Modern Values & Modern proverbs for Modern Generation

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E-Book on Ethical, Moral and Intellectual Value-Developing Stories for Kids and Children with more than 1000 pages available for on-line purchase CLICK HERE

E-Book on Ethical, Moral and Intellectual Value-Developing Stories for Kids and Children with more than 1000 pages available for on-line purchase and download instantly CLICK HERE

This is to impart moral values thro' modern proverbs and sayings to build very effective and strong character among today's youngesters and children. Human values play vital role in moulding a man’s attitude and nowadays the youngsters are badly in need of such moral values which can practically be applicable to compete in this world, at the same time enabling to maintain peace of mind without tension and stress. Moreover, such moral values are to be presented in such a way as to be interesting, easier to read but instigating to think, and convincing and impressing to follow.You are solicited to send your comments, suggestions, and additions to the e-mail address mentioned below.
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Moral values for today's youngesters.
Funny proverbs/sayings with regard to marriage.
Interesting Proverbs/sayings about marriage.
Golden Proverbs on marriage.
Complete list of Moral Values
Moral Stories for young Children
Additional proverbs received from our viewers thro' email
Constitution of Human Values
Wise people's useful Sayings
Laws of Success
Important Points to attain maturity to step into Philosophical Line.
Yogic Values
A wonderful Site for educating children with practical training on different values for their positive up-coming.
Morals from Aesop's Fables
Moral Development
Articles on moral values, ethics and characater education
Classic Texts in Ethics
Inspirational stories for every occassion
100 Moral Stories
Inspirationaland MotivationalQuotes
MoraL, Values and Ethics - defined here