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Naturopathic - Homestyle Care

...Now Available by Referral...

* Health Coaching
* Vegetarian Foods Instruction
* Fitness Therapy

I have a diploma in traditional naturopathy. My residential experience was orientated towards natural hygiene. It included hydrotherapy, massage therapy, and exercise therapy. The ethical standards that I practice my profession by today are of the highest order. I am considered an independent private practitioner --- a multispecialist:

Health Coaching

As health coach, I conduct a MAPS (Matching Activities and Personal Style) computer analysis. I may then provide information pertaining to reliable natural health and fitness methods of self care as 'lifestyle intervention.' I will conduct all personal health coaching sessions in such a way as to aid my patients and significant other persons in improving health values, health habits, and lifestyle for higher level of wellness-including improving mood, and physical fitness, and life extention.

Vegetarian Foods Instruction

As a registered vegetarian foods instructor, I demonstrate proven nutritious raw foods and vegetarian recipes either in the privacy of my patients homes or for small group auditorium audiences. I conduct each of these vegetarian nutrition lectures with step-by-step recipe demonstration with a question and answer period and delicious food samples---with a generous amount of proven nutritious vegetarian recipes.

Fitness Therapy

I provide basic simple instruction to my patients that has to do with creating and maintaining an appropriately prescribed personal exercise program all which include sessions of enjoyable and invigorating exercises as well as "fitness walking." My experience comes from my own personal enthusiasm and from working with a 10 Day Health Cleanse program where I conducted daily outdoor calesthenics, indoor floor exercises, a formal walking program, and therapeutic gardening sessions. The fitness exercises that I demonstrate are believed by most people to be easy to do, and they are therapeutic, and fun!

eMail me for an appointment.

Dr. Mitchell B. Barlow, ND-Retired
Preventive Care Practitioner
Certified Health Educator

* eMail * Instant Messenging * Video-conferncing - Services Available

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