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Some sites you'll likely enjoy more than this one

Myths and Legends
Trials of Ascension - An upcomming MMORPG
Darkfall Online - Another upcoming MMORPG
Anime Web Turnpike - All things Anime
The Internet Movie Database
Elfwood - Tons of Fantasy Art Galleries

You must have come here by accident! Best turn right around and excuse yourself from this little out of the way website. You'll find no greetings or pleasantness here!

To coax you away I offer you the links above, use them. They'll take you away, which is exactly what I want them to do.

Go on, don't feel shy, they won't bite, I promise. Just move your mouse over one and click on it. If it doesn't take you away fast enough, click on it rapidly, as fast as you can. If that won't work I suggest your back button, don't try reloading this site, you'll only bother me further. If for some reason you're still reading up to this point I strongly suggest pulling the plug. As reading on isn't going to be any fun. And your presence is really beginning to upset me.


Gone yet?




Gods above! Are you blind!??? I don't want you here ninny!






....testing my patience aren't you!? You dumb dolt! You'll be sorry, you wait and see!!





This link will take you to my hideous self protrait page. Should you want to look upon me for some sick demented reason.