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Back row (left to right): John Ayers, Laureen Ayers, (Dorothy Stanton ) Mrs. Melville James, ___________(child), Melville James, _______ Hawke, Cliff Hawke, ____________(man), ______________(woman), __________(baby), Howard James, ________ Annis, (Maud) Mrs. Gordon James, Gordon James, ________ Annis, Joseph James, ____________(man), __________(girl), (Willie) Bill James, ________ James, Albert James, ________ James, ? Robert (Bob) James, Arthur James, George James, John McKinnon, Laurel Ross, __________(baby), Burt Hawke.

Middle Row ( left to Right): Edith (Lamb) James, ________Annis, _______ Annis, _______Hawke, Dorothy _______, ______________, ? Rita James, ____________, _______________, _________? Annis, ________ Mrs. Howard James, ________Annis, Myrtle (James) Tracy, _________ Reed, ? Ruth ________, Dorothy (James) LaBarr, Lila James, Gladys (James) Grey, Irene James, Ruth Wainman (later McKinnon), ______________,____________, __________, Nellie (Bull) James, Angus James (in front of Nellie).

Front Row Seated in chairs (left to right): __________(boy), George Allewell, _________(girl), __________(girl), Mary Allewell, Liza McKinnon, Maud Downs, Annie (James) Justin, Georgina (Carter) James, William (Bill) James, Annie (James) Reed, Harry James, John James, Annie (Lank) James, Donald McKinnon, Mayor Ben Johnston, William (Harry) James, Marie James (baby), Clarice (Levick) James, Clifford James on Clarice's knee.

Children on ground (left to right): Eileen James, Gladys James, Dorothy James, ________, _________, _________, __________, _________ (son of Howard James), __________, ___________, ____________ (son of Howard James), _____________, Lila James, Mervil James, Helen James, Audrey James.

Article from The Orillia Packet & Times Summer 1937, exact date unknown

Mara Township

Over 100 Attend Family Re-union at Mara Farm

Many Orillians Among Those in Attendance at Gathering of James Clan.


The James Clan first re-union picnic, was held on Mount Pleasant Farm, Mara Township, last Wednesday, and was attended by approximately one hundred of the James' family, prominent pioneer family of the district. The farm on which the picnic was held was purchased by Edward James, the father of Mrs. George Allwell, the present owner, over seventy-five years ago.

The oldest guests on the occasion were, Mr. And Mrs. William James, 85 and 81 years of age respectively. This old couple are leaving the County on September the first to reside at Harrowsmith, Ontario.

Ex-Mayor J.B. Johnston of Orillia, was the only outsider invited and he was asked to say a few words in connection with Mr. And Mrs. James leaving town. Mr. Johnston as usual ably responded to this toast which was proposed by Ex-Alderman Harry James, of Orillia. Mr. Johnston related how he had known the couple for some forty-three years, all of which time both Mr. And Mrs. James were known to him as most charitable, industrious citizens.

There were present of the second generation besides Mr. James, Mrs. Isaac Reid of the 8th concession of North Orillia along with several members of her family. Among others of the James connection present were, Mr. and Mrs. Howard James and sons, Ross and Allan, of Midland, Ontario; Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hawke and two sons, of North Orillia; Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Annis, of Greenwood, Ont.; Mr.Harry James and daughter, Miss Irene, of Orillia; Miss Ruth Wainman; Mr. and Mrs. Johnston Downs and daughter, Miss Alice Downs; Mr. and Mrs.Chas. James, Ardtrea, Ont.; Mrs. Herbert Justin, nee Annie James, Orillia; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Allwell with their children Marjorie, Edith, Barbara and Ellen, of Atherley; Mr. Albert James, with daughters, Lettia, Helen and Audry and son Mervil, of Orillia; Miss Leta James, of Orillia; Misses Dorothy, Verna, Marie James, of R.R. No. 3, Orillia, and Melville James of the same address; Mr. and Mrs. George Allwell and son Harold, Atherley; Mr. and Mrs. D.C. McKinnon, R.R. 2, Atherley and their daughter Mary and son James J. McKinnon; Mr. and Mrs. George James, of R.R .2 Atherley with their family, Dorothy, Gladys, Joyce, Mary, William, and Arhtur James; Mr.and Mrs. John James, R.R. 1, Orillia; Mrs. Roy Tracey, Barrie, Ont., Mr. and Mrs.Harry James Jr., of Allandale with their three children, Mr. and Mrs.Chris Annis with daughters, Dora, Eva, Dorothy, of R.R. 3, Orillia, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hawk with daughter Edythe, and sons, Jackie and Clifford; Mr. and Mrs. John Ayers, daughter Laurine and son Billie, R.R. 3 Orillia; Misses Angus James, Thomas James, Howard James, Miss Maria James, of R.R. 2, Atherley; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph James, R.R. 2, Atherley; Mr. Harry Ayers, R.R. 4, Orillia; Mr. R.J. Reed, R.R. 3, Orillia; Mr. Gordon James of Guelph, with Mrs James and baby; Miss Evelyn, Bernice, Billy, Hilda James and Messrs. Lloyd, Reg, and Billie James, of Atherley; Mrs. Mildred Olson, nee Mildred Annis with daughter, Dorothy and sons, Martin and Kenneth Olson of R.R. 1 Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. William James, of Orillia; Mr. J.B. Johnston, Orillia.

The picnic was planned and carried to a successful conclusion by Ex-Alderman Harry James, of Orillia, assisted by Mrs George Allwell, of Atherley and Mrs Herbert Justin, of Orillia.

It was decided to hold another picnic next year at the same place and for that purpose the following officers were elected: President, Harry James; vice president, Mrs. Geo. Allwell; 2nd vice president, Mrs. Herbert Justin; 3rd vice president, Mrs. Isaac Reed; secretary, Mr. D.C. McKinnon; treasurer Mrs. D.C. McKinnon.

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