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Lets Go Back in the Time Machine...

Molly & Shannon went through some old pics at Aunt Cathy's & Molly sent me these. If you have any old photos that you'd like to post, just scan & email them to me. If you arent able to get them scanned, send me the originals & I can scan them and return them to you!

George & Loretta McCall with their sons

This picture doesn't have a date, but it must be in the early 50's because Dick and Don are in uniform. Dont they look dashing?

Mother's Day 1963

This picture, dated May 1963 is of the lovely Cathy McCall with her parents George & Loretta.

The In-Laws

There is no date on this photo. From left to right we have:

Al Pomaville, June's handsome hubby.

Mary McCall, Don's wonderful wife.

Charlie Lee, Cathy's Cutie pie guy.

Mary Jo McCall, Dick's gorgeous gal.

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