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My Outlaw Bunch

This page is in the loving memory of my sister. Therma Eileen Weeks.

This attempt to set down my family's history has almost taken control of my spare time. And as my girls tell me, my life.

Every time I found a new fact it made me crave more. I find it very adictive.

Starting with what I already know about my direct family, Father's parents and Mother's parents, I started down the trail of crumbs.

The facts we heard as kids still intrigue me. On Dad's side we are related to Frank and Jesse James. Then there are the 3 brothers and his Mom being called the ton litter, as between them they weighed 2000 pounds. Also that his Mom was married 3 times. The names are Petrie, Ladd and Weeks, but not in which order. Dad always said he had a half sister, but not what her name was or if she was still alive. And he had a brother that was still born.

I have finally solved most of these mysteries, all but where the brother was buried.

On Mom's side there are mysteries, too. We are related to President James Buchanan, and we are part Native American Indian. I am still working on these.

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