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Ancient Irish Churches & Monastic Sites

When St Patrick came to Ireland in the 5th century there were some small groups of Christians already here. Traditionally Patrick said his first mass in Down in the barn which became known as Saul. Throughout his years in Ireland Patrick founded many churches and appointed bishops over them. In the succeeding centuries these bishoprics were replaced by small monastic settlements many of which were in remote and isolated places such as islands. The churches erected on these sites were probably wooden or wattle structures and no traces of them have survived. We know the appearance of these churches from illustrations in the illuminated manuscripts and the carvings on the High Crosses. However none of these illustrations are earlier than the 8th century. The earliest stone churches probably date from the 9th century. These small churches developed from the simple part-mortared structures such as Gallarus Oratory, Kerry to the small vaulted churches found at Louth (St Mochta's) and Kells (St Columb's). Associated with these monastic sites are the richly decorated High Crosses and the tall slim Round Towers. Many of the later churches have doorways and chancel arches richly decorated in the Irish Romanesque style. In the middle of the 12th century Cistercian monks arrived from France to found the great monastery at Mellifont. This was a completely different type of monastery to the native foundations incorporating large churches and extensive living quarters close to the developing towns and cities. This change was accelerated by the Anglo-Norman incursion later in the century and resulted in a massive building programme which lasted until the Reformation. After the Dissolution most of the larger monasteries and friaries were allowed to decay with only a very small number of churches continuing in use until the present day. However during the past 50 years many of the ruined and abandoned churches have been restored and refurbished and are again in use for Divine Worship.

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List of Ancient Irish Churches & Monastic Sites