyve taken you over! Xvx Aeon xvX: You Better Change Before You Go To Hell Xvx Aeon xvX: UZIMAN: YOU SUCK HumnTornado: Can I get a witness from the congrgation? bocefusette: hahahaha Xvx Aeon xvX: Amen! HumnTornado: Let me hear it brotha! UZIMAN: PAISE THE LORD MrTXperience: going..bye! HumnTornado: One time! bocefusette: AMEN Xvx Aeon xvX: awww Xvx Aeon xvX: night night rebekah Xvx Aeon xvX: have you some fun now UZIMAN: AMEN Xvx Aeon xvX: hehe MrTXperience: goodnight anne HAtexedGE: Ifuck you macandcheese: what the hell is a bocefusette anyway? a sloopy whore? HAtexedGE: fuck jesus ANTI FASCIST: THERE IS NO LIFE WORTH LIVING IN A SYSTEM WHERE CHANGE IS DICTATED BY THE CHANGE YOU ARE WILLING TO SPARE MrTXperience: off to say my prayers! Xvx Aeon xvX: you fuck who? Xvx Aeon xvX: Love Jesus UZIMAN: SUCK A DICK Kodiekulp: here's something i never want to hear, I'm pregnet, your the father, and im going to kill all three of us! SYSTEM Greeter: "MrTXperience" has left the room Xvx Aeon xvX: Jesus gives Fish bocefusette: i hate people who fuck jesus Xvx Aeon xvX: Fork Jesus Punkrockgrl: anne? is jesus on yr penis too? UZIMAN: HE WAS GOOD Xvx Aeon xvX: hehe Xvx Aeon xvX: he's under my nuts bocefusette: HAHAHA,KODIE Xvx Aeon xvX: havin a blast HAtexedGE: fuck jesus HumnTornado: Jesus built my hotrod UZIMAN: HIS IN MY EAR Xvx Aeon xvX: hmmm ANTI FASCIST: MUSIC FOR SOCIAL CHANGE NOT PROFIT HAtexedGE: jesus is a mexican ANTI FASCIST: SMASH EMI bocefusette: i hate mexicans UZIMAN: AMEN Punkrockgrl: that would explain why it smells like loaves and fishes ANTI FASCIST: ASK THE MERCENARIE WHO PAYS HIS WAGES Xvx Aeon xvX: I Thank Jesus For My Large Dick With Lots Of Homeless People On It macandcheese: god is my coi-pilot bocefusette: hahaha bocefusette: hahahaha Xvx Aeon xvX: And God Too HumnTornado: Jesus gives good head if you pay him enuff.. Fifth stall Exit 25 rest stop.. tap yr foot three times UZIMAN: ..LAST VISION THE LARK IS FLAME HAtexedGE: JESUS WOULD GIVE YO HIS PISS IF YO WERE IN HELL Kodiekulp: another one, Honey its the police, they have a search warrent, and the 300 kilos. of cocaine are still siting on the living roomm table bocefusette: i hate piss HAtexedGE: haha ANTI FASCIST: LOOK AT WHAT WE HAVE BECOME macandcheese: hey emily! bocefusette: hey maren! SYSTEM Greeter: "o play doh o" has entered the room UZIMAN: DESTROY IGNORANCE ANTI FASCIST: YOUR EMPTY SMILES ARE SHORT LASTING COVER UP YOUR MEMORIES macandcheese: does bocefusette mean sloppy whore? Xvx Aeon xvX: Jesus Gives Me Free Head Because I Love Him, He Accepts Me Into The Kingdom of Heaven And There I Shall Live Forever and Ever and Ever... god this is getting boring Xvx Aeon xvX: bocefusette: no, that's what emily means ANTI FASCIST: COVER UP YOUR FEARS, CREATE A GOD OUT OF YOUR IGNORANCE HAtexedGE: Shut up HumnTornado: you know what this needs... Kodiekulp: Something you don't want your girlfriend to say at dinner with your parents, I have to take a dump! o play doh o: hey emily, anne bocefusette: i hate shutting up macandcheese: well, yeah ANTI FASCIST: SHAPE HIM INTO THE FORM OF A MAN AND HOLD HIM IN THE HEAVENS BEFORE YOU UZIMAN: ME TOO bocefusette: hahahaha Xvx Aeon xvX: hey : > bocefusette: renee Xvx