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This is a personal website created and maintained by the owner for research, development, journalizing and archiving purposes. There is a lot of really interesting material contained herein, so feel free to surf through and see what you can find...

The Gallery: This consists of different galleries of family & friends, industry related photographs, and graphic arts. The industry related photographs come from different jobs I have worked in the past. The graphic arts section is a collection of JPEG images that I have created with different types of image rendering software. Details of each gallery and image are given on the corresponding pages.

Media Section: There are music and sound effect downloads, finished video and animation projects, categorized 3D wireframe models and graphic textures located in this section. Some media is available for download in zip format, other media will simply be posted.

The Journals: The personal journal is a place for me to express myself and to get a lot of things out. I've found this to be very helpful and healthy in past journals. The time with Bryce journal is a record of every visit I've had with my son. This is something that is very important I want him to have down the road. And finally, the work rants journal is more of a notation of job experiences.

Projects Section: Developmental stages of various projects are found in this section. These would include animation, web, research, and general projects. Because these are things that rapidly change, all content will not always be available. This is done more for contractual and flow charting purposes rather than for record purposes.

Literature: Here you will find a library consisting of religious works, theological studies, and poetry. Each category has a table of contents and a commentary. This information is made available for research and journalizing purposes. Therefore, links and brief biographical data are provided for each source that this information was obtained.

Gaelic Name - MacAoidh
Meaning - "Son of Fire"

Motto - Manu Forti
Meaning - With a Strong Hand

Songs of the Week

Brad Paisley - Alcohol  

Links of the Week

Brad Paisley - Alcohol  

Site News

June 1, 2005 - This site news section has obviously been added. I have taken down the chatterbox and news links because of the drag it had on the entry page. Changes to the navigation bar have also been made. I prefer clean cut pages that load fast in all browers...

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