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Monday, 9 January 2006

This is not my secret--obviously; it happened, with both of them--but this is my big fear, not about boys, but about life. I already kind of regret the nerdy hour I've spent watching John Stewart and Colbert. I tend to get ridiculous about regret: which option will haunt me more? I'm going to start a point-and-shoot lifestyle. Regret doesn't exist, I will make a decision and forget about it, and time immemorial begins NOW.

Ahem. Goodnight, Bill O'Reilly.

Posted by Kit at 9:05 PM EST
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What a botanical bench.

Posted by Kit at 8:53 PM EST
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I'm in such a nerdy mood!!!
101 Things (End date: 29.Feb.08)

13. Find a job I don't hate. I think I have!! I hope so!!!
18. Attend free, community activities. Meet the hippies who hang out there -->met Polish chick at RRSq last wkend who told me that her "only sense is emotion, so she can't describe things in terms of sight or smell." Whatever. I love RRSq and I love hippies, but I may have grown out of drum circles.

45. Learn Excel-->I need to learn this for Warrington, so *in progress*

70. Learn to be a (good) cook from recipes-->My polenta tonight was heavenly. I honestly can't believe how good it was. I'm officially a good cook.

87. Start collecting art, though on a small scale. -->great stuff from RailRoad Square last wkend!!

2. Live in a place that I love-->I meant to leave this one for a PlACE that I love, like NY or CA, but I do in fact love Haile. I loved it first when I ran the trail, but even driving in the dark in the AM I still love it.

Posted by Kit at 8:31 PM EST
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Sunday, 8 January 2006
"A ship is safe in the harbor, but that's not what ships are for"

"I did not feel that giving up would be a way to become free"
-Rosa Parks

"Sometimes you have to let go of who you are to become who you will be"
I think this is from SATC

"It is not enough to do your best--sometimes, you must do what is required"
-Winston Churchill

"Small minds think of people
mediocre minds think of things
Great minds think of ideas"

"We tend to judge ourselves by our ideals and others by their actions"

"Be the change that you'd like to see in the world"

"It is impossible to try to please everybody and to be true to oneself"

"Age wrinkles the body; quitting wrinkles the soul"

"Ideals can only be evaluated as the sum of the actions manifested in their name"

Tomorrow morning I'm running PT! I have no idea what time it starts to get light out, and I'm definitely not running near naked-guy-territory on campus without my boys (I was definitely spoiled by my third week running 5am hill runs with a captain talking philosophy the whole time!), so Racquetclub might be it--

Here is what I'm working towards:
Capital City Marathon

It's right after S's bday and it'll be right before he deploys, so I have this fantasy about going out and visiting him and running it while I'm there. Plus, in this same fantasy, I don't just want to run one marathon--I want to be a marathon runner, to make it a lifestyle. I want it to be an excuse to travel, and a piece of home that I take with me, and remember every morning when I'm looking for my course. We shall see--and I will be as surprised as he is :)

Posted by Kit at 10:58 PM EST
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Saturday, 7 January 2006

Posted by Kit at 11:11 PM EST
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Thursday, 5 January 2006
oh oh oh
Benjamin Franklin

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote."

I spent my camera money on textbooks yesterday, so no pictures yet of my new house.

And, just for the sake of my OCD list-making:

tomorrow: begin MSM program (master of science in management)

June: begin MAIB (International Business)-->spend November-August07 hopefully in Shanghai. Also June06 S gets deployed

Sept07:Law school! Probably somewhere crappy where I will kick ass and then go abroad again and then apply to transfer

June09:S finishes up, I'm almost finished with law, and PhD programs start in Sept.

I need to keep seeing this timeline or I get a little bit freaked out. Not that Gville isn't cool.

And here's some Amsterdam:

soon, soon I will post my own pictures of my own life.

Posted by Kit at 4:49 PM EST
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Wednesday, 4 January 2006
Most Important:
3. Find and invest in good insurance-->Blue Cross
5. Send addendum to "group" essay to MSM

11. Also organize books, in some coherent order.-->in 1/2 hour when I move my bookshelf!

19. Compile & commit to a list of people to keep in touch with
20. Send letters to said people

23. Find and get great Christmas presents for Steve
24. and Tony
25. Find a great wine journal for S's mom!
26. Talk to Ksenia-->sent her pre-christmas card
27. Call Ani-->she was disappointing

33. Take the LSAT and do well enough to try applying-->4.Feb; LSAC approved my complaint
34. Send accounting grades to dept. head to thank her for having faith in me!!
Must be A's to send them!

