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Grand Lodge of
Scottish Rite
York Rite/Knight Templar
Scottish Rite
York Rite

Joseph Warren Lodge #71
New Albany, Mississippi
Grand Lodge of Mississippi
Grand Lodge of
Info on Brother Joseph WarrenInfo on Brother Joseph WarrenInfo on Brother Joseph WarrenInfo on Brother Joseph WarrenInfo on Brother Joseph WarrenInfo on Brother Joseph WarrenInfo on Brother Joseph Warren
Info on Brother Joseph WarrenInfo on Brother Joseph WarrenInfo on Brother Joseph WarrenInfo on Brother Joseph WarrenInfo on Brother Joseph WarrenInfo on Brother Joseph WarrenInfo on Brother Joseph Warren
Info on Brother Joseph WarrenInfo on Brother Joseph WarrenInfo on Brother Joseph WarrenInfo on Brother Joseph WarrenInfo on Brother Joseph WarrenInfo on Brother Joseph WarrenInfo on Brother Joseph Warren
Info on Brother Joseph WarrenInfo on Brother Joseph WarrenInfo on Brother Joseph Warren
Info on Brother Joseph WarrenInfo on Brother Joseph WarrenInfo on Brother Joseph Warren
Info on Brother Joseph WarrenInfo on Brother Joseph WarrenInfo on Brother Joseph WarrenInfo on Brother Joseph WarrenInfo on Brother Joseph WarrenInfo on Brother Joseph WarrenInfo on Brother Joseph Warren
Info on Brother Joseph WarrenInfo on Brother Joseph WarrenInfo on Brother Joseph WarrenInfo on Brother Joseph WarrenInfo on Brother Joseph WarrenInfo on Brother Joseph WarrenInfo on Brother Joseph Warren
Info on Brother Joseph WarrenInfo on Brother Joseph WarrenInfo on Brother Joseph WarrenInfo on Brother Joseph WarrenInfo on Brother Joseph WarrenInfo on Brother Joseph WarrenInfo on Brother Joseph Warren
Southern Jurisdiction
York Rite
Joseph Warren # 71 Blue Lodge Officers

Worshipful Master  Billy Stanford
Senior Warden       Bill   Tucker
Junior  Warden       Brantley Bryant
Treasurer               Hollis Simpson
Secretary               Dewitt Wilder
Senior Deacon       Jerry Bailey
Junior Deacon        Brad Prewett
Tyler                      Richard Hawke
District 3 School of Instruction for 2001

Feb,  Amos Dorman  #480  Myrtle   2/19/01
March Rockey Ford  #185   Etta      3/19/01
April  Jonesboro  #250  Walnut       4/16/01
May  Blue Mountain #474 Blue Mountain 5/21/01
June Joseph Warren #71 New Albany 6/18/01
July Salem #45  Ashland 7/16/01
August Ripley #47  8/20/01
September Amos Dorman #480 9/17/01
October Rockey Ford #185 10/15/01
November Jonesboro #250  11/19/01
December Blue Mountain #474  12/17/01

Schools begin at 7:00 p.m. with a pot luck.  Everyone attending is requested to bring a covered dish.  Schools end on or prior to 9:30 p.m.
Brothers, Joseph Warren # 71 regular stated meeting is the first Monday night of each month at 7:00 p.m.
The 2nd Monday night of each month is used for practice, also at 7:00 p.m.

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