Aeon xvX: what up renee HumnTornado: hardcore nudity and sexy sexy dancers! o play doh o: not much o play doh o: same ol same ol ANTI FASCIST: FOR IT WILL DESTROY YOU Xvx Aeon xvX: hehee HumnTornado: something to spice up the room a tad Xvx Aeon xvX: yeah ... HumnTornado: spice girls? Xvx Aeon xvX: some wildberry potpouri HumnTornado: now that's spicy bocefusette: i hate sexy sexy dancers HumnTornado: Kodiekulp: there seems to be no nice why to annocence that you have to take a shit Xvx Aeon xvX: hehe HAtexedGE: THIS IS GETTING FUCKING CRAZY Xvx Aeon xvX: but em... you are a sexy sexy dancer ANTI FASCIST: AND SHE REPLIED "YES SIR, I WILL" HumnTornado: what about jokes about hasish? SYSTEM Greeter: "ANTI FASCIST" has left the room HumnTornado: Solid Gold Dancers? bocefusette: i hate it when it gets fucking crazy Xvx Aeon xvX: hehe macandcheese: soul train? HumnTornado: you haven't seen nothin yet HumnTornado: <--Don Cornelius bocefusette: i have to shit bocefusette: hehehehe Xvx Aeon xvX: yippee UZIMAN: FIGHT WASRNOT WARS Xvx Aeon xvX: hehe o play doh o: i just took one HumnTornado: well good for you Xvx Aeon xvX: dance while you shit Kodiekulp: im not impress we people tell me about ethier, Dude you should of saw it, SHUT UP, it set off the smoke alarm, SHUT THE FUCK UP!! Punkrockgrl: brb SYSTEM Greeter: "Punkrockgrl" has left the room UZIMAN: JESUS ENSLAVES Xvx Aeon xvX: make your shit dance HumnTornado: Xvx Aeon xvX: hehe Xvx Aeon xvX: junkie drunken bum... yeah yeah yeah rats in tha hallway again Kodiekulp: Here's something you'll never see, some one running butt naked as fast as they can, while taking a shit bocefusette: i hate golf SYSTEM Greeter: "PezManifesto" has entered the room Xvx Aeon xvX: well.. actually .... Kodiekulp: LOL SYSTEM Greeter: "Punkrockgrl" has entered the room HAtexedGE: SUCK-A-DICK HumnTornado: Anybody wanna hear a shitty joke? bocefusette: i see that all the time macandcheese: i hate bocefusette Xvx Aeon xvX: yeah yeah shitty HumnTornado: I'm fuckin bored why not, right? bocefusette: i hate sucking dicks HAtexedGE: i hate my foerhead UZIMAN: PUNK IS DEAD YOU WANKERS bocefusette: they scare me UZIMAN: NOT ME HumnTornado: Alright this son puts his dad in the nursing home because he's old o play doh o: wankers...hehe bocefusette: sucking and all o play doh o: funny funny Xvx Aeon xvX: bocefusette: that;s just not rught HumnTornado: and the dad doesn't know if hes gonna like it but he goes along w/ it anyway UZIMAN: CRASS HumnTornado: so the first day the old dad who is like 70 wakes up w/ a hard on bocefusette: i hate crass UZIMAN: I HATE YOU HumnTornado: and this hot nurse orderly walks in and blows him HAtexedGE: me too bocefusette: i hate people who hate me Punkrockgrl: and Crass hates you HumnTornado: doesn't say a word SYSTEM Greeter: "Shudr2think" has entered the room UZIMAN: YOU SHOULD Kodiekulp: i hate evertone bocefusette: X FRENCH TEE SHIRT Xvx Aeon xvX: i feel HATED! Xvx Aeon xvX: yeah HumnTornado: she leaves.. so the dad calls his son all excited and the son says that's great Shudr2think: rock on HumnTornado: so as the dad is walkin back to his room he trips and falls UZIMAN: WELL LOVE DOES MAKE THE WORLD GO ROUND AND MINES NOT