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###Neopian Dreams###

official website

Dreamers' Contests

Lucky Draw and GIVEAWAYS

Verse of the Day

Donation Shop


Tipsters' Page

Guild Council

Guild Hierarchy

Poll Results


Freebies Link :

Free Omellete

Free Jelly

The Fruit machine

Tiki Tack Tombola

Coltzan's Shrine

Wheel of Excitement

Wheel of Mediocrity

Healing Springs

Rainbow Fountain

The Snowager

Ice Caves Scratchcard Kiosk

Deserted Fairground Scratchcards

Buried Treasure

The Soup Kitchen

Shortcuts :

Chocolate Factory


Furniture Shop

Gardening Supplies

Sutek's Scrolls

Book Shop

Smoothies Store


Faerieland PetPets

Neopian Times

Answers to Faerie Crosswords


Our hit counter :


Greetings, Fellow Dreamers , 

Happy Easter all and enjoy the gift of God this Spring.

"But he was pierced for our transgressions,
he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was upon him,
and by his wounds we are healed. " Isaiah 53:5 (NIV)

Our Lord Jesus is at the heart of Easter !


Feel free to browse around our expansive website.

Members, For CLEAN OUT DAY SATURDAY , please Post the lot no of the stuff you want to donate on our message board, so someone can pick it up.


Wanna get more Avatar ? Click here for a link to an

Avatar Help Page.


Click here to go to Usukiland, Roo Island  and Kiko Lake. Have you checked it out?


*We have given away easter neggs , and 12 (twelve!) paint brushes for our gracious donators. Including all the Paint Brush shown on top of this page.

Also a Raindorf and a Diddler  petpet, a Baby Blu, Jinjahsand Baby Fireballs for those who gives good tips on our mEssAgE bOArd.

A Kau Print Bed  for the Neohome Contest.

And many more. (Please visit Dreamers' Contest page for info!)


*So have a great time exploring Neopia today. Collect freebies, join our contests, play games in neopets, read the latest Neopian Times and shop 'til you drop.


*And here' s our guild link to put in your shop:

<br><a href="">
<font face="Monotype Corsiva" size="5" color="#0000FF">please click on the rainbow</font>

God Bless you all .









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