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Fitz's Cross

Pixy Led

Being Pixy-Led is one of the commonest reported experiences of pixies. No surprise if you have ever been taken unaware by mist which makes even familiar objects distorted and unrecognisable. You lose all sense of direction and wander around in circles so perhaps the cunning little creatures are trying to confuse you and lead you into boggy places for the fun of it.

This happened to the Fitz family who in Elizabethan days owned estates round Tavistock and Okehampton. Sir John Fitz, an astrologer friend of Francis Drake, was out riding on the moor with his wife one day when they found themselves hopelessly lost. They eventually found a spring from which they slaked their thirst, then turned their cloaks inside out and broke the spell.

In gratitude Sir John had a granite surround built above the spring, carved with his initials and the date 1568. It is still known as Fitz's or Fice's Well on the Blackabrook.


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