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Three Ways to Be Mercury Poisoned from "Silver" Amalgam Dental Fillings

  1. Leaking mercury fillings.
  2. Mercury can “leak” into your body. See the book by Don Colbert, M. D. What You Don’t Know May Be Killing You. He was a victim of mercury poisoning from leaking fillings. Dr. Colbert has a website at His book may be purchased at for $13.29 + shipping, or Charisma Warehouse at 1-800-599-5750 for $14.24 + shipping. Only one chapter pertains to mercury poisoning. Do a Google search for other books by Dr. Colbert. He is the Christian alternative doctor that often appears on John Hagee's and Benny Hinn's programs.

  3. Breathing Mercury vapor.
  4. You can breathe toxic mercury vapor while the dentist is drilling into a “silver” filling while replacing a filling or placing a crown or root canal. A biological dentist will protect you from breathing mercury vapor by using an oxygen mask and other protections. General dentists are not taught to protect the patient with the use of an oxygen mask. Marie Flowers was mercury poisoned by breathing mercury vapors. Contact Marie at

  5. Imcompatibile dental materials.
  6. You can have a chemical and electrical reaction in your mouth called oral galvanism. This occurs when a dentist places an incompatible material in your mouth that interacts chemically and electrically with the mercury in your dental fillings. This causes mercury to start leaching out of your fillings and thus you can become mercury poisoned.


    You are entitled to see the Materials Safety Data Sheet that comes will any material your dentist is placing in your mouth. Research these materials through organizations like DAMS (Dental Amalgam Mercury Syndrome) and you can avoid being mercury poisoned! For an information packet contact DAMS at 1-800-311-6265. A small donation will be requested if you can afford it. DAMS will send you a list of biological dentists in your state. DAMS is a grassroots, non-profit organization, dedicated to educating the public about the possible health hazards from mercury fillings. There may be coordinators in your state who can talk to you about this mercury mess and give you advice. But you will need to do your own research and make your own decisions.

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    This information is provided for educational purposes only, and does not replace a personal consultation with the health care professional of your choice.

    © 2002 by Marie Flowers.