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Welcome to Mikey's Page. This Is Going to be Such an SR.

Welcome to the Sickest Ride on the Net
||| Awesome Thoughts ||| Pic of the Moment ||| T7F ||| Commentary ||| Ballz Official Site ||| Dreams ||| Reader Feedback ||| John Ryanisms ||| Words |||


Twnenty-Five April 2004

Huge day for Duckies. Awesome Thoughts has its final entry ever, for it has been replaced by Awesome Thoughts 2.0. You can still access the old entries on the old Awesome Thoughts page by clicking the above link in the menu, so don't worry. This is gonna be much better, trust.

Two March 2004

Awesome Thoughts is here, including the reason I made you answer that weird "riddle" in my away message the past few days. Pic of the Moment is totally awesome. And so am I. Quack quack!


3 January 2004

Awesome Thoughts is updated, and boring. T7F is mildly more interesting, and the Pic of the Moment is pretty fun.

You may also notice the aesthetic updates of the main page. Ain't it beautiful and very different? I gotta go take a dump.

11 November 2003

Awesome Thoughts is good to go, as is T7F, and even good ol' Words has escaped extermination!

Oi oi oi oi

29 September 2003

Awesome Thoughts has some thoughts on the weather and the Bush administration - but the two are not linked, nor is something else linked...just read it, sucker.

T7F is all set as well.


13 September 2003

Awesome Thoughts is good to go, as is T7F. Short update, but an update nonetheless!

Also, please be sure to visit the new Pic of the Moment. TTYL.


27 July 2003

Awesome Thoughts is updated, as is T7F.

Enjoy your summer, from all of us at Duckies!

25 June 2003

Awesome Thoughts is up!

T7F, Picture of the Moment, and John Ryanisms are all updated now as well! (Even though there aren't any new John Ryanisms. But you'll see. Literally.)

5 May 2003

There is a new commentary ready to be read, suckers!

17 April 2003

Huge updates today. Awesome Thoughts, T7F, Picture of the Moment, and John Ryanisms are all updated!! Sweet ride! Also, a new section, Words debuts today.

5 April 2003


Small entry o'er at Awesome Thoughts.

1 April 2003

John Ryanisms has been updated, finally!!!!!

Awesome Thoughts is's kind of a personal entry. Check it at your own risk.

22 March 2003

Awesome Thoughts has some words about the war.

18 March 2003

Awesome Thoughts is updated with a brief overview of Panama City from last week.

Scope out T7F as well, if you'd like.

More John Ryanisms shall be posted soon. Stay tuned.

17 March 2003

Awesome Thoughts is kind of updated. Sort of, but not really.

Expect some words and pictures from PCBSB03!! (People don't like to spell things out in the South. Y'all know what I'm sayin'? No? Me neither.)

4 March 2003

In lieu of ridiculous amounts of school work and an impendnig trip to Panama City, FL, Duckies will remain on hiatus until after spring break. Check back then, and happy break to all y'all who are gonna git one!

18 February 2003

Couple of things.

Down With Duckies is updated.

There's a pretty sweet, new Picture of the Moment.

And what's this? A review sent in about the Ballz show on Valentine's Day?

Enjoy. Quack!

17 February 2003

John Ryanisms has a few new ones.

What will happen now that Cheadle revealed Frenchy's true identity? Find out at T7F.

Awesome Thoughts has an entry mostly about the Thanks Mr. Brown/Alms show last weekend.

There are actually a few more goodies on the site that have been updated, but they're not quite done. So if you can find them, then consider it a sneak preview until I can finish them.

This isn't really an update, but Douchebag McLiberal just walked past me. Ha ha ha.

8 February 2003

Well, Frenchy and Cheadle finally got off their lazy asses and updated T7F.

Also, there is a new Picture of the Moment .

In breaking Duckies news, our staff has increased 100%! In addition to Lance and Mikey, expect columns from new employees Thom "Rufus" Fox and Bear "Bear" McCans within the next few days.

3 and 4 February 2003

There is a new Commentary up, about politics and annoying kids.

John Ryanisms has a few new great additions.

Awesome Thoughts has two new entries.

Babies with moustaches.

And lastly, but not leastly, the first outside columnist, newly employed by Duckies, Mister Lance Casey, has written a scathing review of his employer's site. You can find that here. It's actually probably the most entertaining thing on this site thus far. Definitely check it out.

28 January 2003

Dreams has a really weird new one up, and John Ryanisms has a brief update.

In other news, Duckies has reached the 1,000 hit plateau! This is definitely a sick ride, Scotty.

27 January 2003

Awesome Thoughts has a new entry.

25 January 2003

Dreams has been updated.

24 January 2003

T7F has been updated. And man oh man, things are heating up with Frenchy and Cheads over there.

Reader Feedback has a few new entries.

Lastly, there is a brand new section on Duckies. Take a look above to find it.

Thanks for visiting the site and adding to the strength of Duckies!

16 January 2003

There is a new Picture of the Moment.

15 January 2003

Ballz has issued a Press Release, in reaction to the harsh comments from Jared's News Section.

The first ever outside contribution to Duckies can be found in Dreams.

13 January 2003

T7F is updated.

12 January 2003

The first Commentary is up.

Awesome Thoughts has a new entry.

Before 12 January 2003

Two new sections are up...I'll let you all play detective and find them yourselves.

Everything has some content now, except for Commentary. That might not be there for awhile, depending. I need to find something passionate to write about. If you're using Internet Explorer to view this site, it probably looks even worse than it actually is. Please use Netscape, to get your full experience out of Duckies.

If you haven't noticed, you know, like if you're blind or something and you have one of those reader things that reads you the words on the screen, I have updated the color scheme and whatnot on this main page here. Although, if you're blind, I guess that doesn't really matter to you. Sorry 'bout that. For those of us fortunate enough to be able to see, I hope this is easier on the peepers.

Awesome Thoughts has a new entry, T7F should be updated soon, and the Ballz Official Site section is running away with things. That Ballz is a popular group, let me tell you. Jared's News Section has a few things to say about Ballz' sudden rise to stardom, but pay no mind. The rantings of a madman, mad with jealousy. You'd think the kid would be happy that such a talented group decided to use his mug on their album cover, but no.

In other news, I don't have a guestbook. Oh well, I'm over it.

Dan Petrotta, one of my favourite people in the world sent me text in which one of those o's with an accent mark was present. He didn't tell me how to do it, but I saved the IM window so I could cut and paste it. "Sigur Rós." Awesome, thanks buddy.

Okay, til then, enjoy the site, and getcher self the debut CD from Ballz, Two Fingers. You won't be dissapointed.

Go Here or I'll Kill You (in your sleep of course, it's not like I'm a fucking animal)

Thanks Mr. Brown - I'm in this Band
Best Site on the Net (besides this one)
Sigur Rós
This Here's Gerard's Site
This Here's Rufus's Site
This Here's George's dot com
This Here's Joey's Website

Eat The Following Things