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In Greek mythology Pegasus was a beautiful winged horse and a great flyer. He was born when Medusa had her head chopped off by the Greek hero, Perseus. Without a mother, Pegasus roamed free and wild. Many people tried, but nobody could catch him until... While drinking from a well, Bellerophon managed to slip a golden bridle over Pegasus and capture the horse. The golden bridle had been a gift from the goddess Athena. Bellerophon tamed Pegasus and used the horse during his adventures. One of these adventures was the slaying of Chimera. Chimera had Mythical Creature the head of a lion, the body of a goat and the tail of a snake. It killed and ate humans. Many brave men had tried slaying Chimera on foot but without any luck. Bellerophon used Pegasus to fly to the monster and kill it.
Bellerophon made the foolish decision to try and fly Pegasus to Mount Olympus (heaven, according Greek mythology.) Zeus quickly put a stop to Bellerophon by throwing him from Pegasus. Bellerophon survived the fall but he was crippled. As for Pegasus, he made it into heaven where he spent his days carrying lightning bolts for Zeus. When the stars are out, you might be able to see the Pegasus' constellation which was named after him.
“Ascending about twenty stades from this grove [of the Mousai on Mt Helikon, Boiotia] is what is called the Hippokrene (Horse’s Fountain). It was made, they say, by the horse of Bellerophon striking the ground with this hoof.” -Pausanias 9.31.3
