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Pre-Requisites for Personality Development


1.       Discipline

2.       Growth/improvement/Solving oriented Positive thinking.

3.       Helping tendency.

4.       Zeal to grow.

5.       Sincerity, integrity and gratitude.

6.       Concentration and devotion.

7.       Awareness and Alertness.

8.       Sociability.

9.       Will-Power.

10.     Not hurting attitude

11.     Interest in clean and neat appearance.

12.     Command over language

13.     Responsible output.

14.     Accountable actions.

15.     Utilizing Time Preciously.

16.     Lack of: lies, laziness, jealousy, exploitation, action and words 

               differing, selfishness at other’s cost, arguments outside

          competition,   revenge, lust, hurting egoism, ignorance.