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Gossip, tales and other family goodies

Curtis Wainwright, of Citronell and Deer Park, Alabama, Washington County, was a great help in helping me out with the Abe Baxter Murder in 1932, in Vinegar Bend, Alabama, Washington County.

Hi Curtis,

That was some story, thanks so much. May I please use it on my Waldrop Website?

Have you ever heard of Shep Baxter who lived in Vinegar Bend? He and his wife , Janie were Post Master in the Post Office in Vinegar Bend.

When I was , say four years old until I was twenty, I use to come to Washington County with my parents. My dad was born in Hiwannee, Alabama 1906, he left in 1924 when the his papa James Harry Waldrop 1869-1924 died. His papa was called Capt Harry, he worked as an engineer for the M & O Rrailroad.

We used to come down every summer for a couple of days. We would stay with Margaret Conley Rockwell. Margaret was a school friend of dad's and they remained friends until dad died in 1962. Margaret's house in Vinegar Bend was on the street behind the Post Office. I think before the post office that is there now, there was a house owned by the Turners that Mr. Eb Turner's mistress lived in. Shep Baxter bought the house. Shep was my grandpapa first cousin. Margaret had a daughter Margaret Rockwell Rowell of Citronelle. and a son Dr. Rockwell.

Margaret and daddy went to the School there in Citronelle.

My grandpapa "Capt Harry" lived in Citronelle in the early 1900s and lived across the street from where the Depot you to be located.

There were two churches betwee Deer Park and Vinegar Bend or Vinegar Bend and Escatawpa. Daddy used to pull out of Margaret's driveway and seems like he turned to the left , while backing out. seem like turned somewhere on that road and we drove to a place where there were two Churches. One was Methodist and one was Baptist. They were very close together. They were both clean little white wooden Chruches. This might have been in 1950 to 1959. My parents would always take one of my friends on vacation with us to keep me entertained. My two older sisters were married by then. I can remember us visiting there and telling us stories of the Church. One day we went in. My friend went in one Church and I went in the other. The Churches were so close you could reach out and touch one another's hand by sitting in the windows.The Churches were that close. At one time mama took a picture of my friend and I sitting in the windows reaching over to show how close the Churches were.

Do you ever remember your parents talking about these Churches or have you ever drove pass them? I have driven all over Deer Park looking for them.

I have heard Joe Skumro one of the Killers in the Abe Story lived in Deer Park.

Vernice Platt Davidson, x wife of J. T. Davidson. J. T. was Post Master of Vinegar Bend, now his daughter Donna is. Vernice told me when she was young and lived in Deer Park, they lived in a house on a street and the back yard had a gate that open into the yard behind them. She said Joe Skumro would cut thru late at night to get to the yard behind her and it scared her to death. Those were some mean men.

Have you received my Web Site Address yet. I am interested to see if you reconize anyone on the site. If you have anything to add, I would love to start a link on you and your findings about Washington County and Citronelle.

I look forward to hearing from you. I would love to add any story or information or photos you could share.

Hi Sandra,

Yeah, that will be fine to pass that story along. I don't know of any of the other killers, But something tells me that Skumro is a character that I have heard about and I just didn't remember the name. If it is, then what I have been told is that he had eyes like a snake, wicked, cold and piercing. Seems that all the women folk feared him as if he were Old Satan, himself. I know Mizell was feared. You know, he was said to have been a cannibal! Whoa Nelly!! Another bad one in that area was old man Homer Dixon. During his time, he was known as some bad hombre. And you know it was really Dickenson, instead of Dixon? Be good, Me

Hi Sandra,

Don't worry it was worth the wait. I knew that story! It has been told as long as I have been alive. I didn't reme mber the names, just Mizell's. Back in about 65 ol Mizell sideswiped us in our flivver there on hwy 45 there in Citronelle. He was silverhaired and either blue eyed or maybe green. He looked like a killer. He swiped the car while Mama had a carload of young'uns, and he just drove on. But, a few days later he came by the house and apoligized to my Daddy while he was sitting up on the front porch smoking winstons and drinking coffee. Mama stayed up in the house, because she was scared of him. I don't know if money was paid for the damage or not. And the land that I own in Deer Park now is where ol Mizell lived in a shack, reckon he killed anybody else and buried there on my land? ooooh... Curtis

Hey Sandra,

I thought I had posted this tidbit on My Family.Com, but I've missed it if I did. So, in case you didn't see it either I wanna pass this over to you. The old barn that was in Vinegar Bend where Abe was body was hidden is standing in Citronelle on hiway 45 right across the street from Pratt Turner's sawmill. Oscar Hearn went to Vinegar Bend and disassembled the barn and reassembled it back at his dairy farm. It still stands... Whatcha' think about that? Me

Hi Sandra

Yes indeed, I thought you might been interested in that. Oscar Hearn was my wife's (Leslie) Grandaddy. He was a carpenter in his younger years and his very last 10, he was a street preacher. He was filled with an intense impatience, to tell the Good News. According to Leslie's Mama (Bea Richardson) she says that Oscar, Joe and Dewey (Hearn) went up there and did all the work tearing down the barn and then reconstucting it. I have been in that barn a zillion times and never knew its secret, until you and I had talked, and then I talked with my Mother-in-Law (Bea). As best that I can tell you the barn ain't haunted. It still looks purty good. In fact, during Hurricane Frederick some of the tin got blown off and me and Dewey Hearn nail it back. So, I think you will have a fine picture to take, oh yeah, the Living Word Church ownes the property there and the Preacher Man is Marc Hobbs... Curtis(Wainwright)

Hi Sandra,

Thanks for the picture of that old depot. I remember when I was a boy roamin' around Citronelle town. There was segregation, and always up around that old depot was true to life black men. That was about the only place you saw them. They would sit around and stand around that old depot all da lib long day on Saturday. You know, Saturdays was the day people came to town, men would get hair cuts, women would gossip, and young'uns would try to meddle. Saturday was grocery buying day and folks would load up for the whole cotton-pickin' week. On a different subject, just up from the old barn that po ol Abe was hid in, right at the Washington County line. Is the remnents of the old store that was owned by John (Boy) Jones It was in that store where they are

Wash Daily. That store still stands... Be good... Me

Hi Sandra,

Oh yes, Steve is my double first cousin. We are very much kin. I don't have the gray beard and I have'nt fought in any Civil War battles, but I do have sideburns. That question about the Wainwright's of Washington County is a good one, and I have looked into it some, but I have not researched it. The Wainwright's that I know of came out of Baldwin County. With this one exception. There is a old family story about a 'Uncle Luck' that lived in Thomasville maybe after the Civil War. He was supposed to be a river boat Captain that got into a rucus with a mean feller there in Thomasville. It festered all one Satarday and ended up in a showdown, and Luck shot'im down. I hope he wasn't ol Abe. Luck sounds like he might be family, because it is sid that he was a singin' and pickin' troupadour. And Wainwright's hang from the music vine. All of them. Do not go to any trouble researchin' the story on ol Po Abe. Just tell me what you want too. And make it easy on yourself. As you pointed out Deep Dark Washington County was full of violence back then. I know all about that cause I was born right there in Citronelle. I appreciate all that you do, and thanks... Take Care, Curtis

Hey me, ( posted March 9, 2004)

When you turn into Deer Park , go down pass the store on the left and go in to Deer Park, there are two old brown wooden buildings, on the left. Do you know what they used to be?

Where is the store located where Sumrall, was arrested. I've heard his name pronounced several ways.

Does anyone remember where the murder itself took place in Vinegar Bend?

Was Abe's Barber Shop in Chatom? Did Abe live in Chatom or Fruitdale?

I found a building in Chatom that looks like the building in the History of Washington County, Book. I think it was turned into a Shriner's meeting place.

If you ever run across answers to these questions , please let me know.

The Citronelle Depot looks great, they's done a beautiful joy of brining it up to date.

I'm impressed with the Confederate Soldiers surrendering at Citronell, Alabama in 1865., see picture and information on Civil War Plaque, I sent you.

Have a great day.


Hey Me,

(Posted March 9, 2004)

Thanks, you've given me an idea how to find the store. I am just curious and want to see the area for myself.

