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Friday, 4 March 2005
Myst the Chomper
Mood:  d'oh
Myst and I play a lot of games. Myst would like to play more games than I would, sometimes. This morning, Myst was chomping my back, hoping I would chase and chomp him back, but I wanted a nap. I stood outside the mother's door and meowed piteously.

The mother saw that Myst was chomping me up and all I was doing was standing there. When I saw her looking at me, I went to the door and asked to be let out into the garage (where Myst is not allowed except when Dandelion wants in and they exchange places). All during this whole thing, Myst kept his paw over my back, chomping. The mother was laughing. Oh, the indignity of it all!

I needed a break from Myst and even better, the sun was shining in the garage windows right on my cat bed. Yay! I could sleep in the sun - a cat's favorite place to rest.

I feel a little sorry for the mother, though. Myst ended up sitting on the computer desk, chomping the mother's fingers as she tried to click the mouse. At least he does not bite hard.

Friday, 4 March 2005 - 1:32 PM CST

Name: Ghost

A nap in the sun sounds good. I have a box to lay in the kitchen window where the sun shines on me. Think I will go take a nap right now.

Friday, 4 March 2005 - 2:48 PM CST

Name: Muddy

I like that idea! I want one, too.

Saturday, 5 March 2005 - 1:06 AM CST

Name: Jess

You look very mysterious in this picture, Muddy! Makes me think of the big cat head that controlled the cave entrance in Alladin.

Saturday, 5 March 2005 - 2:55 PM CST

Name: Muddy

I would like being that powerful. :D Thanks Jess!

Monday, 7 March 2005 - 5:03 PM CST

Name: Ghost

Is raining in Alabama today. Miss my sunbeam now.

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