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New info posted!!!  New info posted!!!

Painting Happenings

In my hast to get this up, I inadvertently forgot to add my email address (DUH!!), so that you can email me to be added to the mailing list or if you have a photo you want put on this page itself .  My email address is . You can email me links to your packets and I can create a link page to your stuff.  If you are interested in having a site created, I can do that for you.  I would have to unfortunately charge for the site itself (or I'd be spending all day at the computer and would have no time to paint , weave baskets or see my family), however I would then link it to this site automatically if you wish.  I have already added a few links to the bottom of this page.  Check them out.  I will try to put any new info in red so you will know it is new.

This site is for you the hand painter.  No matter what you paint, you are welcome here.  I have posted a bulletin board so that if you wish to post something for sale, you can.  This is all free and there is no charge. It will however be easier for you to know of new interesting postings if you join the mailing list.  Other wise, you are welcome to check back with us periodically.


Bulletin board ** Donna Lee fan club ** Angie's attic ** The Crowe's Nest Basketry