I need to run a Census report on Abe and see if I can palace him when and where.

I haven't thought about him living in Vinegar Bend. That's s good thought. Many of the Baxters that were related did live in Vinegar Bend and Escatawpa. I can't remember any of my ancestors living in Deep Park. But, then again I don't know where they all lived.

Oh yeah, the Old Escatawpa Cemetery that is behind the newer Escatawpa Cemtery, the ole one going down the dirt road. I found a lady whose maiden name was Wainwright. My ancestors are buried in that Old Escatawpa Cemetery, but it's gotten where you can't get to it for the trees, bushes, weeds and so on. It's the snakes in the summer and Deer Hunters in the winter. Dr. Woods a Dentist in Waynesboro, refused to work with me when I talked with his a few years ago. He said he would sell me the whole 800 acres but not a couple of acres of the Cemetery. I talked to his aunt a Mrs. Woods who was married to Dr. Wood's (Dentist) uncle. She was furious with her nephew. But, I couldn't see upsetting her.

So, the Old Escatawpa Cemetery every year goes deeper and deeper hidden. I was able to find my grandparents, one uncle and a couple of cousins. But I am missing many ancestors who were close to me.

My great grandpapa was a State Rep. of Washington County,1868-1870 and he is buried there along with a Civil War or Rev. War soldier, that we can't get to and have a Marker put on their graves.

Always nice talking to you, knowing you know the people and area I am talking about. Steve told me years ago that you also had relatives in Washington County. I remember looking the names up and sending them to him. I remember he has an ancestor that was pretty well known for his part in the Civil War. I saw the flag at the Montgomery Archive that the ancestor fought under. I that was nice knowing when I viewed the Flag and told my grandchildren about Steve Wainwright's ancestor. They are small but they thought it was neat that I knew someone who had an ancestor in the Civil War that fought under that Confederate Flag. Then they were off to play with the 1950s telephone and typewriter hands on display.

Thanks again, you've been a great help.


s Wainwright, of Citronell and Deer Park, Alabama, Washington County, was a great help in helping me out with the Abe Baxter Murder in 1932, in Vinegar Bend, Alabama, Washington County.

Hi Curtis,

That was some story, thanks so much. May I please use it on my Waldrop Website? Have you ever heard of Shep Baxter who lived in Vinegar Bend? He and his wife , Janie were Post Master in the Post Office in Vinegar Bend. When I was , say four years old until I was twenty, I use to come to Washington County with my parents. My dad was born in Hiwannee, Alabama 1906, he left in 1924 when the his papa James Harry Waldrop 1869-1924 died. His papa was called Capt Harry, he worked as an engineer for the M & O Rrailroad. We used to come down every summer for a couple of days. We would stay with Margaret Conley Rockwell. Margaret was a school friend of dad's and they remained friends until dad died in 1962. Margaret's house in Vinegar Bend was on the street behind the Post Office. I think before the post office that is there now, there was a house owned by the Turners that Mr. Eb Turner's mistress lived in. Shep Baxter bought the house. Shep was my grandpapa first cousin. Margaret had a daughter Margaret Rockwell Rowell of Citronelle. and a son Dr. Rockwell. Margaret and daddy went to the School there in Citronelle. My grandpapa "Capt Harry" lived in Citronelle in the early 1900s and lived across the street from where the Depot you to be located. There were two churches betwee Deer Park and Vinegar Bend or Vinegar Bend and Escatawpa. Daddy used to pull out of Margaret's driveway and seems like he turned to the left , while backing out. seem like turned somewhere on that road and we drove to a place where there were two Churches. One was Methodist and one was Baptist. They were very close together. They were both clean little white wooden Chruches. This might have been in 1950 to 1959. My parents would always take one of my friends on vacation with us to keep me entertained. My two older sisters were married by then. I can remember us visiting there and telling us stories of the Church. One day we went in. My friend went in one Church and I went in the other. The Churches were so close you could reach out and touch one another's hand by sitting in the windows.The Churches were that close. At one time mama took a picture of my friend and I sitting in the windows reaching over to show how close the Churches were. Do you ever remember your parents talking about these Churches or have you ever drove pass them? I have driven all over Deer Park looking for them. I have heard Joe Skumro one of the Killers in the Abe Story lived in Deer Park. Vernice Platt Davidson, x wife of J. T. Davidson. J. T. was Post Master of Vinegar Bend, now his daughter Donna is. Vernice told me when she was young and lived in Deer Park, they lived in a house on a street and the back yard had a gate that open into the yard behind them. She said Joe Skumro would cut thru late at night to get to the yard behind her and it scared her to death. Those were some mean men. Have you received my Web Site Address yet. I am interested to see if you reconize anyone on the site. If you have anything to add, I would love to start a link on you and your findings about Washington County and Citronelle. I look forward to hearing from you. I would love to add any story or information or photos you could share. Hi Sandra, Yeah, that will be fine to pass that story along. I don't know of any of the other killers, But something tells me that Skumro is a character that I have heard about and I just didn't remember the name. If it is, then what I have been told is that he had eyes like a snake, wicked, cold and piercing. Seems that all the women folk feared him as if he were Old Satan, himself. I know Mizell was feared. You know, he was said to have been a cannibal! Whoa Nelly!! Another bad one in that area was old man Homer Dixon. During his time, he was known as some bad hombre. And you know it was really Dickenson, instead of Dixon? Be good, Me

Hi Sandra, Don't worry it was worth the wait. I knew that story! It has been told as long as I have been alive. I didn't reme mber the names, just Mizell's. Back in about 65 ol Mizell sideswiped us in our flivver there on hwy 45 there in Citronelle. He was silverhaired and either blue eyed or maybe green. He looked like a killer. He swiped the car while Mama had a carload of young'uns, and he just drove on. But, a few days later he came by the house and apoligized to my Daddy while he was sitting up onthe front porch smoking winstons and drinking coffee. Mama stayed up in the house, because she was scared of him. I don't know if money was paid for the damage or not. And the land that I own in Deer Park now is where ol Mizell lived in a shack, reckon he killed anybody else and buried there on my land? ooooh... Curtis Hey Sandra,

I thought I had posted this tidbit on My Family.Com, but I've missed it if I did. So, in case you didn't see it either I wanna pass this over to you. The old barn that was in Vinegar Bend where Abe was body was hidden is standing in Citronelle on hiway 45 right across the street from Pratt Turner's sawmill. Oscar Hearn went to Vinegar Bend and disassembled the barn and reassembled it back at his dairy farm. It still stands... Whatcha' think about that? Me

Hi Sandra

Yes indeed, I thought you might been interested in that. Oscar Hearn was my wife's (Leslie) Grandaddy. He was a carpenter in his younger years and his very last 10, he was a street preacher. He was filled with an intense impatience, to tell the Good News. According to Leslie's Mama (Bea Richardson) she says that Oscar, Joe and Dewey (Hearn) went up there and did all the work tearing down the barn and then reconstucting it. I have been in that barn a zillion times and never knew its secret, until you and I had talked, and then I talked with my Mother-in-Law (Bea). As best that I can tell you the barn ain't haunted. It still looks purty good. In fact, during Hurricane Frederick some of the tin got blown off and me and Dewey Hearn nail it back. So, I think you will have a fine picture to take, oh yeah, the Living Word Church ownes the property there and the Preacher Man is Marc Hobbs... Curtis(Wainwright)

Hi Sandra,

Thanks for the picture of that old depot. I remember when I was a boy roamin' around Citronelle town. There was segregation, and always up around that old depot was true to life black men. That was about the only place you saw them. They would sit around and stand around that old depot all da lib long day on Saturday. You know, Saturdays was the day people came to town, men would get hair cuts, women would gossip, and young'uns would try to meddle. Saturday was grocery buying day and folks would load up for the whole cotton-pickin' week. On a different subject, just up from the old barn that po ol Abe was hid in, right at the Washington County line. Is the remnents of the old store that was owned by John (Boy) Jones It was in that store where they arrested Skumro, some call him Skumarall, and the other man Wash Daily. That store still stands... Be good... Me

Hi Sandra,

Oh yes, Steve is my double first cousin. We are very much kin. I don't have the gray beard and I have'nt fought in any Civil War battles, but I do have sideburns. That question about the Wainwright's of Washington County is a good one, and I have looked into it some, but I have not researched it. The Wainwright's that I know of came out of Baldwin County. With this one exception. There is a old family story about a 'Uncle Luck' that lived in Thomasville maybe after the Civil War. He was supposed to be a river boat Captain that got into a rucus with a mean feller there in Thomasville. It festered all one Satarday and ended up in a showdown, and Luck shot'im down. I hope he wasn't ol Abe. Luck sounds like he might be family, because it is sid that he was a singin' and pickin' troupadour. And Wainwright's hang from the music vine. All of them. Do not go to any trouble researchin' the story on ol Po Abe. Just tell me what you want too. And make it easy on yourself. As you pointed out Deep Dark Washington County was full of violence back then. I know all about that cause I was born right there in Citronelle. I appreciate all that you do, and thanks... Take Care, Curtis

Hey me, ( posted March 9, 2004)

When you turn into Deer Park , go down pass the store on the left and go in to Deer Park, there are two old brown wooden buildings, on the left. Do you know what they used to be?

