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Name: sara s
Birthday: 12/19/1985
Gender: Female

Interests: loving, music (listening and playing), maximizing life, reading, theologizing, politiking, listening, and watching
Expertise: common sense
Occupation: Student
Industry: Nonprofit

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Member Since: 9/21/2002

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Tuesday, July 27, 2004

dorm room decor

no point pretending i think about college any less than constantly.  aside from getting away from the ants all over this desk, i have the chance to decorate in a totally new way.  okay, well if you're not excited by that, whatever, because i so am.  here's a basic run-down of my plans at the moment.  steal them, and i lose respect for you.  nobody wants that.  a death worse than death.  just don't.  i'll help you come up with your own room decor if needed. 


when i get more cash/get willing to spend more cash, i'm planning to add sinatra and duke ellington into the mix as well.  a revolver poster at murmer tempts me also.
+ andy warhol-inspired photos of kelli and me.  i'm going to edit them so that we look like the classic marilyn shots:

look how her smile looks a little different in each one.  cool, eh?
+ b&w photos i'm going to take with bone fide b&w film in a bone fide non-digital camera that i actually have.  i might include such classics as "old vacuum in swart family trash":

&etc.  i'll aim for a bit higher level of contrast, however, which evidences a bit of photographic growth on my part.  i'm thinking about actually taking the camera around with me the last few days i am here.  i want photos of the people who were big in my high-school days.  maybe some teachers, paul+wife, family members, my car, who knows?  eventually i may add to it with pictures from athens/uga.

around ceiling:

rope lights:

(i've not seen this idea around anywhere else, so if you do it i will snicker inside!)


hand sewn (by me) blocks of pink, green, hot yellow, and black fabric on a white fabric.  i'm not sure what the structure will be yet, and i would totally love to find some warhol prints on fabric at wall-mart.  see, it's not even that i think warhol was all that good.  i just want to use him for his decorating potential. 


the pink/lime comforter on the bottom of the stack is the style of choice.  i think roomie and i are going to buy matching ones.  how cute!  no, but, for real.
+handmade swag of pink silk tulips for the foot of our beds, made by me.  i'm going to bind the tulips together with floral tape.  trust me, this will look good.


fabulous speakers ("Altec Lansing ATP3 3-Piece Speaker System") that i just bought.

fabulous laptop (hp zt3000 customized with spolier and 40'' rims) already bought and discussed auf xanga.
+ silver/chrome/stainless steel desk accessories


storage-optimized black ottoman.  one for kelli and one also for me, assuming we can find them in a store.
+translucent green/pink geometric wastebaskets and stacking baskets.

Monday, July 26, 2004

miscellaneous entertaining and informational factoids

"Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry doesn't have a problem with his wife telling an insistent journalist to "shove it" when urged to explain her plea for more civility in politics."
yahoo news
... oh, yes, more civility, please.

i've been feverishly e-mailing my roommate for the last couple of days.  kelli is from parkview, which isn't too far away.  it's safe to say that we get along very well.  she's super nice and friendly, which is great.  she's good at math!  i'm not about to write about her in depth on my xanga, though, because that violates some of my unspoken privacy principles.  i will, however, talk about out room decor plans.  think 1960s mod/pop art/sara's andy warhol spoofs/RA melissa from GHP/retro vogue covers/general hipness.  it's safe to say i've never used this decor motif, but challenges are good. 

book club is august 2nd 7-9pm @ the usual.  we're doing life of pi again this time.  newcomers are welcome.  this is the last meeting and i want a good showing!  i'll bring out some good food, too.

i'll write on requested topics, if you can think of anything. 

do i come off as smart?  is that the impression i give on first meeting, or on lasting contact?  i've heard that 3x in the last week, and i'm not sure if i like it.  who wants to be known for being smart?  in our society, that's not up on the list of admired factors.  beauty, street smarts, and athletic ability are preferred.  most people probably want average-high intelligence, i hypothesize.  smart people, however, do tend to do things better, go further, make more money, have more lasting relationships, and be happier (according to mr. southerland...take it or leave it).  i kind of want to join the prometheus society, but i doubt i could quality.  the 1/30,000 intelligence thing makes it seem all hard to get in, but the scores on the tests are possibly possibly doable.  in a moment of extreme luck shot straight from heaven.  i like how the internet officer looks kind of ... skanky.  forgive me!  i could so do that.  ha ha ha...
they'll never let me in after saying that.

i love tommy.  "excuse me son, there's more at the door.  there's more at the door there's more at the door there's more!"
Currently Playing
Tommy (1969 Original Concept Album)
By The Who
see related

Sunday, July 25, 2004


so i'm sitting here, right, and there's this ant on my arm.  it's crawling around methodically, looking for some food or something.  black, small, itchy.  i briskly swoosh my arm over it, brushing it somewhere onto the floor of my room. 
swoosh.  two off the keyboard.
swoosh.  one off my knee.
swoosh.  one ant and one tectite off my desk.  tectite retrieved.
swoosh.  another off my desk.
the first time, i tried to raid them away.  12 months of protection, as promised by the fiery orange can?  no.  raid bought me less than 24 hours.  what weak crap.  okay, so i raid again.  and again.  and then i have had enough of the sickly sweet poison fumes.  this was a war of attrition, complete with gas attacks and innumerable casualties, so i chose to sit back and observe the other side's tactics.  we moved into a cold war, with ants all over and me pretending that they wern't there, because nobody likes to be all, "hey, i have ants all over my room and i'm a-okay with it!"  think communism in hollywood.  is that a black speck or an ant?  i don't know.  now, i'm learning peaceful coexistence.  i'm tolerating.  ants have just as much right to my empty water bottle as i do, right?  they're entitled to adaptation-like crawlings all over my screen, right?
i can't believe it's come to this.  how did i get so complacent and okay with insect infestation?  i have to do something else because it can't just stay like this, but i honestly don't know what to do.  there's no food around to lure them, lots of raid on the window area (from whence they come). what to do?

ps: thanks to everyone who votes on my bloghop.  [bloghop is a simple rating scale; link to the left in the custom module.  please vote if you feel inclined.]  i'm happy with my rating.  you can't please everyone.  thanks also to all you subscribers, and especially those of you who regularly read, comment, and prop. i always read your comments.  in all honestly, you keep me writing. 

