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Meet the High Kitten

The High Kitten Is..

High Kitten Says....

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There is no purpose to the high kitten. He is a higher power of knowledge, the Ghandi of the animal world. He is all knowing and generous with his wisdom. The high kitten will answer all your questions in a straighforward manner. Feel free to ask him a question and he will give you his answer. But please, only one question at a time. The high kitten is not a magic eight ball to be bombarded. He will review your question and email you your answer. ~This is the question of the week from the high Kitten to you. Please sign the guestbook with your answer and it shall be posted~

1. What is better? Kittens or Puppies?

~the high kitten greatly appreciates your questions and answers~

High Kitten G-Book
~if you are a dog lover and are on the appropriate link~