SPINNING Punkrockgrl: er Xvx Aeon xvX: i don't wonder why Kodiekulp: a great why to say goodbye to someone, be sure not to pick up any wooden nickels on the way home HumnTornado: and this big hillbilly orderly runs up behind him and fucks him in the ass UZIMAN: WHY Kodiekulp: or, I hope the forces of evil get confused on the way to your house HumnTornado: so the old man is freaked and calls his son back bocefusette: hehe UZIMAN: THER IS NO EVIL UZIMAN: HUMANKING IS EVIL Xvx Aeon xvX: king HumnTornado: and he's like son son you have to get me out of her.. the son was like yeah but dad I thought you just got a blowjob you have to take the good w/ the bad bocefusette: i hate humankind HAtexedGE: ANYBODY WANT MY PIC? SYSTEM Greeter: "Shudr2think" has left the room HumnTornado: here Xvx Aeon xvX: which one : < UZIMAN: IT'S AN OXMORON bocefusette: i hate pics HAtexedGE: OXYMORON!!! UZIMAN: ME TOO bocefusette: i hate oxymorons HumnTornado: the old man/dad replies yeah but son I only get a hardon once a month a fall down 3 times a day! Kodiekulp: don't you hate it when your at a real loud party, and you have to yell, and at every party theres a point where everyone quit and everyone hears you yell, "I KNOW IM GOING TO HAVE MY UZIMAN: ORRY ICAN'T SPEELL Kodiekulp: TESTICLES LAMINATED" HAtexedGE: the band yo ass bocefusette: hehehe bocefusette: i hate lamenated testicles UZIMAN: THAT WOULD BE DIFFICULT Xvx Aeon xvX: hey em.. have you ever seen that comedian... Kodiekulp: there wierd looking bocefusette: i hate yo ass Xvx Aeon xvX: he comes out and he's like Y'KNOW WHAT I HATE???? SYSTEM Greeter: "o play doh o" has left the room bocefusette: what comedian? Xvx Aeon xvX: Xvx Aeon xvX: i fortget his name UZIMAN: NICE Xvx Aeon xvX: and the audience goes: WHAT bocefusette: i guess not SYSTEM Greeter: "Punkrockgrl" has left the room Xvx Aeon xvX: and he's like WHEEEL OOOFFFF FORTUNNNE Xvx Aeon xvX: and then he goes HAtexedGE: brb UZIMAN: GOOD Xvx Aeon xvX: Y'KNOW WHY??? bocefusette: why? Xvx Aeon xvX: and they're like WHY bocefusette: hehe Xvx Aeon xvX: and he goes: Xvx Aeon xvX: FAAAT CONNTESSSTANTS HumnTornado: ttfn bocefusette: hehehehe SYSTEM Greeter: "ANTI FASCIST" has entered the room UZIMAN: WOW SYSTEM Greeter: "HumnTornado" has left the room Kodiekulp: Don't you hate when you shake someones hand and you realize they only have like 3 fingers and your like, AHHH!!!, but you have to prentend like it feels wonderful, Hey gve me 3, YEA! Xvx Aeon xvX: bunch of shit like bocefusette: i hate fat contestants Xvx Aeon xvX: but like his whole show is like that bocefusette: hahahaha bocefusette: wow, quiet bocefusette: this is crazy Xvx Aeon xvX: um... Xvx Aeon xvX: so wheres the end of that joke? Kodiekulp: you know i've never had sex with a perfect 10, but i've had sex with 5 two's though ANTI FASCIST: trece dedos mIS AMIGOS bocefusette: IM GETTING MY TESTICLES LAMENATED SYSTEM Greeter: "HAtexedGE" has left the room UZIMAN: THE SKY IS EMPTY AND IT'S TURNING DIFFERENT SHADES OF COLOURS ANTI FASCIST: MOB!!!! Kodiekulp: UZIMAN: YES ANTI FASCIST: IT NEVER DID BEFORE AND WE NEVER ASKED FOR WAR bocefusette: so my wife asked me to give her 12' and to make it hurt ANTI FASCIST: KICK ASS UZIMAN: