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Double Shadow

Finding a treasure is one thing. Holding onto it might require a bit of special help...

Words © 2003 by Karen I. Olsen. Music: The Yellow Yorlin by Robert Burns.


Oh my treasure in a field,
Guarded by a psychic shield,
It's driving me to drink, this quest to find you.
Hard cider makes me smile,
And I'll forget your face awhile,
But there is no chasing off your double shadow.
What spirits will dissolve the double shadow?

When I heard the royal news,
I dusted off my crystal shoes,
And some ten of us drove pumpkins to the chateau.
But at twelve, we fled the ball
To find them smashed against a wall,
And among the rinds and seeds, a double shadow;
Against the splattered wall, a double shadow.

Now the silent echo sings,
And my blood to ice it brings;
But I'll not be kept outside the veiled grotto.
Through the curtain with no part,
Into the city's secret heart,
I've led a faery troop against the shadow.
I've made a stand against the double shadow.

Now, they say I broke the law,
Spinning gold brocade from straw
To bind up and cast away the silent echo.
To pull the rider down,
I risked the Queen's own curse and frown,
For I swore to draw you out beyond the shadow;
To lift and toss aside the double shadow.

So, I've come to join the dance,
This delightful game of chance,
For I covet treasure in my neighbor's meadow.
So blessed I may not be,
But the table's crumbs are not for me;
So I'll call my faery troop to face the shadow,
To hold my ground against the double shadow.

Oh my treasure in a field,
Guarded by a psychic shield,
It's driving me to drink, this quest to find you.
Hard cider makes me smile,
And I'll forget your face awhile,
But there is no chasing off your double shadow.
I must stand my ground against the double shadow.

M'ailleóg, m'áille chaoil dhuibh,,
A fhear mo chroí, a ghile mhear ri-hálainn...
[My strong voice, my dark slender beauty,
Man of my heart, young hero so beautiful...]


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