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Karen's Loss

"How many a man has thrown up his hands at a time when a little more effort and a little more patience would have achieved success?"--George E. Allen

I have lived with a weight problem all my life. As a child, I was teased, belittled, and tormented because of it. At age 11, a doctor suggested my parents put me on diet pills. He even let me pick them out myself. (Some doctor, huh?) Needless to say, they didn't work. During my junior and senior years in high school, I managed to lose down to 135 pounds. I was 5'9" tall. I did it by starving myself and learning the techniques of binging and purging and using laxatives. I know now I was bulemic. After getting married in 1971 to a man who turned out mentally, physically, and emotionally abusive, I turned to food to comfort myself. I ate everytime I felt sad, lonely, mad, or hurt. This was almost constantly. I tried dieting during this time but always regained more than I had taken off. It was during this marriage, I gave birth to four children. I also managed to return to college and eventually received my degree in psychology and therapy. In 1993, the marriage finally ended. It was then that I once again decided to take off the weight. Once again, I did it by starving, binging then purging, and with the help of laxatives. I made it all the way down to 155 pounds. In Oct. of 1993, I married my current husband. I series of painful events began not long after we were married, and I began to turn to food for solace once again. I would go up and down with my weight three different times in the next 11 years. It wasn't until I saw a picture of myself at Thanksgiving last year (2003) that I realized how much I had put back on. I had refused to have scales in my home so I wouldn't have to face the truth. By then, I had hypertension, diabetes, arthritis, migraines, high cholesterol, and acid reflux disease. I had all ready had one stroke and was on the verge of another. I had to face the truth that if things did not change, this would probably be the last Thanksgiving we would have together. I began to watch the Dr. Phil weight loss challenge and bought his books. I also began to once again personalize the diabetic diet. I began to exercise.......granted, very slowly at first. The weight began to come off. I found a great site for support (see link), and I was on my way. I am down over 100 pounds from my highest weight and still going strong. I opened this site to help encourage others to join me. Also, seeing the pictures as I shrink is size is very exciting for me. I intend to continue to add pictures of the incredible shrinking me to the site at least every month. If you would like a friend, a buddy, or someone just to talk to, feel free to email me. Prayers for success, Karen

Me at my highest weight...365 lbs.

Me at 310 lbs. November 2003

Me at 262 lbs. March 1, 2004

My Favorite Web Sites

Best support group
My Inspiration