HORRIFIC INDIFFERENCE bocefusette: so i fucked her twice and hit her over the head with a brick Xvx Aeon xvX: hehehe Xvx Aeon xvX: awesome ANTI FASCIST: NO DOVE'S FLY HERE bocefusette: i hate dove's Xvx Aeon xvX: bocefusette: i hate coughs Xvx Aeon xvX: ::shoots the doves that don't fly there:: ANTI FASCIST: FUCK YOU Xvx Aeon xvX: bocefusette: i hate people who fuck me ANTI FASCIST: IT THE NAME OF THE 7'' bocefusette: wait... Kodiekulp: i picked up some chick by the ocean with no arms or llegs, and she said to me, Ive never been fucked before, So i throw her into the ocean and i said to her, NOW YOUR FUCKED Xvx Aeon xvX: haha bocefusette: i heard that bocefusette: before Xvx Aeon xvX: YOU'RE Xvx Aeon xvX: FUCKED Kodiekulp: great joke Xvx Aeon xvX: funny UZIMAN: THAT LEADS MEN BERLY OLD ENOUGHTO HAVE EXPERIENCED ANY THING OF LIFE TO KILL AND BE KILLED bocefusette: i hare jokes Xvx Aeon xvX: i hare hares bocefusette: hehe Xvx Aeon xvX: my head hurts Xvx Aeon xvX: my throat hurts too Xvx Aeon xvX: i think i'm gonna die Xvx Aeon xvX: which is probably the best thing for me Xvx Aeon xvX: hehe Xvx Aeon xvX: XnotXsxexX = vaginal blood fart bocefusette: yuck Xvx Aeon xvX: yeah tell me about it bocefusette: i hate vaginal blood farts Xvx Aeon xvX: hehehe Xvx Aeon xvX: mother fuck tried to take my line Kodiekulp: that's fucking sick Xvx Aeon xvX: Xvx Aeon xvX: DAMN Xvx Aeon xvX: this is annoying Xvx Aeon xvX: <--- dead SYSTEM Greeter: "Punkrockgrl" has entered the room bocefusette: i hate things that are annoying Kodiekulp: thank god Xvx Aeon xvX: thank god what Xvx Aeon xvX: mother fucker Kodiekulp: your dead Kodiekulp: shut up Xvx Aeon xvX: fuck off bocefusette: i hate dead things SYSTEM Greeter: "bocefusette" has left the room SYSTEM Greeter: "RyhtmoftheAK" has entered the room SYSTEM Greeter: "bocefusette" has entered the room bocefusette: 11 RyhtmoftheAK: AND i TOLD THAT FRUIT SHUT UP Xvx Aeon xvX: anyone who hates ANYTHING press alt f4 bocefusette: 12 Xvx Aeon xvX: hehehe macandcheese: 15 Kodiekulp: okay bocefusette: i hate alt F4 Xvx Aeon xvX: hahahaha macandcheese: em better be pressing alt f4 like mad bocefusette: i hate talking fruit Xvx Aeon xvX: wally RyhtmoftheAK: does anyone still fall for that Xvx Aeon xvX: yeah... madness Xvx Aeon xvX: um........ bocefusette: i hate falling for that Xvx Aeon xvX: Punkrockgrl: hehe bocefusette: i hate nachos bocefusette: hehe Xvx Aeon xvX: hehehe Xvx Aeon xvX: the cheesiest Punkrockgrl: gotta get the mail! SYSTEM Greeter: "Punkrockgrl" has left the room Xvx Aeon xvX: woo hoo bocefusette: i hate mail Kodiekulp: im trying to convinse my friends very reliogious parents that mother fucker is a good word Xvx Aeon xvX: its a pic of rhad bocefusette: it is SYSTEM Greeter: "HAtexedGE" has entered the room Xvx Aeon xvX: haha Kodiekulp: im like telling them, you don't like the devil, See the devil's a mother fucker, nothing wrong with that bocefusette: it's like asking a nun for help RyhtmoftheAK: Uzi is nothin compared with the rhythm of the AK bocefusette: "mother... Fuck her" Xvx Aeon xvX: son... i'm ready, to fuck you bocefusette: i hate ak's SYSTEM Greeter: "ANTI FASCIST" has left the room HAtexedGE: hey baby HAtexedGE: i'm back