Where is the store located where Sumrall, was arrested. I've heard his name pronounced several ways.

Does anyone remember where the murder itself took place in Vinegar Bend?

Was Abe's Barber Shop in Chatom? Did Abe live in Chatom or Fruitdale? I found a building in Chatom that looks like the building in the History of Washington County, Book. I think it was turned into a Shriner's meeting place.

If you ever run across answers to these questions , please let me know.

The Citronelle Depot looks great, they's done a beautiful joy of brining it up to date.

I'm impressed with the Confederate Soldiers surrendering at Citronell, Alabama in 1865., see picture and information on Civil War Plaque, I sent you.

Have a great day.


Hey Me,

(Posted March 9, 2004)

Thanks, you've given me an idea how to find the store. I am just curious and want to see the area for myself.

I need to run a Census report on Abe and see if I can palace him when and where.

I haven't thought about him living in Vinegar Bend. That's s good thought. Many of the Baxters that were related did live in Vinegar Bend and Escatawpa. I can't remember any of my ancestors living in Deep Park. But, then again I don't know where they all lived.

Oh yeah, the Old Escatawpa Cemetery that is behind the newer Escatawpa Cemtery, the ole one going down the dirt road. I found a lady whose maiden name was Wainwright. My ancestors are buried in that Old Escatawpa Cemetery, but it's gotten where you can't get to it for the trees, bushes, weeds and so on. It's the snakes in the summer and Deer Hunters in the winter. Dr. Woods a Dentist in Waynesboro, refused to work with me when I talked with his a few years ago. He said he would sell me the whole 800 acres but not a couple of acres of the Cemetery. I talked to his aunt a Mrs. Woods who was married to Dr. Wood's (Denist) uncle. She was furious with her nephew. But, I couldn't see upsetting her.

So, the Old Escatawpa Cemetery every year goes deeper and deeper hidden. I was able to find my grandparents, one uncle and a couple of cousins. But I am missing many ancestors who were close to me.

My great grandpapa was a State Rep. of Washington County,1868-1870 and he is buried there along with a Civil War or Rev. War soldier, that we can't get to and have a Marker put on their graves.

Always nice talking to you, knowing you know the people and area I am talking about. Steve told me years ago that you also had relatives in Washington County. I remember looking the names up and sending them to him. I remember he has an ancestor that was pretty well known for his part in the Civil War. I saw the flag at the Montgomery Archive that the ancestor fought under. I that was nice knowing when I viewed the Flag and told my grandchildren about Steve Wainwright's ancestor. They are small but they thought it was neat that I knew someone who had an ancestor in the Civil War that fought under that Confederate Flag. Then they were off to play with the 1950s telephone and typewriter hands on display.

Thanks again, you've been a great help.


Hi Sandra

Yes it is good talking with you. I know some about that Escatawba cemetery. I have been told that a family of Wainwright's lived there and were buried there. I know some of them Wood's you are talking about, and when I see them I'll asked them about that cemetery.

I will keep talking to those Deer Park folks for you, those Richardson's are great record keepers, and have good memories. Steve loves that Civil war period, he was born a hundred years too late. He is a good fella, and is a top notch artist. Very creative. Full of fun too. Take care of yourself and write when you want too... Me


Five men were involved in the murder of Abe Baxter, Gene Mizell,Wash Bailey, Joe Skumro, Wes Berry and Emile Gurney.

Gene Mizell was Abe Baxter's half nephew. Gene's mother Emily Jane Holland Mizell was the half sister of Abe Baxter and Wash Baily was Abe Baxter's brother, Mary Daily Mizell's brother.

Gene Mizell , Abe's half nephew fired the first shot that bought Abe down, as Abe was scared and turn to run, Gene Mizelled fired a shot at the back of Abe's head and it struck him in the shoulder. As Abe lie on the ground Joe Skumro walked over placed his shotgun at the nape of Abe's neck and shot him. The sound could have been heard all over Vinegar Bend, but no one paid any attention to he noise with it being deer season.

The five men were waiting for Abe as he was leaving town. Abe showed up later than they expected leaving the men nervous thinking he wasn't going to show up for one more drink together before he left town.

Abe was late, but he did show up carring his suitcase packed with a few cloths and stuffed with the money he had gotten from selling his Barber Shop and a school bus he had driven for years and his soldier's bonus. He was leaving town, behind he was leaving his wife and children. Stories go that he was meeting a young girl he had met and was running way with. Abe was carring a suitcase and his pockets were buldging with money. (Fourteen hundred dollars)

The five men who were his so called friends knew of the money he was carrying , planned the last get together, for a drink, on a dirt road in Vinegar Bend, Alabama. It was here they killed him and left his body in a shack over grown with vines, bushes and trees.



The baffling disapearance of Abe Baxter from his home near Burbank, Alabama, on May 30, 1932, was a mystery that gained nationwide attention. The Washington County News followed the case closely and this final account was given in 1944.

The last remains of Abe Baxter have now been laid to rest at Fruiitdale. There was only a handful of bones turned over to the undertaker by Sheriff L. L. Armstrong when he came to the Courthouse here in Chamom a few weeks ago to get them for burial. Lt Aaron Baxter of the Army of the United States instructed the undertaking compmpany of Waynesboro, Mississippi to secure his father's bpne from the jail in Chatom, where they have been for the past several years. The interment of what remains of the body of Baxter writes the last chapter to a gruesome and bloody murder which was committed in this county twelve years ago. Washing County's most famous crime has been publicized and written up in several national detective story and mystery magazines during the past years. Most of the authors of these stories visited the county and interviewed officals who knew the details of the epic crime. These writers seemed to always request and make a visit to the jail to view what remained of the murdered man. The leg bone, which was held together by silver plate, the means of identifying the dead man's body, was of unusual interest.

Baxter was murdered by five men and his body concealed in an abandoned house, and it was after the dead body had begun to attrack vultures that the killers decided to boil the body. This they did and too the remaining bones and tied them in a sack and kept them in this manner from Sprint to Fall. In the Fall they took the bones, along with the deag man's gun, watch and shoes and scattered them near an old railroad crossing. A remark by one of the men later prosecuted for the crime that "Abe was guarding the crossing" led to the discovery of the crime and the later prosecution of the accused murderers. Robery was said to have been the cause of the killing of Baxter. The bones were indentified as being, Abe Baxter's because he was known to have had a silver plate in his leg. *****************************************************

Williford Ancestors below. Charity Williford Baxter's ancestors. Starting with the 5th Generation

John and Mary Williford.***


On the 1850 census you will find Abe Baxter living with his mother. Age age 30 and Deliah was listed as age 69. Born in Georgia and Able was born in Mississippi.

We are assuning until proven wrong, that Delia is the wife of Israel Baxter the papa of J. W and William Noble and also Able Baxter. The census shows Delias and Isreal the parents of the three brothers. There is also another brother name Isreal that belong to Isreal's first wife Lucy who moved to Florida with her new husband McNealy. Isreal (Lucy) should have been the age of J. W. and William Noble, their half brothers.

Right above Deliah and Able's name was listed William Noble on the 1850 census. William Noble was listed as a farmer, age 46 and born in Georgia.