Votes on your blog: 78% 37

Love it!!






Okay :|






Hate it :(



Currently Playing
By Radiohead
dollars & cents
see related

Saturday, July 24, 2004

i may have just passed a significant milestone and not even noticed it.  i only realized the following this evening.  today was my last day at b&n for a week, which will be my last week before heading off to college.  by the time i get back to the store in early august, my replacement will have already been trained in newsstand.  i think today was my last day in magazines.  here, a memoir:

Dear International Periodical Distributors,
Ever since I met you, I realized you were something special.  Everyone playfully called you IPD, which I found almost endearing.  You were quite something.  When all the others let me down, you always brought in the goods.  When the others gave me crappy boxes...boxes so huge I could barely lift them, and when I did lift them they fell apart, which really was a drag at, you cared for me.  From you, I got only the best: thick, strong cardboard boxes, marked with the three reassuring letters of your name.  IPD, I will truly miss you.  It's been fun.

Boy, is it good to get rid of you.  You were unreliable.  When I needed you, you weren't there for me.  I would wait for the FedEx man, and you wouldn't deliver.  I lost sales to you!  I could have sold those titles!  How could you let me down like that, you dead-beat-distro?  Shame.  I'm glad I'm finally standing up for myself.  I made you take those counts back, and here I am trashing your name.  On xanga!  Ouch!  That's right!  Good-bye.

Unfortunately, I'm going to have to cut this short.  Your secretary didn't speak fantastic English, but that's not why I'm calling it quits.  It's not you, it's me.  I just had to move on.  You and I had great potential; you certainly got me that new title as promised, and it looks sell-able.  The problem is that I'm in a transition in my life now, and I just don't think this is going to work out.  I'm sorry.  I know you'll find someone else, though, and I wish you only the best.

More seriously, I'm proud of what I did at newsstand.  When almost every other department was down or steady or up just a little from plan, we were up 11%, and I can honestly say I was responsible for that.  Not to brag, but last week I even sold more than bargain. 
I realize that none of this means much to you all, seeing as it's b&n-speak, but to me it is something.  I succeeded at what I attempted, and I'm proud.  That said, I am sure glad to be gone.  I truly am ready to move on, to not wake up at 6:35 to get to work by 7AM, to no longer have to explain that People is in current events.  Not that, looking back, I really minded.

Friday, July 23, 2004

how well-meaning people make me want to walk away:

1 ask why i am going to UGA, since "i know UGA is a good school and all...hard to get into this year...but, i just thought you...someone as studious and smart as you......why aren't you going out-of-state?".  this question is often followed by reasons why i should have gone to a better school, such as _______, _________, or even _______, which is where the varied cousins, nieces, and children have all gone with great success.
fabulous for your cousins.
i find this irritating because there are obviously many personal reasons someone stays in state, such as financial reasons, that he or she may not want to answer.  i rarely feel like telling people that i just didn't have a way to pay for more, because then i have to exaplain where i stand on scholarships and financial aid.  why i, as a smart person (they say), don't win scholarships typically is the fault of african-americans and/or hispanics (they say), who can get whatever they want because of affirmative action (they say).  thanks for the effort at comfort, i guess, but i just don't believe in blaming my lack of winnings on black people, since i happen to read the profiles of former winners, and they're usually white.  by this point in the conversation, i'm biting my lip.  see, i don't even debate affirmative action anymore, so my response involves a "hmmm" and a few steps in the opposite direction.  
additionally, you know, i am peeved by the inferences about UGA.  the fact that the questioner takes the time to haltingly say something nice about UGA before re-assuming their "UGA isn't so great" opinions doesn't do much for me.  the question is built on an assumption and phrased accordingly.  if the well-meaning examiner was truly on the ball, he or she would ask, "so why did you choose UGA?"  there's no need to justify that question, unless it's knowingly asked with the negative assumptions.

2 "are you going to donate any of your hair to cancer patients?"
there's no nice answer to this one.  the truth?  i just like having a lot of hair and, damnit, 10 inches of it is too much to lose.  if i grew it out 10 inches before cutting it, the beast would be completely unmanageable.
people wrongly assume that the thickness of my hair would lend itself to excellent and painless (almost to the point of me not even noticing) donation.  this is really not a smart idea.  while, yes, i could cut off the left side of my head of hair and still have a normal hair count remaining, i think that would look bad.  i know that would look bad—awful even. 
the fact that i've done other things for cancer (raised a lot of cash single-handedly for light the night and co-started the NHS team) removes my personal sense of guilt on this one, but i can just see the questioner cringe at my reply: "oh, no, i just couldn't grow it long enough for that."

Currently Playing
New Romance
By Pretty Girls Make Graves
see related

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now playing:
broken spindles' "a dinner party ambience" from their self-titled album.

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