bocefusette: i hate back hair SYSTEM Greeter: "DeLovely" has entered the room SYSTEM Greeter: "PezManifesto" has left the room DeLovely: hi room DeLovely: :D RyhtmoftheAK: hey hate? you like neglect HAtexedGE: the hc group RyhtmoftheAK: yeah bocefusette: i hate group sex HAtexedGE: i think they're fucking awesome but i don't have any of their shit Kodiekulp: ugly people- those with severe apperance deffists DeLovely: hello? RyhtmoftheAK: have you seen em live? Kodiekulp: GROUP SEX RULES!!! HAtexedGE: i'm not a hardcore fan but neglect is fucking awesome HAtexedGE: no, i fucking wish i had Kodiekulp: great album DeLovely: :/ DeLovely: ok SYSTEM Greeter: "StateXPen" has entered the room RyhtmoftheAK: hell yeah DeLovely: {s GOODBYEF} RyhtmoftheAK: I heard they have a 2 CD set out now HAtexedGE: yea HAtexedGE: why'd you ask me SYSTEM Greeter: "DeLovely" has left the room UZIMAN: SO HAtexedGE: about neglect? bocefusette: i hate curiosity Kodiekulp: innocent, till im provin guilty DENY EVERYTHING!!!!!! Xvx Aeon xvX: UZIMAN: FUCK THAT Kodiekulp: im being framed its all a set up reactionary1: beverly hills century city bocefusette: good morning Kodiekulp: DENY EVERYTHING Xvx Aeon xvX: 'morning cupcake Xvx Aeon xvX: : D RyhtmoftheAK: got me reactionary1: everythings so nice and pretty RyhtmoftheAK: s'my fav band Kodiekulp: everythings so nice and pretty bocefusette: i hate beverly hills troop reactionary1: all the people look the same UZIMAN: DON'T DENY YOURSELF YOUR DESIRES reactionary1: but don't they know theyre goddamn lame Xvx Aeon xvX: everythings so nice and pretty Kodiekulp: dont they know Kodiekulp: 3 piece suit Kodiekulp: spandex pants Kodiekulp: cowboy boots reactionary1: her parents foot her bills UZIMAN: CHAINSADN WHIPPS bocefusette: i hate feet reactionary1: everything she wants she gets cuz she lives in beverly hills UZIMAN: MY FEET ARE NBEAUTIFUL reactionary1: I DON'T CARE UZIMAN: I DO UZIMAN: YOUR JEALOUS bocefusette: i hate the care bears reactionary1: I DON'T GIVE A GOOD GODDAMN SYSTEM Greeter: "Kodiekulp" has left the room UZIMAN: ITS YOU LOSS bocefusette: i hate losing UZIMAN: ME TOO bocefusette: 10 UZIMAN: 5 bocefusette: noooo Xvx Aeon xvX: SYSTEM Greeter: "Xvx Aeon xvX" has left the room bocefusette: i hate cleveland reactionary1: I want to move to the cuyahoga flats bocefusette: (the promise land) reactionary1: I'll live there UZIMAN: WHY DO YOU ALWAYS TALK ABOUT GOD reactionary1: cleveland is so outta sight UZIMAN: DETROIT SUX bocefusette: i hate not being able to see UZIMAN: SO GET GLASSES reactionary1: rocket from the tombs SYSTEM Greeter: "xPiEtAsTeRsx" has entered the room UZIMAN: CATACOMBS SYSTEM Greeter: "Punkrockgrl" has entered the room bocefusette: i hate honeycombs Punkrockgrl: i hate puffy combs reactionary1: pere UBU UZIMAN: WHY bocefusette: hehe bocefusette: time to say bye bye UZIMAN: I HATE COMBS reactionary1: electric eels UZIMAN: BIG SEALS bocefusette: i hate bye bye's SYSTEM Greeter: "bocefusette" has left the room UZIMAN: I LIKE BI'S SYSTEM Greeter: "xPiEtAsTeRsx" has left the room HAtexedGE: FUCKER UZIMAN: WHO reactionary1: thats when i reach for my revolver thats when it all gets blow away reactionary1: i'm gonna go hang myself. bye