J. W. Baxter and Charity Williford Baxter, oldest daughter Elizabeth Baxter Platt, is left out in most of the censu.Charity lost a couple or more of children between Elizabeth and the other five. Elizabeth was already married to John Calvin Platt by the time her parents left Mississippi and moved and settled in Escatawpa, Alabama, Washington County.

J. W. Baxter and Charity Williford were maried in 1828 .


J. W. Baxter us listed as a farmer in the 1860 census. J. W. is listed as valued at real estate $1000,00 an the value of personal estate was $5,810,00


J. W. Baxter is listed with wife Charity and one female C.F. age 20. John Henry Cooper age 8 and his sister C. E. age 5. These are Nancy Baxter Cooper's children. Nancy's husband J. Cooper was killed on the M. & O. Railroad.

J. W. Baxter was listed as $2,500,00 value of real estae and also he was listed as $2,500.00 value of personal estate.

J. W. and Charity Baxter was age 62 in 1870.They were registered and voted in State Line Mississippi. They lived in Escatawpa, Alabama, Washington County.


In the 1880 Census J. W, Baxter is living with Charity, they both were age 73.

Living with Charity and J. W. in 1880 was their daughter Sarah Ann Baxter Waldrop age 38, along with her sons James Harry Waldrop age 11 and Joseph Ryan Waldrop, Jr. age 9.

Also living with them is John Henry Cooper. Son of Nancy Baxter and William J. Cooper.

Along with John Henry living with his grandparents is his younger sister. John Henry is listed as farm worker. John Henry becamed a Physician and he practice in Washington County before he moved to California. where he lived and died. John Henry wife's name looks like Rena S. the deeds she signed when she and John H. Cooper sold land to his aunt, my gr grandmother, Sarah A. Baxter Waldrop.

Dr, John Henry Cooper kept in touch with J. T. Davidson , who was Post Master of Vinegar Bend , Alabama, Washington County. Dr. Cooper saw that his parent's graves were well taken care of. He would come back to visit Vinegar Bend and visit his parent's graves.

Also living with them is a servant named Willis Durham age 17.


J. W. Baxter (son of Isreal Baxter and Delia Baxter(???) was born 1808 in Georgia, and died 1888 in Escatawpa , AL Washington County Buried old Escatawpa Cemetary. He married Charity Elizabeth Williford on 1828 in Mobile, Alabama, daughter of Williford.

More About J. W. Baxter and Charity Elizabeth Williford:

Marriage: 1828, Mobile, Alabama.

Children of J. W. Baxter and Charity Elizabeth Wiliford are:

+ 1 Elizabeth Platt Baxter, b. September 30, 1825, Green County, Mississippi, d. November 30, 1911, Escatawpa, Al Washington County. JOHN CALVIN PLATT

+ 2 Nancy Cooper Baxter, b. August 22, 1836, Escatawpa, Al Washington County, d. August 24, 1868, Escatawpa, Alabama, Washington County. w. J. COOPER

+ 3 James Monroe Baxter, b. April 24, 1839, Escatawpa, Al Washington County, d. May 30, 1890, Old Escatawpa cemetary (Buried). MARY ELLEN McILWAIN

+ 4 Sarah Ann Baxter, b. 1842, Escatawpa, Alabama Washington County, d., Escatawpa Cemetery, Escatawpa, Al Washington County. JOSEPH RYAN WALDROP

+ 5 Lucinda Baxter, b. 1844. FENNIS LONG + 6 Clarenda Deas Baxter, b. 1847. H. DEAS Son, Lawrence Deas, married JEANETTE ROCKWELL


33 i. ? BAXTER was born about 1831.

34 ii. ? BAXTER was born about 1833

. 35 iii. ? BAXTER was born about 1835.

+36 iv. Nancy A. BAXTER.

+37 v. James Monroe BAXTER.

+38 vi. Sarah A. BAXTER.

+39 vii. Lucinda M. BAXTER.

40 viii. Clarinda F. BAXTER was born in 1847


38. Sarah A. BAXTER was born in 1843.

She married Joseph R. WALDROP on 6 Dec 1867 in Washington County, Alabama. Joseph R. WALDROP was born 1869. Sarah A. BAXTER and Joseph R. WALDROP had the following children:

+89 i. James H. WALDROP was born in Nov 1869.

90 ii. Joseph R. WALDROP was born in Apr 1871.

91 iii. Princess WALDROP was born in Oct 1888


37. James Monroe BAXTER was born on 4 Apr 1839 in Alabama. He died on 30 May 1890 in Washington County, Alabama, Old Escatawpa Cemetery.

He was married to Mary Ellen MCILWAIN on 21 Dec 1860 in Washington County, Alabama. Mary Ellen MCILWAIN was born on 19 Jan 1846 in Alabama. She died on 28 Jan 1936 in Washington County, Alabama, Old Escatawpa Cemetery. James Monroe BAXTER and Mary Ellen MCILWAIN had the following children:

+81 i. John Ephram BAXTER was born in Nov 1862 in Mississippi. He died in Washington County, Alabama, Old Escatawpa Cemetery.

82 ii. Clara E. BAXTER was born in 1864 in Alabama.

83 iii. J. W. BAXTER was born on 2 Nov 1865. He died on 30 May 1890 in Washington County, Alabama, Old Escatawpa Cemetery.

84 iv. Shepard L. BAXTER was born in 1868 in Alabama. Married Janie Jones of Birmingham, Alabama. They were both Post Masters of the Vinegar Bend, Alabama Post Office.

+85 v. Robert S. BAXTER was born in 1871 in Alabama. He died on 3 Apr 1945 in Washington County, Alabama, Old Escatawpa Cemetery.

+86 vi. Racelia G. BAXTER was born in Aug 1873 in Alabama. Married John Tyler Turner, they had one son Noel Monroe Turner.

+87 vii. Frank E. BA

John Tyler Turner of Vinegar Bend, Alabama , Washington County. He married my gr gr uncle James Monroe Baxter and Mary Ellen McIIwain Baxter's daughter Racelia Gerturde Baxter. They had a son Noel Monroe Baxter. He was a Lawyer in in Vinegar Bend, Alabama. Racelia and John Tyler Turner later move to Mobile, Alabama.

My grandpapa James Harry Waldrop son of Sarah Baxter, sister of James Monroe Baxter. James Harry Waldrop and Racelia Baxter Turner were first cousins, Noel Monroe Baxter and my papa Harry P. Waldrop were second cousin. Elizabeth Mary (Polly) Turner Ladd of Mobile , Alabama , daughter of Noel Monroe Turner and I are third cousins. (This is my connection to the Turners)

Plus John Platt who married Kate McIIwain Turner .

John Platt son of Elizabeth Baxter and John Calvin Platt.(My gr gr Baxter Aunt)

Elizabeth Baxter Platt is the older sister of my gr grandmother Sarah Baxter Waldrop(Mrs. Joseph R. Waldrop, State Rep. of Washington County, Alabama, 1867 thru 1870 until he was murdered, ambushed shot and killed.) and James Monroe Baxter.

Kate's parents died young and she was adopted by a Turner family. I do not think these two Turners are connected. I really don't know. The Platts are related to Racelia Baxter Turner thru Raceila Baxter when she married John Tyler Turner. It was then Noel Monroe Turner and my dad became second cousins. Raceila Baxter and my grandpapa were first cousins James Harry Waldrop. Second cousins would be Noel Monroe Turner and my dad Harry Pou Waldrop.

Also Kate McIIwain Turner Platt, is also the sister of Mary Ellen McIIwain Baxter who married James M. Baxter and is the mother of Racelia who married John Tyler Turner. Kate McIIwaine Turner Platt was the sister of Raceila Baxter Turner so their children would have been relted. The Noel Turners would be related to the Platts, Baxters amd McIIwain thru marriages then the blood connects thru the cousins.

This is what I have about the Turners:

The officers of the Alabama and ;Mississippi Railroad were: Noel Ebeneezer, President; Alfred Rhett Turner (N. E.Turner's son), auditor and vice president. Horace Sanford Turner was general manager of the lumber company, and Mart Lankford was general manager and one of the largest stockholders. Mr Turner's brothers, J . (John) Tyler Turner and Herbert C. Turner, were also acssociated with the Company.