38. Research and purchase a laptop

46.Be able to do 50 real push-ups-->I can do 50 in sets, but not straight out
52. Buy mace so I can run in the mornings again. Or, join a gym when I go back to Gville-->or move someplace steve-approved so I can run in the am safely

57. Find a wine I can commit to and bring it to parties-->FourPlay
58. Find an apartment for MSM
59. Read something by Neal Stephenson ------>in progress, but not as impressed as i'd hoped!
61. Make a webpage to keep while I'm abroad next year!
62. Get some good electronic running music
72. Give away old clothes that aren't attractive/flattering/stylish/ME
79. Find one great piece from Anthropologie-->in progress--<3 laura

80. Make gingerbread for Christmas-->Lily's for C'mas is better :)
87. Start collecting art, though on a small scale.

88. Take naked pics of me so I can look back wistfully when I'm old thanks baby!
89. Activate AmEx card
96. Save $2/day every day for all of 2006 (keep in BoA acct)-->so far so good!

And Finally...
98. Cut out chemicals. Especially in food--use only what's whole
99. Clean out my car!! Make trunk neat!
100. Lose 8 lbs for Christmas

3. Live in a place that I love-->i didn't love Haile until I ran the trail yesterday!
11. Make peace with veganism. Stop setting up my life always feeling like a hypocrite!-->this will remain ongoing though

Posted by Kit at 10:48 AM EST
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Tuesday, 3 January 2006
I'm making a new "city picture" link soon


Posted by Kit at 8:19 AM EST
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Tuesday, 27 December 2005
New Years Resolutions (1st draft)
1. Act like a grown-up. Dress, behave, treat other people and myself as an adult.

2. Live in a sustainable way. Don't buy shitty/cheap/sweatshopped stuff. Live within my means but to the best of it, and don't perpetuate a terrible world order because I'm feeling cheap.

3. No dicking around!! No more wasting time when I should be working, etc--this year will be the year of time budgeting.

Posted by Kit at 12:41 AM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 27 December 2005 12:44 AM EST
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Sunday, 18 December 2005
Color Theory

Posted by Kit at 11:00 PM EST
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Lily just sent this to me:

If the population of the Earth was reduced to that of a small town
with 100 people, it would look something like this:

57 Asians
21 Europeans
14 Americans (northern and southern)
8 Africans
52 women
48 men
70 coloured-skins
30 caucasians
89 heterosexuals
11 homosexuals
6 people would own 59% of the whole world wealth and all of them
be from the United States of America

80 would have bad living conditions

70 would be uneducated

50 underfed

1 would die

2 would be born

1 would have a computer

1 (only one) will have higher education

I've seen this before, but it's a pretty brilliant way of looking at the world. The only question is: what to do? Do you go around fixing it, like a missionary? Do you teach a man to fish, so he can never go hungry? Or do you give some money to charity and hope that it's well spent? On that note:

Charity spending efficiency

Posted by Kit at 11:31 AM EST
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Picture and my boy is lauded

I sincerely believe that everyone must spend at least one life with blue eyes. Blue is the near-absence of color in the iris, so the blue doesn't offer any resistance to the "window of the soul," as it were--by the same token, I like to think, there is less to inhibit the blue eyes' perception of the world. Anyway, at least it's a pretty idea.

What's that? Bono is magnificent?

Posted by Kit at 11:25 AM EST
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Saturday, 17 December 2005
Two more things I'm fixated on:
Wynn, whose name and persona are strikingly like Wynand, and on whom I am fixated for the time being:

These are the Wynn tower's mosaics all throughout on the floor

Yes, I'll admit it: I'm in love with Las Vegas. I can't remember anywhere that's been so enchanting.
I guess it helps that I won! It's Disney world for smart, fast-moving adults!


Vegas strip (Bellagio needs to make $30mill in rev a day just to break even.
It's Calpine-esque numbers but with spectacular results! (suck it, Calpine)

Posted by Kit at 10:27 PM EST
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link, link, link
Global Voices

Open Net Initiative

American Apparel, where we should be buying all our clothes

On the last link: I've decided to stop buying clothes that are "Hecho en insert developing nation herefor sweat shops (and I know there are some valiant efforts in that direction) then I will reconsider, but for now I'm only buying from sustainable, cruelty-free, equitable companies.
Earl jeans are my favorite US-assembled stuff is a good staple.
I'll post a list when I make it

Posted by Kit at 10:09 PM EST
Updated: Sunday, 25 December 2005 12:30 PM EST
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Posted by Kit at 10:00 PM EST
Updated: Saturday, 17 December 2005 10:04 PM EST
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