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Diller-Heishman's Mill, First Floor Plan-The Road Level.

Figure 8. First Floor Plan-The Road Level.

Figure 8. First Floor Plan-
"The Road level"

1. Engine room.
2. Auxiliary tractor engine block foundation.
3. Sink and cabinet.
4. Animal feed mixer. Robinson Mfg. Co., size No. 21.
5. Corn mill. Stone Burrs. Meadows Co.
6. Site of original burr millstones.
7. Control wheel. Wicket gates of turbine.
8. Mill scale with floating bin.
9. Bag packer. Sprout-Waldron Co., "The Monarch."
10. Product and inspection bin.
11. Roller mill. Wolf Co. Standard double Style "A," No. 6399.
12. Roller mill. Wolf Co. Standard double Style "A," No. 2720.
13. Roller mill. Wolf Co. "Force Feeder," No. 1140.
14. Elevator trunking with belts and buckets.
15. Middlings mill. Wolf Co.
16. Mill tachometer.
17. Large work bench.
18. Parts shelving.
19. Potbelly stove. "Acme Giant.: Wehrle Co., No. 20.
20 Parlor stove. "Sunshine Air-tight." Reading Works - Orr. Painter Co., No. 216.
21. Office.
22. Product storage and inventory.

This page is presented by Theodore R. Hazen & Pond Lily Mill Restorations

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