John Tyler Turner was the brother of Noel Ebeneezer. Right?

I can't find Mr. Eb or John Tyler listed as the children of Sarah and Noel Turner.

Is there a John Tyler Turner line. He is the brother of Mr. Eb Turner. Are they the sons of Noel and Sarah Turner.

I need help on this line. Thank you.

My gr gr uncle James Monroe Baxter buit the first saw mill in Vinegar Bend, Alabama in 1884 and sold it in 1887 to Mr. Eneneezer Turner who in 1900 formed the Vinegar Bend Lumber Company. It was the largest saw mill in the South for many years.

Before coming to Vinegar Bend, Mr. Turner worked for the Turner and Oates Lumber Company in Lumberton. The Company was owned by his uncle William Turner, and his fiance's uncle, William Oates. While in Lumberton ( now called Fruitdale) Mr. Turner married his fiance, Miss Verda Southall. Together they raised enough money to by my gr gr uncle James M. Baxter's lumber Company.


WILLIFORD'S ANCESTORS: ( ours 5th Generation)


* Charity Williford b, 1808, Georgia d. Washington County, Alabama. Charity married J. W. Baxter of Estacawpa, Alabama. Washington County

+Unity Williford, b. 1813, Georgia, d., Green County, Mississippi. Unity married Benjamin F. Woulard, Wayne County, Mississipp

*They had: Nancy Williford, my ancestor. She married James P Griffin.(Kitty Kat)

Descendants of Sir John WILLIFORD

Generation No. 1

. SIR JOHN1 WILLIFORD was born in Hendige, Kingston Parish, Kent. He married JANE UNKNOWN.

Notes for SIR JOHN WILLIFORD: The trex to America begins with SIR THOMAS WILSFORD 9 Variously spelled as Wilford and Williford ) of Hendige, Kingston Parish, Kent is listed as the sixth recorded generation and on 27 June 1620. " He is listed as one of the " Adventurers " who paid 50 pounds sterling into the treasury of the Virginia Company O London. He lost his life and estates in " A quarrel between King and Parliament " ( backed the King ). But his second son, CAPTAIN THOMAS WILSFORD, " was one of the genuine cavaliers who came to Virginia ( The William and Mary College Quarterly, 1st Series, Vol VI, page 89)." On 10 November 1649 Thomas Wilsford, Gent., Patented 210 acres on Perry's Creek in Northumberland County, Virginia. There are many documents relating to his life in this area including the fact that he represented his country in the House of Burgesses. In 1676 THOMAS WILSFORD became an active participant in Bacon's Revolution. It is written " though a small man, Captain Wilsford had a grate heart and was known to be no coward. He had for some years been interpreter between the English and the Indians, with whose affairs he was well acquainted. By birth, he was the second son of a knight who lost his life during the quarrel between the King and the Long Parliament, which forced his son to Virginia." ( Peter Force, Tracts and Other Papers, Washington, D.C., 1836, No. XI, Pages 33 - 34 ). He was captured, and in October 1676, was executed for his part in the revolution. It is thought that Captain Wilsford had only one son, JOHN WILLIFORD. A son of Thomas Wilford ( Wilsford ) is mentioned first in December 1692 when Robert Driver sold Charles Driver a tract of land in Northumberland County, Virginia. " that JOHN WILLIFORD lives on." The assumption being that this land ( formerly owned by Thomas Wiliford above ) was confiscated. But that John had continued to live on the land ( Northumberland County was divided into two counties. One of these being Hamption County. Nothing more is found in Virginia, On 9 January, 1704, Daniel Snooks applied to the court of Perquimms Precinct of Alre, arle County, North Carolina, for a patent of 550 acres. Based on the importation of JOHN, JANE, WILLIAM, and SARAM WILLIFORD. known to be the family of John Williford


2. i. JOHN2 WILLIFORD, JR, b. Abt. 1699, Isale of Wight County, Virginia.

Generation No. 2

2. JOHN2 WILLIFORD, JR (SIR JOHN1) was born Abt. 1699 in Isale of Wight County, Virginia. He married MARY JOHNSON. She was born Abt. 1700.

Notes for JOHN WILLIFORD, JR: On December 24, 1722 he paid Thomas ( TP ) and Elizabeth ( E ) Pittman, Jr. L 25 for 250 acres south of Main Blackwater Swamp at the mouth of Little Swamp in Isle of Wight County, Virginia, Wit.: Robert Lancaster and Samuel Lancaster. ( Great Book 1715 - 1721. Vol.2, Part 2, pages 508-510.)

On March 23, 1733/34, John Williford patented 265 acres south of Main Blackwater Swamp adjoining Robert Mercer and William Edwards. ( Patent Book 15, page 192. )

On February 19, 1735/36, John ( J ) Williford and William Crocker for L6 in current money 100 acres S. W. of Main Blackwater Swamp ( from the patent of 265 acres ). Wit.: Charles Chapman and Thomas Morland. ( Deed Book 4, pagers 519 and 520.).

On November 23, 1739, John ( X ) and Mary ( M ) Williford of Nottoway Parish deeded their friend John Stephenson for love and L5 current Virginia money a tract of 100 acres south of Main Blackwater Swamp adjoining Micajah Edwards and Peter Stephenson ( from a patent ). Wit: John Williford and Martha Williford. ( Deed Book 5, page 415. ). On March 23, 1743, Benjamin Pittman of Nottoway Parish deeded his friend John Williford for love 150 acres south of Main Blackwater Swamp adj. Said Williford and Micajah Edwards. Wit: Richard Lewis and John Giles. ( Deed Book 6 page 260 ). In 1749 the southern portion of Wight County was formed into a new county named Southampton. On May 25, 1751, John Williford paid Lawrence Lancaster L24 current Virginia money for 82 acres in Southampton County on Terrapin Swamp adj. Micajah Edwards. Wit.: William Williford, Thomas Williford. ( Southampton County, Deed Book 1, page 252. ) John ( X ) Williford made his will in Southampton County on November 15, 1760 and it was probated on 9 April 1761: ( 1 ) wife Mary Johnson Williford, use of the home plantation and all undevised land; ( 2 ) son Nathan Williford, the land where he was then living; ( 3 ) son and executor Thomas Williford, the land where he was then living:, pluss 150 acres; ( 4 ) grandson Benjamin Williford, fifty shillings in cash; ( 5 ) son and executor William Williford, land where he was living plus 150 acres bought from Lawrence Lancaster, chest of dresser and grindstone; ( 6 ) oldest daughter Elizabeth Jones, five shillings; ( 7 ) daughter Mary Boasman, five shillings in cash; ( 8 ) daughter Lucy Williford, five shillings in cash; ( 9 ) daughter Mourning Williford five shillings in cash: Wit< John Stephenson, Samuel Bailey, Thomas Williford, Lucy Williford ( Will Book I pages 267 ). The inventory and appraisal of the personal estate of John Williford was recorded on April 8, 1762 by John Clayton, Joseph Lancaster and Thomas ( T ) Atkinson at a total evaluation of 93.9.10; 3 cows with calves, 3 cows, 52 cattle, 3 sows, 13 pigs, 21 shoats, 32 hogs, 5 geese, 7 hives of bees; 6 chairs, 2 chest, looking glass, oval table, table, couch, chest, chest of drawers, 4 beds and furnishings, pill; 20 barrel of corn, 1006 nails, yarn for two pairs of stockings, 16 pounds of cotton seed, 6 pounds of picked cotton, 40 pounds of cotton, peck of beans, parcel of peas, 6 pounds of spun cotton; old saddle, two bridles, 1/2 pound of shot. 1/2 pound of powder, L6.3.6 in cash, parcel of books, 3 dozen fish hooks, 2 tobacco boxes, 2 wallets, 3 combs, 3 pair scissors, pair of steelyards; 8 3/4 yards of Virginia cloth, 3 1/2 yards of cotton cloth, table cloth, pair of " garnbadoes ". 3 waist coats, handkerchief, band, cap, 3 shirts, 4 pairs of breeches, hat, pair of leather breeches, 2 coats; 4 jugs, 2 chamber pots, parsel of glasses, half-pint pot, parcel of old pewter, funnel, 16 spoons, 2 dozen knives and fork, fry pan, cutting knife, brass kettle, shovel, pair of tongs, box iron and heater; cart and wheels, two wheels, plow, 3 gimlets, compass, grindstone, powdering tub 12 buckets, 12 casks, e old casks, 5 broad hoes, 2 grubbing hoes, reaphook.3 axes, half of a frown, pair of wedges, 2 drawing knives ( postlg ? ) parcel of carpenter tools, handsaw; 460 pounds of bacon, parcel of beef, 3 1/2 bushels of salt, steer hide, piece of leather, some fodder, loom and gear, 5 slays and harness, lined wheel, wooden wheel, and a pair of cards. ( Will Book 1, page 463 -465 ).



3. ii. THOMAS WILLIFORD, b. Abt. 1729, Southampton County, Virginia.







Generation No. 3

3. THOMAS3 WILLIFORD (JOHN2, SIR JOHN1) was born Abt. 1729 in Southampton County, Virginia.

Notes for THOMAS WILLIFORD: Thomas Williford had moved to Edgecombe County by February 21, 1765 when he paid Thomas ( T ) Barnes of Johnson County 30 pounds Proclamation Money for 175 acres ( from a grant to Jacob Flowers July 2 1760 ) on Tyancokey Swamp adj. John Barnes, Wit.: Ducan Lamon, John Cohoon, Edgecombe County, Deed Book C, page 284.). On March 21, 1765 he paid Renison ( R ) Tisdale of Johnson County 13 pounds Proclamation Money for 100 acres ( from a grant to Jacob Flowers July 2, 1760 ) on Tyancokey Swamp adj. his own line. Wit.: John Cohoon, Robert Lancaster. Deed Book C. page 285.) On November 16, 1771 he sold Hartwell Williford for 20 pounds Proclamation Money 100 acres north of Pine Log Swamp on a Prong of Tyancokey Swamp. Wit.: Etheldrod Ruffin, John I. Proctor, Benjamin Williams. ( Deed Book D, page 398.) On July 13, 1775 Thomas Williford sold Stephen Watkins for 40 pounds Proclamation Money 175 acres on Tyancokey Swamp adj. the road and the bridge. Wit.: Duncan Lamon, Charles Williams. ( Deed Book e. page 58.) On August 3, 1789 the Edgecombe County North Carolina Court exempted him from further payments of Poll Tax since he was now over-age. In the Census of Edgecombe County for 1790, he appeared with himself and two females. In May Court 1799, Thomas Williford and John Williford witnessed the will of Lazarus Flora. In the Edgecombe County Census of 1800, he had one male 16 - 26 and himself and wife over forth-five. On August 7, 1801 Thomas Williford sold Jacob Williford for 500 pounds in current money 242 acres south of Town Creek on both sides of Little Swamp, adjcent Hardy Cross and John Bell ( Part of a grant by Governor Alexander Martin to John Williford ). Wit.: William Williford, Hardy Flowers. (Deed Book 10, page 166. ) He bought this tract for 50 pounds in specie money from John Williford March 8, 1785. Wit.: Jacob ( his X mark ) Williford, John Williams ( Deed Book 8, page 4 ). The name of the wife of Thomas Williford has not yet been established with certainty. She apparently died between 1800 and 1810. It is believed that Thomas was listed with his son. ( John Williford of the Edgecombe County North Carolina Census of 1810 but he almost certainly died within the next 1 or 2. ) The activities of Thomas Williford during the Revolutionary War. It may be assumed that he was a Patriot, since he furnished several sons in the Continental and the North Carolina Militia, but he himself was too old for active service. He may have furnished supplies of some sort, for there is a record of John Corpender's ( Sheriff of Wayne County ) having paid Thomas Williford 1.4.0 ( N. C. Revolutionary Army Accounts, VI, p 28, f, 4, No. 84._ The known children of Thomas Williford with probable date of births; ( 1 ) Hartwell Williford, 1719; ( 2 ) Benjamin Williford, 1751; ( 3 ) Joseph Williford, 1753; ( 4 ) Jacob Williford, 1755; ( 5 ) John Williford, 1757; ( 6 ) James Williford 1759; ( 7 ) Willis Williford 1761.


4. i. BENJAMIN4 WILLIFORD, b. Abt. 1750, Southampton County, Virginia.

Generation No. 4

4. BENJAMIN4 WILLIFORD (THOMAS3, JOHN2, SIR JOHN1) was born Abt. 1750 in Southampton County, Virginia.

Notes for BENJAMIN WILLIFORD: BENJAMIN WILLIFORD, ca 1750, son of Thomas Williford of Edgecombe County, North Carolina, was born in Southampton County, Virginia. On February 23, 1780 he patented 200 acres on both sides of Mercer's Mill Branch ( Patent Book 56, page 181.) On October 28, 1782 Governor Alexander Martin granted him 400 acres adjacent Jacob Robbins ( Deed Book M page 208 ) On November 8, 1781 he was granted by Governor Martin 200 acres on both sides of Mercer's Mill Branch adjacent John Cahoon ( Deed Book 4, Page 5663, ) On May 2, 1786 the Edgecombe County Court appointed him an overseer of roads for one year. On January 28, 1788 he was placed on a committee to lay of a new road. (Minute Books in the N.C. State Department of Archives and History.) On November 27, 1798 Benjamin Williford and Swanson Williford were appointed to a road jury. In the Edgecombe County Census of 1790 Benjamin Williford was listed with three males over sixteen, five males under sixteen and three females in the family.

On August 20, 1791Benjamin ( his X mark ) Williford gave his son Swanson Williford for love 200 acres on both sides of Mercer's Mill Branch adj. Joel Calhoon. Wit.: John Williford, John Morris, Jacob Morris. ( Deed Book 6, page 144.)

The Census of 1800 for Edgecombe County, Benjamin Williford had 2 males under ten, 2 males 10 - 16, 2 males 16 - 26, himself and wife were over forty - five, one female under ten, and one female 16 - 26. On December 27, 1807 he sold John Williford, Jr., for $ 100.00 a tract of 50 acres adj. Drewry Williams and Gardner's Mill Branch. Wit. Harmon Williford. ( Deed Book 12, page 369).

In the Census of 1810, Dixon's District, he had e males under ten, himself and wife over forty - five, one female under ten and one female 16 - 26 On February 22, 1815 he gave to his son Edwin Williford for love 200 acres, all household and kitchen furniture, bay mare, stock of cattle, hogs, sheep, geese, bees, and plantation utensils. Wit.: Harman Wiliford. ( Deed Book 15, page 176.) Children of Benjamin Williford: ( 1 ) Swanson Williford, ( 2 ) Edwin Williford, ( 3 ) Harman Williford ( 4 ) John Williford, ( 5) Benjamin Williford





5. iv. JOHN WILLIFORD, b. Abt. 1775, Edgecomb County, North Carolina.


Generation No. 5

5. JOHN5 WILLIFORD (BENJAMIN4, THOMAS3, JOHN2, SIR JOHN1) was born Abt. 1775 in Edgecomb County, North Carolina. He married Mary UNKNOWN Abt. 1794.


6. i. WILLIAM EARLY6 WILLIFORD, b. Abt. 1800, Georgia. Generation No. 5

5. JOHN5 WILLIFORD (BENJAMIN4, THOMAS3, JOHN2, SIR JOHN1) was born Abt. 1775 in Edgecomb County, North Carolina. He married Mary UNKNOWN Abt. 1794.

They had: Nancy Williford, my ancestor. She married James P Griffin.(Kathy Hays Curtis)

William Early Williford

Mary Williford

Elizabeth Williford

Jackson Williford

Thomas J Williford




Kathy Hays Curtis email below.

Generation No. 6 ENT

6. WILLIAM EARLY6 WILLIFORD (JOHN5, BENJAMIN4, THOMAS3, JOHN2, SIR JOHN1) was born Abt. 1800 in Georgia. He married SINIA GRIFFIN. She was born in Mississippi.

Notes for WILLIAM EARLY WILLIFORD: ?1830 AL Census Index - Williford, William E. AL WASHINGTON CO. 252 1830 1840 MS Census MS CLARKE CO. 133 1840 William E. Williford Males (2) 5-10,(1)10-15,(2)15-20,(1)20-30,(1)40-50 Females (1) under 5, (1)5-10,(1)10-15,(1)30-40 1850 MS Census Index - Willford, William E. MS CLARKE CO. BEAT NO 2 167 1850


7. i. WADE HAMPTON7 WILLIFORD, b. Jul 1820, Mississippi; d. 30 Aug 1887, Polk County, Texas.

ii. GEORGE WILLIFORD, b. 1829.

iii. ARENA WILLIFORD, b. 1830.



vi. MARY WILLIFORD, b. 1836.

vii. ABRAM WILLIFORD, b. 1839.

viii. MARGARET WILLIFORD, b. 1843.

ix. RHOMAS WILLIFORD, b. 1948. Generation No. 7

7. WADE HAMPTON7 WILLIFORD (WILLIAM EARLY6, JOHN5, BENJAMIN4, THOMAS3, JOHN2, SIR JOHN1) was born Jul 1820 in Mississippi, and died 30 Aug 1887 in Polk County, Texas. He married (1) ANNIE ELIZABETH RUNNELS Jul 1842 in Washington County, Alabama. She was born in Mississippi. He married (2) SALLY WILLIAMS 1858 in Jefferson or Hardin County, Texas. She was born Jun 1832.

Notes for WADE HAMPTON WILLIFORD: He left Mississippi in an ox cart for Texas See 976.1243 Matte, Jacqueline Anderson, The History of Washington County, First County in Alabama. Volume II.

1860 TX Census - Williford, Wade TX HARDIN CO. HARDIN P. O. 342 1860

880 Federal Census - Hardin County, Texas ED 29 pg 11 Was 60, married, listed as a farmer, Born in Ms, father was born in GA, mother was born in Ms.

His formative years were spent in farming and logging activities with his father in Southeast Mississippi and southwest Alabama. Wade was married in Washington County, Alabama to Annie Elizabeth Runnels in Mid-summer, 1842, and they continued the farming way of life as they raised their family in the Clarke County, Mississippi area. Wade and Annie had seven children in Mississippi by the end of 1854 and later set out for Texas in Ox carts. They arrived in what was then Jefferson County, Texas in the spring of 1855, and settled near Concord to engage in logging work in the virgin pine forest. Annie Elizabeth died on March 2, 1857, and in 1858 Wade married Sally Williams, said to be the first person born at Richardson's Bluff (now Evadale). Wade and Sally were living at Hardin in 1860, and later on Cypress Creek east of Kountze, on what was called Williford Road. Wade and Sally had four children, and lived in Hardin County until about 1890 when about 1890 when he bought 160 acres of timber land in Polk County from H N Vickers. Wade Hampton Williford, the logger, had met E G Sims in December 1876, the log after, and from this meeting evolved the acquisition of the Polk County Property. Wade's sons Rosier Walton Williford married Mary Elizabeth Daniel on 1 December 1880, and this young couple occupied the Cypress Creek property when Wade moved to Polk County. Wade passed away 30 August 1887. His log brand was "WH". (above notes from John Pate)

Notes for SALLY WILLIAMS: 1880 Federal Census-See Wade H Williford Was listed as Sarah, was 47, married, keeping house, born in Texas, both parents born in Miss.

1900 Federal Census - See Benjamin Williford Was born June 1852, was 67, was a widow, had 5 children of which 5 were living, was born in Texas, both parents were born in Ga., could not read and write.



8. iv. JAMES IRVIN WILLIFORD, b. Abt. 1844, Texas or MS.

9. v. DOCK LEVERT WILLIFORD, b. 1845, Texas.

10. vi. GEORGE WASHINGTON WILLIFORD, b. 1847, Mississippi.

11. vii. WADE HAMPTON WILLIFORD, JR., b. Abt. 1852, Mississippi.


viii. ERASMUS (R R)8 WILLIFORD, b. Abt. 1859; m. UNKNOWN ROBERTS. Notes for ERASMUS (R R) WILLIFORD: 1880 Federal Census-See Wade Williford Was 21, single, at home, born in Texas


12. x. BENJAMIN EARLY WILLIFORD, b. 22 Feb 1866, Texas; d. 02 Mar 1936, Warren, Tyler, Texas.

xi. STEPHEN Y. WILLIFORD, b. Abt. 1869, Texas. Notes for STEPHEN Y. WILLIFORD: 1880 Federal Census - See Wade Williford Was 11, single, at home, born in Texas.

xii. REBECCA WILLIFORD, b. Abt. 1873, Texas; m. SHERWOOD HOLLAND. Notes for REBECCA WILLIFORD:1880 Federal Census - See Wade Williford Was 7, born in Texas.

Generation No. 8

8. JAMES IRVIN8 WILLIFORD (WADE HAMPTON7, WILLIAM EARLY6, JOHN5, BENJAMIN4, THOMAS3, JOHN2, SIR JOHN1) Photo of Mary Ellen Roberts Overstreet - sent by Ron Eller 1860 TX Census Index Williford, James TX HARDIN CO. HARDIN P. O. pg343

1880 TX Census Precinct 2, Tyler, Texas (childrens names don't seem to match) Page 401D

Relation Sex Marr Race Age Birthplace

James I WILLAFORD Self M M W 36 MS MS ALFarmer

Mary WILLAFORD Wife F M W 25 TX AL MS Keeping House






1900 census TX Hardin County Precinct 3 pg 2B

Children of James Irvin Williford and Mary Ellen Roberts OVERSTREET

13. i. ELIZA ANN9 WILLIFORD, b. 27 Jul 1874, Hardin County, Texas; d. 08 Oct 1938, Tyler County, Texas. ii. ELLEN WILLIFORD, b. 14 Feb 1872, Texas; m. P.H. "PINK" FONDREN; b. 17 Feb 1851.

14. iii. THOMAS WILLIFORD, b. 23 Mar 1877.

iv. WADE WILLIFORD, b. Oct 1876


15. vii. MARTHA E. WILLIFORD, b. 29 Nov 1886, Polk County, Texas; d. 23 Apr 1975.

viii. GEORGE WILLIFORD, b. Nov 1889

ix. HENRY WILLIFORD, b. Sep 1891 - photo of Henry Williford and Mary Annie Overstreet

9. DOCK LEVERT8 WILLIFORD (WADE HAMPTON7, WILLIAM EARLY6, JOHN5, BENJAMIN4, THOMAS3, JOHN2, SIR JOHN1) was born 1845 in Texas. He married ALICE PEDIGO. She was born 1858 in Texas.


16. i. CORA9 WILLIFORD, b. 1892.



i. ELIZA9 WILLIFORD, b. 1878.


Notes for ELLEN WILLIAMS: 1880 Federal Census - See Wade Williford, Jr. Was 26, married, keeping house, born in Texas, father was born in Texas, mother born in Ms.


i. JAMES H.9 WILLIFORD, b. Abt. 1878. Notes for JAMES H. WILLIFORD: 1880 Federal Census - See Wade Williford, Jr. Was 2, and born in Texas.

12. BENJAMIN EARLY8 WILLIFORD (WADE HAMPTON7, WILLIAM EARLY6, JOHN5, BENJAMIN4, THOMAS3, JOHN2, SIR JOHN1) was born 22 Feb 1866 in Texas, and died 02 Mar 1936 in Warren, Tyler, Texas. He married LAURA JEANETTE TRAHAN. She was born 06 Dec 1870 in Texas, and died 02 Feb 1970 in Houston, Harrison, Texas.

Notes for BENJAMIN EARLY WILLIFORD: 1920 Census TX Tyler County vol. 151 ed 202 sheet 2 line 30 List the family. Unknown if Laura, is the children's mother or if Laura is the same as Miss Trahan. All children listed born in Texas


17. i. SARAH EMMA9 WILLIFORD, b. 10 Oct 1888, Dollardsville, Polk, Texas; d. 17 Jul 1978, Warren, Tyler, Texas.

18. ii. EARLIE WILLIFORD, b. Nov 1892, Texas.

iii. WADE WILLIFORD, b. Mar 1897, Texas.

iv. PEALIE A. WILLIFORD, b. Nov 1898, Texas; d. 1987, Texas.

v. CARL WILLIFORD, b. 1901, Texas.


Tyler County, Texas; d. 05 Sep 1962, Texas; m. ELLEN EDNA FOUNTAIN, Tyler County, Texas.

viii. ORLAND WILLIFORD, b. 29 May 1907, Hyatt,

Tyler, Texas; d. 11 Apr 1967, Beaumont, Jefferson,

Texas; m. LILLIAM GREENE, 1933, Tyler County, Texas.

ix. JOHN B. WILLIFORD, b. 1910, Texas.

x. OPAL WILLIFORD, b. 1912, Texas.


xii. MERTIE WILLIFORD, b. 1890.

xiii. OLLIE WILLIFORD, b. Jun 1895, Tyler County, Texas; d. 1909, Tyler County, Texas.

Generation No. 9

13. ELIZA ANN9 WILLIFORD (JAMES IRVIN8, WADE HAMPTON7, WILLIAM EARLY6, JOHN5, BENJAMIN4, THOMAS3, JOHN2, SIR JOHN1) was born 27 Jul 1874 in Hardin County, Texas, and died 08 Oct 1938 in Tyler County, Texas (Source: Buried Big Sandy, Dollardsville, Texas. Headstone). She married LEWIS HAMPTON "FOUNT" OVERSTREET 31 Dec 1891 in Hardin County, Texas (Source: Marriage Records on CD05), son of JAMES OVERSTREET and MARY HARRISON. He was born 14 Oct 1870 in Village Mills, Hardin, Texas, and died 23 Mar 1932 in Tyler County, Texas.


i. ISAAC EDWARD10 OVERSTREET, b. 28 May 1893, Polk County, Texas; d. 13 Jun 1954, Big Sandy, Texas. ii. THOMAS JEFFERSON OVERSTREET, b. 28 Feb 1895, Polk County, Texas; d. 07 May 1935, buried Big Sandy Cemetery, Texas (Source: Buried Big Sandy. Cemetery, Dollardsville, TX); m. PEARL MULLINS, Hardin County, Texas; b. 18 Mar 1901; d. 12 Jan 1976, Conroe, Texas.. iii. ROBERT IRVING OVERSTREET, b. 27 Sep 1896, Village Mills, Hardin, Texas; d. 01 Jan 1943, Beaumont, Jefferson, Texas (Source: Headstone-Big Sandy Cemetery in Dollardsville, TX); m. LEONA KIMMEY, 28 Mar 1934, Kountze, Hardin, Texas (Source: Marriage records in Kountze, Hardin, Texas.); b. 18 Sep 1909, Nacogdoches, Nacogdoches, Texas; d. 03 May 1996, Silsbee, Hardin, Texas (Source: Buried Big Sandy, Dollardsville, Texas. Headstone). Notes for ROBERT IRVING OVERSTREET:Was in WW1- Honorable Army, worked in Motor Pool. Corporal 1918

Notes for LEONA KIMMEY:1910 Nacogdoches county, Texas census list parent with no children.Buried Big Sandy Cemetery, Dollardsville, Texas

iv. MARY ANNE OVERSTREET, b. 26 Mar 1898, Hardin County, Texas; d. 07 Aug 1984, Big Sandy Cemetery, Texas.

Notes for MARY ANNE OVERSTREET: Never Married. Listed under Anne Overstreet in SS death index.

v. ALLEN DOUGLAS OVERSTREET, b. 10 Mar 1900, Polk County, Texas; d. 13 Mar 1966, bur. Big Sandy Cemetery Polk county, Texas; m. ELIZABETH GUSSIE UNKNOWN.

14. THOMAS9 WILLIFORD (JAMES IRVIN8, WADE HAMPTON7, WILLIAM EARLY6, JOHN5, BENJAMIN4, THOMAS3, JOHN2, SIR JOHN1) was born 23 Mar 1877. He married NANCY JANE SIMPSON 02 Jan 1898, daughter of GEORGE SIMPSON and MARTHA UNKNOWN. She was born 15 Jun 1876. 1900 census TX Hardin County Precinct 3 pg 2B


i. ETTER10 WILLIFORD, b. 1899.

15. MARTHA E.9 WILLIFORD (JAMES IRVIN8, WADE HAMPTON7, WILLIAM EARLY6, JOHN5, BENJAMIN4, THOMAS3, JOHN2, SIR JOHN1) was born 29 Nov 1886 in Polk County, Texas, and died 23 Apr 1975. She married JAMES HAMILTON "BUD" OVERSTREET 04 Jun 1910 in Kountze, Hardin, Texas (Source: Marriage Record in Hardin County Courthouse pg 270.), son of DAN OVERSTREET and SARA COLLINS. He was born 02 Feb 1879 in Village Mills, Hardin, Texas, and died 15 Nov 1983. Notes for MARTHA E. WILLIFORD: Buried in Holland Cemetery, Village Mills, Hardin, Texas Notes for JAMES HAMILTON "BUD" OVERSTREET: Buried in Holland Cemetery, Village Mills, Hardin, Texas


i. JAMES VINSON10 OVERSTREET, b. 10 Jan 1912, Fuqua, Polk, Texas; m. OPAL HENDRIX, 18 Oct 1929; b. 24 Mar 1911; d. 23 Mar 1999.

Notes for OPAL HENDRIX: This is a 'memorial' from the Beaumont Enterprise, Beaumont, Texas (appeared March 24, 1999) Opal (Bo) Hendrix Overstreet 3/24/1911 - 3/23/1999 Matthew 5:8: Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God."Our Precious Bo"

She was born on March 24, 1911 and raised in Honey Island, TX. She attended school and graduated from Saratoga, TX in 1930. In 1930, she married James Vinson Overstreet and they had one son, James Vinson Overstreet of Honey Island. They owned and operated a grocery store in Honey Island before moving to Kountze in 1954. They owned and operated Overstreet L.P. Gas in Kountze for 50 years, before retiring. On October 18, 1998, they celebrated their 68th Wedding Anniversary. On March 23, 1999, only one day before her 88th birthday, she went home to be with the Lord. We will always cherish the wonderful memories of you Bo. We are so thankful for the many years that we got to spend with you and know we'll be together again someday. She is survived by her husband, J.V. Overstreet, of Kountze, one son, Dwayne V. Overstreet, of Honey Island, Grandchildren, Byron Overstreet, Royce Overstreet, and Rhonda Chatelain. 7 Great Grandchildren and 2 Great-Great-Grandchildren. Buried in Old Hardin Cemetery, Kountze, Hardin, Texas

ii. GLADYS OVERSTREET, b. 27 Oct 1914, Segno, Polk, Texas; m. JOHN NOBLE ELLER, 09 May 1935, New Braunfels, Comal, Texas; d. 23 May 1982. Notes for JOHN NOBLE ELLER: Buried in Holland Cemetery, Village Mills, Hardin, Texas

iii. HENRY OLAN OVERSTREET, b. 12 Apr 1918, Segno, Polk, Texas; d. 14 Sep 1969, Hardin County, Texas (Source: From Headstone - Buried Holland Cemetery Kountze, Hardin, Texas.); m. GEORGIA RAY HENDRIX, 15 Feb 1939; b. 01 Sep 1919.

iv. SON OVERSTREET, b. Died at birth (twin); d. Cemetery near Segno, TX. v. DAUGHTER OVERSTREET, b. Died at birth (twin); d. Cemetery near Segno, TX.


Children of CORA WILLIFORD and THOMAS LUMPKINS are: i. JESSY10 LUMPKINS, b. 1915. ii. THOMAS J. LUMPKINS, b. 1917. iii. LILLIAM LUMPKINS, b. 1919.

17. SARAH EMMA9 WILLIFORD (BENJAMIN EARLY8, WADE HAMPTON7, WILLIAM EARLY6, JOHN5, BENJAMIN4, THOMAS3, JOHN2, SIR JOHN1) was born 10 Oct 1888 in Dollardsville, Polk, Texas, and died 17 Jul 1978 in Warren, Tyler, Texas. She married WALTER ELBRIDGE BOZEMAN 19 Jan 1913 in Hardin County, Texas.



